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Reflective Journal III

时间:2024-05-19 15:42:18浏览次数:21  
标签:story process my Journal stories digital Reflective III film

(1)About my process of making digital stories: First, I choose a good story that I am familiar with and do a review. Second, begin to conceive the story outline, determine the narrative perspective tense and other basic elements. Then, write down the ideas in my head and form a fairly complete story. Then, use a word to polish. Then, collect the picture material, use the film cutting software for editing, add the animation subtitles background music and so on. In this way, a complete digital story is completed.
(2)The animations, sounds, videos, etc. that I choose in my videos are all developed according to the plot. For example, when the main character is having a fight, I will put the background music to create a tense atmosphere. In the end, when the hero is relieved, I will choose some light music, so that the audience can feel this ease and understand the truth of the story. As for the whole picture, the film itself is rich in color, so my digital story naturally mimics the original film.
(3)There were also challenges in the production process, such as subtitles not keeping up with the picture, not finding the right BGM, and it was also very time-consuming to cut the footage I wanted from the original film piece by piece.
(4)I learned how to tell stories from different perspectives, learned how to polish articles, and became more proficient with some basic editing!
(5)In my opinion, digital stories are more fashionable, vivid and infectious, convenient to understand and in line with the development trend of science and technology.
(6)I certainly have a positive attitude, I think the process of writing stories and cutting videos is also a very new and interesting process.
(7)Thank you.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lulu88/p/18200387


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