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函数间断点 | 可去间断点 / 第一类间断点 / 第二类间断点 / 狄利克雷函数和黎曼函数示例

时间:2025-01-16 17:57:24浏览次数:3  
标签:mathbb function frac 函数 示例 text 间断 lim cases


Basic Definitions and Examples



Definition 5:If a point of discontinuity a ∈ E a\in E a∈E of the function f : E → R f:E\to\mathbb{R} f:E→R is such that there exists a continuous function f ~ : E → R \tilde{f}:E\to\mathbb{R} f~​:E→R such that f ∣ E \ a = f ~ ∣ E \ a f|_{E\backslash a}=\tilde{f}|_{E\backslash a} f∣E\a​=f~​∣E\a​ , then a a a is called a removable discontinuity of the function f f f .

定义 5:如果函数 f : E → R f:E\to\mathbb{R} f:E→R 存在不连续点 a ∈ E a\in E a∈E ,并且存在一个连续函数 f ~ : E → R \tilde{f}:E\to\mathbb{R} f~​:E→R ,使得 f f f 在 E ∖ { a } E\setminus\{a\} E∖{a} (即集合 E E E 中去掉元素 a a a )上的限制等于 f ~ \tilde{f} f~​ 在 E ∖ { a } E\setminus\{a\} E∖{a} 上的限制,那么 a a a 就被称作函数 f f f 的可去间断点。

Thus a removable discontinuity is characterized by the fact that the limit lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a f ( x ) = A \lim_{E\ni x\to a}f(x)=A limE∋x→a​f(x)=A exists, but A ≠ f ( a ) A\neq f(a) A​=f(a) , and it suffices to set

f ~ ( x ) = { f ( x ) for  x ∈ E , x ≠ a A for  x = a \tilde{f}(x)=\begin{cases} f(x) & \text{for }x\in E,x\neq a\\ A & \text{for }x = a \end{cases} f~​(x)={f(x)A​for x∈E,x​=afor x=a​
in order to obtain a function f ~ : E → R \tilde{f}:E\to\mathbb{R} f~​:E→R that is continuous at a a a .

因此,可去间断点的特点在于极限 lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a f ( x ) = A \lim_{E\ni x\to a}f(x)=A limE∋x→a​f(x)=A 是存在的,但 A A A 不等于 f ( a ) f(a) f(a) ,并且只需设定

f ~ ( x ) = { f ( x ) 对于  x ∈ E 且 x ≠ a A 对于  x = a \tilde{f}(x)=\begin{cases} f(x) & \text{对于 }x\in E且x\neq a\\ A & \text{对于 }x = a \end{cases} f~​(x)={f(x)A​对于 x∈E且x​=a对于 x=a​

这样就能得到一个在 a a a 点连续的函数 f ~ : E → R \tilde{f}:E\to\mathbb{R} f~​:E→R 。

Example 10:The function

f ( x ) = { sin ⁡ 1 x , for  x ≠ 0 0 , for  x = 0 f(x)=\begin{cases} \sin\frac{1}{x}, & \text{for }x\neq 0\\ 0, & \text{for }x = 0 \end{cases} f(x)={sinx1​,0,​for x​=0for x=0​
is discontinuous at 0. Moreover, it does not even have a limit as x → 0 x\to 0 x→0 , since, as was shown Example 5 in Sect. 3.2.1, lim ⁡ x → 0 sin ⁡ 1 x \lim_{x\to 0}\sin\frac{1}{x} limx→0​sinx1​ does not exist. The graph of the function sin ⁡ 1 x \sin\frac{1}{x} sinx1​ is shown in Fig. 4.1.

例 10:函数

f ( x ) = { sin ⁡ 1 x , 当  x ≠ 0 0 , 当  x = 0 f(x)=\begin{cases} \sin\frac{1}{x}, & \text{当 }x\neq 0\\ 0, & \text{当 }x = 0 \end{cases} f(x)={sinx1​,0,​当 x​=0当 x=0​
在 0 0 0 点是不连续的。而且,当 x x x 趋向于 0 0 0 时它甚至没有极限,因为正如在 3.2.1 节例 5 中所展示的那样, lim ⁡ x → 0 sin ⁡ 1 x \lim_{x\to 0}\sin\frac{1}{x} limx→0​sinx1​ 这个极限是不存在的。函数 sin ⁡ 1 x \sin\frac{1}{x} sinx1​ 的图像如图 4.1 所示。

Examples 8, 9 and 10 explain the following terminology.

例 8、9 和 10 解释了以下术语。

Definition 6:The point a ∈ E a\in E a∈E is called a discontinuity of first kind for the function f : E → R f:E\to\mathbb{R} f:E→R if the following limits 2 ^2 2 exist:
lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a − 0 f ( x ) : = f ( a − 0 ) , lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a + 0 f ( x ) : = f ( a + 0 ) , \lim_{E\ni x\to a - 0}f(x):=f(a - 0),\quad\lim_{E\ni x\to a + 0}f(x):=f(a + 0), limE∋x→a−0​f(x):=f(a−0),limE∋x→a+0​f(x):=f(a+0),
but at least one of them is not equal to the value f ( a ) f(a) f(a) that the function assumes at a a a .

定义 6:对于函数 f : E → R f:E\to\mathbb{R} f:E→R 来说,如果点 a ∈ E a\in E a∈E 满足以下极限 2 ^2 2 存在:

lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a − 0 f ( x ) : = f ( a − 0 ) (这里 lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a − 0 f ( x ) 表示 x 从 a 的左侧趋近于 a 时 f ( x ) 的极限,记为 f ( a − 0 ) ) , \lim_{E\ni x\to a - 0}f(x):=f(a - 0)\text{(这里}\lim_{E\ni x\to a - 0}f(x)\text{表示}x\text{从}a\text{的左侧趋近于}a\text{时}f(x)\text{的极限,记为}f(a - 0)\text{)}, limE∋x→a−0​f(x):=f(a−0)(这里limE∋x→a−0​f(x)表示x从a的左侧趋近于a时f(x)的极限,记为f(a−0)),

lim ⁡ E ∋ x → a + 0 f ( x ) : = f ( a + 0 ) (表示 x 从 a 的右侧趋近于 a 时 f ( x ) 的极限,记为 f ( a + 0 ) ) , \lim_{E\ni x\to a + 0}f(x):=f(a + 0)\text{(表示}x\text{从}a\text{的右侧趋近于}a\text{时}f(x)\text{的极限,记为}f(a + 0)\text{)}, limE∋x→a+0​f(x):=f(a+0)(表示x从a的右侧趋近于a时f(x)的极限,记为f(a+0)), 但至少其中一个极限值不等于函数 f f f 在 a a a 点所取的值 f ( a ) f(a) f(a) ,那么点 a a a 就被称为函数 f f f 的第一类间断点。

2 ^2 2 If a a a is a discontinuity, then a a a must be a limit point of the set E E E . It may happen, however, that all the points of E E E in some neighborhood of a a a lie on one side of a a a . In that case, only one of the limits in this definition is considered.

2 ^2 2 如果 a a a 是一个间断点,那么 a a a 必定是集合 E E E 的极限点。然而,有可能出现这样的情况:在 a a a 的某个邻域内,集合 E E E 中的所有点都位于 a a a 的一侧。在这种情况下,此定义中只考虑这两个极限(即左极限和右极限)中的一个。

Definition 7:If a ∈ E a\in E a∈E is a point of discontinuity of the function f : E → R f:E\to\mathbb{R} f:E→R and at least one of the two limits in Definition 6 does not exist, then a a a is called a discontinuity of second kind.

定义 7:如果 a ∈ E a\in E a∈E 是函数 f : E → R f:E\to\mathbb{R} f:E→R 的一个间断点,并且定义6中的两个极限(即左极限和右极限)至少有一个不存在,那么 a a a 就被称作第二类间断点。

Thus what is meant is that every point of discontinuity that is not a discontinuity of first kind is automatically a discontinuity of second kind.


Let us present two more classical examples.


Example 11:The function

D ( x ) = { 1 , if  x ∈ Q 0 , if  x ∈ R \ Q \mathcal{D}(x)=\begin{cases} 1, & \text{if }x\in\mathbb{Q}\\ 0, & \text{if }x\in\mathbb{R}\backslash\mathbb{Q} \end{cases} D(x)={1,0,​if x∈Qif x∈R\Q​
is called the Dirichlet function. 3 ^3 3

D ( x ) = { 1 , 若  x ∈ Q ( 即 x 是 有 理 数 ) 0 , 若  x ∈ R ∖ Q ( 即 x 是 无 理 数 ) \mathcal{D}(x)=\begin{cases} 1, & \text{若 }x\in\mathbb{Q}(即x是有理数)\\ 0, & \text{若 }x\in\mathbb{R}\setminus\mathbb{Q}(即x是无理数) \end{cases} D(x)={1,0,​若 x∈Q(即x是有理数)若 x∈R∖Q(即x是无理数)​

被称作狄利克雷函数。 3 ^3 3

This function is discontinuous at every point, and obviously all of its discontinuities are of second kind, since in every interval there are both rational and irrational numbers.


Example 12:Consider the Riemann function 4 ^4 4

R ( x ) = { 1 n , if  x = m n ∈ Q ,  where  m n  is in lowest terms , n ∈ N 0 , if  x ∈ R \ Q \mathcal{R}(x)=\begin{cases} \frac{1}{n}, & \text{if }x=\frac{m}{n}\in\mathbb{Q},\text{ where }\frac{m}{n}\text{ is in lowest terms}, n\in\mathbb{N}\\ 0, & \text{if }x\in\mathbb{R}\backslash\mathbb{Q} \end{cases} R(x)={n1​,0,​if x=nm​∈Q, where nm​ is in lowest terms,n∈Nif x∈R\Q​

例 12:考虑黎曼函数 4 ^4 4

R ( x ) = { 1 n , 若  x = m n ∈ Q ( 即 x 是 有 理 数 , 且 m n 是 最 简 分 数 形 式 , n ∈ N ) 0 , 若  x ∈ R ∖ Q ( 即 x 是 无 理 数 ) \mathcal{R}(x)=\begin{cases} \frac{1}{n}, & \text{若 }x=\frac{m}{n}\in\mathbb{Q}(即x是有理数,且\frac{m}{n}是最简分数形式,n\in\mathbb{N})\\ 0, & \text{若 }x\in\mathbb{R}\setminus\mathbb{Q}(即x是无理数) \end{cases} R(x)={n1​,0,​若 x=nm​∈Q(即x是有理数,且nm​是最简分数形式,n∈N)若 x∈R∖Q(即x是无理数)​

We remark that for any point a ∈ R a\in\mathbb{R} a∈R , any bounded neighborhood U ( a ) U(a) U(a) of it, and any number N ∈ N N\in\mathbb{N} N∈N , the neighborhood U ( a ) U(a) U(a) contains only a finite number of rational numbers m n \frac{m}{n} nm​ , m ∈ Z m\in\mathbb{Z} m∈Z , n ∈ N n\in\mathbb{N} n∈N , with n < N n < N n<N .

我们要指出的是,对于任意实数 a ∈ R a\in\mathbb{R} a∈R ,它的任意有界邻域 U ( a ) U(a) U(a) 以及任意自然数 N ∈ N N\in\mathbb{N} N∈N ,邻域 U ( a ) U(a) U(a) 中只包含有限个有理数 m n \frac{m}{n} nm​ (其中 m ∈ Z m\in\mathbb{Z} m∈Z , n ∈ N n\in\mathbb{N} n∈N 并且 n < N n < N n<N )。

By shrinking the neighborhood, one can then assume that the denominators of all rational numbers in the neighborhood (except possibly for the point a a a itself if a ∈ Q a\in\mathbb{Q} a∈Q ) are larger than N N N . Thus at any point x ∈ U ˙ ( a ) x\in\dot{U}(a) x∈U˙(a) we have ∣ R ( x ) ∣ < 1 / N |\mathcal{R}(x)| < 1/N ∣R(x)∣<1/N .

通过缩小这个邻域,我们可以假定邻域内(除了可能的点 a a a 本身,如果 a a a 是有理数的话)所有有理数的分母都大于 N N N 。因此,对于任意点 x ∈ U ˙ ( a ) x\in\dot{U}(a) x∈U˙(a) (这里 U ˙ ( a ) \dot{U}(a) U˙(a) 表示去心邻域),我们有 ∣ R ( x ) ∣ < 1 / N |\mathcal{R}(x)| < 1/N ∣R(x)∣<1/N 。

We have thereby shown that

lim ⁡ x → a R ( x ) = 0 \lim_{x\to a}\mathcal{R}(x)=0 limx→a​R(x)=0

at any point a ∈ R \ Q a\in\mathbb{R}\backslash\mathbb{Q} a∈R\Q . Hence the Riemann function is continuous at any irrational number. At the remaining points, that is, at points x ∈ Q x\in\mathbb{Q} x∈Q , the function is discontinuous, except at the point x = 0 x = 0 x=0 , and all of these discontinuities are discontinuities of first kind.

由此我们证明了,对于任意无理数点 a ∈ R ∖ Q a\in\mathbb{R}\setminus\mathbb{Q} a∈R∖Q ,都有 lim ⁡ x → a R ( x ) = 0 \lim_{x\to a}\mathcal{R}(x)=0 limx→a​R(x)=0 。因此,黎曼函数在任意无理数点处是连续的。在其余的点,也就是有理数点 x ∈ Q x\in\mathbb{Q} x∈Q 处,该函数是不连续的,除了 x = 0 x = 0 x=0 这一点,并且这些间断点都是第一类间断点。

3 ^3 3 P.G. Dirichlet (1805–1859) – great German mathematician, an analyst who occupied the post of professor ordinarius at Göttingen University after the death of Gauss in 1855.

3 ^3 3 P.G.狄利克雷(1805 - 1859)——伟大的德国数学家,分析学家,在1855年高斯去世后,他担任哥廷根大学正教授这一职位。

4 ^4 4 B.F. Riemann (1826–1866) – outstanding German mathematician whose ground-breaking works laid the foundations of whole areas of modern geometry and analysis.

4 ^4 4 B.F.黎曼(1826 - 1866)——杰出的德国数学家,他那些开创性的工作为现代几何和分析的多个领域奠定了基础。

via: Zorich

From: https://blog.csdn.net/u013669912/article/details/145121180


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