例 1
Suppose that customers are in line to receive service that is provided sequentially by a server; whenever a service is completed, the next person in line enters the service facility. However, each waiting customer will only wait an exponentially distributed time with rate \(θ\); if its service has not yet begun by this time then it will immediately depart the system. These exponential times, one for each waiting customer, are independent. In addition, the service times are independent exponential random variables with rate \(\mu\). Suppose that someone is presently being served and consider the person who is \(n_{th}\) in line.
(a) Find \(P_n\), the probability that this customer is eventually served.
(b) Find \(W_n\), the conditional expected amount of time this person spends waiting in
line given that she is eventually served.
问题a需要我们求第\(n\)个顾客最终接受服务的概率\(P_n\), 目标事件是这第\(n\)个顾客最终接受服务,而需要目标事件发生就需要前\(n-1\)个顾客耽搁的总时间不能超过第\(n\)个顾客的等待时间,也就是说第\(n\)个顾客的等待时间应该要比前面\(n-1\)个顾客耽搁的时间以及正在接受服务的那个人的剩余服务时间长。
\(\begin{align*}P_n = &P\{第n个人接受服务|第n个人的等待时间是最小值\}P\{第n个人的等待时间是最小值\}\\ &+P\{第n个人接受服务|第n个人的等待时间不是最小的\}P\{第n个人的等待时间不是最小的\}\end{align*}\)
其中容易看出第一项为0,而\(P\{第n个人的等待时间不是最小的\} = 1-P\{第n个人的等待时间是最小的\}\),而后一个概率对应于事件\(X_i=\min_j X_j\), 那么有
\(P\{第n个人的等待时间不是最小的\} = 1-\frac{\theta}{n\theta+\mu}=\frac{(n-1)\theta+\mu}{n\theta+\mu}\)
\(P_n = \frac{(n-1)\theta+\mu}{n\theta+\mu} P_{n-1}\)
\(P_n = \frac{\theta+\mu}{n\theta+\mu}P_1 = \frac{\theta+\mu}{n\theta+\mu} \frac{(1-1)\theta+\mu}{\theta+\mu} = \frac{\mu}{n\theta+\mu}\)
Let \(X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_m\) be independent exponential random variables with respective rates \(\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_m\), where \(\lambda_i\neq \lambda_j\) when \(i\neq j\). Let \(N\) be independent of these random variables and suppose that \(\sum_{n = 1}^m P_n = 1\) where \(P_n = P\{N =n\}\). The random variable \(Y = \sum_{j = 1}^N X_j\) is said to be a Coxian random variable. How is the probability density of Coxian random variable?
\(f_Y(t) = \sum_{n = 1}^m f_Y(t|N=n)P_n = \sum_{n = 1}^m P_n f_{X_1+X_2+\cdots+X_n}(t)\)
PS: Cox 随机变量一般以以下形式出现:假设一个部件必须经过\(m\)个时间段的处理才能修复,每一个时间段都有一个概率\(P_k\)使得该部件离开这个程序,如果假设部件通过相继的时间段的时间是指数随机变量,那么一个部件花费在这个程序中的总时间是一个Cox随机变量
标签:泊松,frac,随机变量,mu,等待时间,theta,顾客,例题,指数分布 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/siranlee/p/17378139.html