具体算法有两种:SAP(Single Pruning Box,单个剪枝盒)和MBP(Multi Pruning Box,多个剪枝盒)
SAP(Single Pruning Box,单个剪枝盒)
MBP(Multi Pruning Box,多个剪枝盒)
全局Default Broadphase Settings
注1:勾上Use MBPOn Client,并设置MBPBounds和MBPNum Subdivs的数值
注3:MBPNum Subdivs为2,即将MBPBounds划分成2x2,一共4个块
[/Script/Engine.PhysicsSettings] DefaultBroadphaseSettings=(bUseMBPOnClient=True,bUseMBPOnServer=False,bUseMBPOuterBounds=False,MBPBounds=(Min=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000),Max=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000),IsValid=0),MBPOuterBounds=(Min=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000),Max=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000),IsValid=0),MBPNumSubdivs=2)
在地图中可以覆写全局Default Broadphase Settings
void FPhysScene_PhysX::InitPhysScene(const AWorldSettings* Settings)
p.ForceMbpClient | Forces all created scenes to use MBP on client builds |
p.ForceMbpServer | Forces all created scenes to use MBP on server builds |
p.ForceNoKKPairs | Disables kinematic-kinematic pairs. This is required when using APEX destruction to correctly generate chunk pairs - when not using destruction this speeds up the broadphase by early rejecting KK pairs. |
p.ForceNoKSPairs | Disables kinematic-static pairs. This makes converting from static to dynamic a little slower - but provides better broadphase performance because we early reject those pairs. |
p.OverrideMbpNumSubdivisionsClient | Override for number of subdivisions to perform when building MBP regions on a client, note regions are only generated when a scene is created - this will not update the scene if it's already running (0 = No override, 1>16 - Override number) |
p.OverrideMbpNumSubdivisionsServer | Override for number of subdivisions to perform when building MBP regions on a server, note regions are only generated when a scene is created - this will not update the scene if it's already running (0 = No override, 1>16 - Override number) |
Dive Into PhysX Broad Phase In UE4
标签:pairs,BroadPhase,0.000000,when,碰撞检测,UE4,MBP,PhysX From: