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Reflective Journal III

时间:2024-05-19 14:40:54浏览次数:9  
标签:me story Journal writing video digital Reflective III view

I chose the story which I was going to tell at first. Then I identified the point of view of the story. I rewrote the story from a different point of view. To better present the story, I searched several pictures from the Internet. Next, I added the subtitles. After that, I recorded my own voice, dubbing the video. Finally, I chose the appropriate background music. All things prepared, by means of the editing app, the digital story was successfully produced.
Undoubtedly, there are some challenges when making the digital story. As a matter of fact, I am not good at editing. I have seldom edited a video before. Thus, it takes me a long time to make the digital story. I need to learn how to add the subtitles, dub and control the duration of the video.
Through the project, I have improved my writing and working skills. I gain a better understanding of the point of view of a story. And I learn to edit a video, though I’m not very familiar with it now. All these skills are of great significance to me.
Compared with traditional writing, making a digital story is able to combine various media such as text, picture, audio and video to make the story much more vivid and intuitive, which helps to evoke the audience’s interest and enhance their understanding of the story.
As far as I am concerned, I enjoy this form of DMC writing. It is a brand new form to me. I can improve my comprehensive abilities, which helps me become a fully developed person. I’m looking forward to learning more in the following days.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/kcy5734/p/18200313


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