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Reflective Journal III

时间:2024-05-19 12:19:00浏览次数:20  
标签:story my Journal writing video digital Reflective III

Reflective Journal III

I thought of the story, called "Alice in Wonderland," that I'm familiar with when creating my digital story. Then, I watched a video about this story, which was both appealing and interesting. Inspired by it, I decided to imitate the approach used in producing that video. Afterwards, I gathered a variety of pictures based on the plot lines of the story. Using these images made my digital story more engaging. In my video, there is no background music because I couldn't find a piece that fit the video perfectly. Thus, the narration is only accompanied by a voice over, which might seem a bit boring. However, I believe the voice I included is filled with emotion, which can effectively captivate the audience.

Creating a digital story remains challenging for me. For example, finding ways to integrate certain modes effectively can be difficult. Additionally, there are numerous grammar errors and spelling mistakes in my story script.

I enjoy this form of Digital Media Composition (DMC) writing. As the saying goes, the difference between successful and unsuccessful people lies in their willingness to apply what they've learned. I think the process of making a digital story is a means of revisiting the knowledge I've acquired. Compared to traditional writing, crafting a digital story is more appealing and demanding. When making a digital story, I also practice my computer skills, which serves as a double benefit. Through this experience of creating a digital story, I've found several weaknesses in both writing and video production.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/1q-a/p/18200205


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