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Reflective Journal III

时间:2024-05-18 12:51:53浏览次数:19  
标签:use interesting Journal story production video digital Reflective III

​Through this study, I learned and made a digital story. First, choose a story. Then, prepare the narrative script and required pictures or video clips. After arranging all the pictures, add dubbing, subtitles and background music.
​In my digital story, I mainly use some special pictures to connect the whole story. At the same time, some video clips of Elsa singing let it go on the snowy mountain are used. This song is the highlight of the whole movie, so I use this video clip alone. Before and after this video clip, I use different background music, which was simple in the early stage and sad in the later stage. This also corresponds to the emotion conveyed by the story content.
​After studying,I personally made a digital story for the first time. I learned to use video production software and search the picture resources I needed effectively and accurately. At the same time, I also tried PS. In terms of challenges, I am not very good at adding subtitles and dubbing to videos. In terms of plot writing, I am not sure whether to describe it in detail or briefly. And the video production may be a little stiff.
​I think this DCM project is a very interesting and useful skill for me. I learnt many new things that I have never tried. This is an innovative experience for me.I really like it very much. Compared with traditional writing, digital stories are more interesting and easy to understand. The production process is also more interesting and can stimulate my creativity.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luan525418/p/18199235


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