create_matrix — Create a matrix. 创建一个矩阵
create_matrix( : : Rows, Columns, Value : MatrixID)
2.1 set_sub_matrix — Set a sub-matrix of a matrix. 设置矩阵的子矩阵
set_sub_matrix( : : MatrixID, MatrixSubID, Row, Column : )
2.2 solve_matrix — Compute the solution of a system of equations 计算方程组的解(计算线性方程组或线性最小二乘问题的解)
* This example programs shows how to use matrices in HALCON to * solve a system of equations. * The example generates a sequence of random points and fits * a quadratic function to these points. * 此示例程序展示了如何使用 HALCON 中的矩阵来 * 求解方程组。 * 该示例生成一系列随机点并拟合 * 这些点的二次函数。 dev_update_off () dev_close_window () Size := 500 dev_open_window (0, 0, Size, Size, 'white', WindowHandle) set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') dev_set_part (0, 0, Size - 1, Size - 1) * * Create a set of random points which lie approximately on * a second order curve * 创建一组随机点,这些点大约位于 * 二阶曲线 * X := [25:50:Size] Y := 15 + 0.4 * X + 0.001 * X * X * Y := Y + 40 * rand(|Y|) * * Show the point set * gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, Size - Y, X, 15, 0.785398) dev_set_color ('blue') dev_set_line_width (3) dev_display (Cross) disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Input point sequence', 'window', 70, 25, 'blue', 'false') disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true') stop () * * Now fit these points to a quadratic function of the form * * f(x) = a*x^2 + b*x + c * * This can be achieved by solving the system of equations * * Ax = B * * where each line in A consists of [X^2, X, 1], * and each line of B consist of the corresponding Y value * * If this system of equations is solved for x, x will contain * the parameters of the quadratic function: * * x = [a, b, c] ** * 现在将这些点拟合为形式的二次函数 * * f(x) = a*x^2 + b*x + c * * 这可以通过求解方程组来实现 * * Ax = B * * 其中 A 中的每一行由 [X^2, X, 1] 组成, * B 的每一行由相应的 Y 值组成 * * 如果求解 x 的方程组,则 x 将包含 * 二次函数的参数: * * x = [a, b, c] * * create_matrix (|X|, 3, 1.0, MatrixA) create_matrix (|X|, 1, X, MatrixACol1) create_matrix (|X|, 1, X * X, MatrixACol0) set_sub_matrix (MatrixA, MatrixACol1, 0, 1) set_sub_matrix (MatrixA, MatrixACol0, 0, 0) * create_matrix (|X|, 1, Y, MatrixB) solve_matrix (MatrixA, 'general', 0, MatrixB, MatrixX) * * Plot the approximated quadratic function *绘制近似二次函数 * Sequence := [0:1200] get_value_matrix (MatrixX, 0, 0, A) get_value_matrix (MatrixX, 1, 0, B) get_value_matrix (MatrixX, 2, 0, C) Distances := A * Sequence * Sequence + B * Sequence + C gen_contour_polygon_xld (Contour, Size - Distances, Sequence) dev_set_color ('forest green') dev_display (Contour) Message := 'Approximated quadratic function' Message[1] := 'f(x) = ' + A$'.2' + '*x^2 + ' + B$'.2' + '*x + ' + C$'.2' + '' disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 100, 25, 'forest green', 'false') disp_end_of_program_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
2.3 mult_element_matrix — Multiply matrices element-by-element. 计算矩阵的哈达玛积(基本积)
2.4 add_matrix_mod — Add two matrices.
2.5 sub_matrix — Subtract two matrices.
2.6 mult_matrix — Multiply two matrices. 两个矩阵相乘
mult_matrix( : : MatrixAID, MatrixBID, MultType : MatrixMultID)
********MultType ='AB'时
********MultType ='ATB'时
********MultType ='ABT'时
********MultType ='ATBT'时
2.7 invert_matrix — Invert a matrix. 获取矩阵逆
2.8 scale_matrix — Scale a matrix.
2.9 pow_scalar_element_matrix — Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix.
2.10 mean_matrix — Returns the elementwise mean of a matrix. 返回矩阵的元素均值。
mean_matrix( : : MatrixID, MeanType : MatrixMeanID)
2.11 sqrt_matrix_mod — Compute the square root values of the elements of a matrix. 计算矩阵元素的平方根值
2.12 get_full_matrix — Return all values of a matrix. 返回矩阵的所有值
2.13 set_value_matrix — Set one or more elements of a matrix.
标签:set,matrix,create,矩阵,dev,Halcon,Size,Matrix From: https://www.cnblogs.com/echo-efun/p/18046546