AI 学习笔记
Different types of Functions
Regression : The function outputs a scalar(标量).
- predict the PM2.5
Classification : Given options (classes), the function outputs the correct one.
- Spam filtering
Structured Learning : create something with structure(image, document)
Example : YouTube Channel
1.Function with Unknown Parameters.
\[y=b+wx_1 \]2.Define Loss from Training Data
- Loss is a function of parameters
- Loss : how good a set of values is.
- L is mean absolute error (MAE)
- L is mean square error (MSE)
\[w^*,b^*=arg\,\min_{w,b} \,L \]Gradient Descent
- (Randomly) Pick an initial value :
- Compute :
Negative : Increase w
Positive : Decrease w
\[\eta\frac {\partial L} {\partial w} |_{w=w_0} \]η:learning rate (hyperparameters)
- Update w iteratively
- Local minima
- global minima
Linear Models
Linear models have severe limitation. Model Bias.
We need a more flexible model!
curve = constant + sum of a set of Hard Sigmoid Function
\[y=c\frac {1} {1+exp(-(b+wx_1))} \\ =csigmoid(b+wx_1) \]\[y=b+\sum_{i}sigmoid(b_i+w_ix_i) \]\[y=b+\sum_{i}sigmoid(b_i+\sum_{j}w_{ij}x_j) \]线性代数角度:
\[r=b+Wx \]\[a=\sigma(r) \]\[y=b+c^Ta \]Loss
- Loss is a function of parameters L(θ)
- Loss means how good a set of values is.
Optimization of New Model
\[\theta= \begin{bmatrix} \theta_1 \\ \theta_2 \\ \theta_3 \\ \dots \end{bmatrix} \]\[\theta=arg \min_\theta L \]- (Randomly) Pick initial values θ^0
1 epoch = see all the batched once
update : update θ for each batch
Sigmoid -> ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
统称为 Activation function
Neural Network