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NEKN96 Linear Regression

时间:2024-09-29 11:27:11浏览次数:1  
标签:Linear random eps Regression add OLS NEKN96 np regression

Homework Assignment 1 Linear Regression



  1. Upload the HWA in .zip format to Canvas before the 2nd of October, 23:59, and onlyupload one HWA for each group. The .zip file should contain two parts:

- A report in .pdf format, which will be corrected.- The code you used to create the output/estimates for the report. The code itself willnot be graded/corrected and is only required to confirm your work. The easiest is to addthe whole project folder you used to the zip file.1 However, if you have used online tools,sharing a link to your work is also fine.2

  1. The assignment should be done in groups of 3-4 people, pick groups atCanvas People Groups.3
  1. Double-check that each group member’s name and ID number are included in the .pdf file.
  2. To receive your final grade on the course, a PASS is required on this HWA.

- If a revision is required, the comments must be addressed, and an updated version shouldbe mailed to [email protected]. However, you are only guaranteed an additionalevaluation of the assignment in connection to an examination period.4You will have a lot of flexibility in how you want to solve each part of theassignment, and all thingsthat are required to get a PASS are denoted in bullet points:

❼ . . .Beware, some things require a lot of work, but you should still only include the final table or figure

and not all intermediary steps. If uncertain, add a sentence or two about how you reached yourconclusions, but do not add supplementary material. Only include the tables/figures explicitly askedfor in代 写NEKN96 Linear Regression  the bullet points.Good Luck!✯[email protected]

❸Before uploading the code, copy-paste the project folder to a new directory and try to re-run it. Does it still work?2Make sure the repository/link is public/working before sharing it.3Rare exceptions can be made if required. In that case, [email protected] as soon as possible.4Next is the retake on December 12th, 2024.1NEKN96


Our goal is to put into practice the separation of population vs. sample using a linear regression

model. This hands-on approach will allow us to generate a sample from a known Population RegressionFunction (PRF) and observe how breakages of the GaussMarkov assumptions can affect our sampleestimates.We will assume that the PRF is:

Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + ε (1)

However, to break the assumptions, we need to add:

A0: Non-linearities

A2: Heteroscedasticity

A4: Endogeneity

A7: Non-normality in a small sample

A3 autocorrelation will be covered in HWA2, time-series modelling.

Q1 - All Assumptions Fulfilled

Let’s generate a ”correct” linear regression model. Generate a PRF with the parameters:α = 0.7, β1 = 1, β2 = 2, β3 = 0.5, ε N(0, 4), Xi iidN(0, 1). (2)The example code is also available in Canvas Setup Parametersn = 30

p = 3beta = [ -1, 2, 0.5]

alpha = 0.7

Simulate X and Y, using normally distributed errors5np . random . seed ( seed =96)

X = np . random . normal ( loc =0, scale =1, size =( n , p ))

eps = np . random . normal ( loc =0, scale =2, size = n )

y = alpha + X @ beta + eps

Run the correctly specified linear regression modelresult_OLS = OLS ( endog =y , exog = add_constant ( X )). fit ()result_OLS . summary ()

❼ Add a well-formatted summary table

❼ Interpret the estimate of βˆ 2 and the R2 .5

Important: The np.random.seed() will ensure that we all get the same result. In other words, ensure that we areusing the ”correct” seed and that we don’t generate anything else ”random” before this simulation.2NEKN96

❼ In a paragraph, discuss if the estimates are consistent with the population regression function.Why, why not?

❼ Re-run the model, increasing the sample size to n = 10000. In a paragraph, explain what happensto the parameter estimates, and why doesn’t R2 get closer and closer to 1 as n increases?

Q2 - Endogeneity

What if we (wrongly) assume that the PRF is:Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + ε

(3)Use the same seed and setup as in Q1, and now estimate both the ”correct” and the ”wrong” model:

result_OLS = OLS ( endog =y , exog = add_constant ( X )). fit ()

result_OLS . summary ()

result_OLS_endog = OLS ( endog =y , exog = add_constant ( X [: ,0:2 ])). fit ()

result_OLS_endog . summary ()

❼ Shouldn’t this imply an omitted variable bias? Show mathematically why it won’t be a problemin this specific setup (see lecture notes ”Part 2 - Linear Regression”).

Q3 - Non-Normality and Non-Linearity

Let’s simulate a sample of n = 3000, keeping the same parameters, but adding kurtosis and skewnessto the error terms:6n = 3000X = np . random . normal ( loc =0, scale =1, size =( n , p ))

eps = np . random . normal ( loc =0, scale =2, size = n )

eps_KU = np . sign ( eps ) * eps **2

eps_SKandKU_tmp = np . where ( eps_KU > 0, eps_KU , eps_KU *2)

eps_SKandKU = eps_SKandKU_tmp - np . mean ( eps_SKandKU_tmp )

Now make the dependent variable into a non-linear relationshipy_exp = np . exp ( alpha + X @ beta + eps_SKandKU )

❼ Create three figures:

  1. Scatterplot of y exp against x 1
  2. Scatterplot of ln(y exp) against x 1
  3. plt.plot(eps SKandKU)The figure(s) should have a descriptive caption, and all labels and titles should be clear to the

reader.Estimate two linear regression models:6

The manual addition of kurtosis and skewness will make E [ε] = 0, so we need to remove the average from the errors

to ensure that the exogeneity assumption is still fulfilled.

3NEKN96res_OLS_nonLinear = OLS ( endog = y_exp , exog = add_constant ( X )). fit ()res_OLS_transformed = OLS ( endog = np . log ( y_exp ) , exog = add_constant ( X )). fit ()

❼ Add the regression tables of the non-transformed and transformed regressions

❼ In a paragraph, does the transformed model fit the population regression function?Finally, re-run the simulations and transformed estimation with a small sample, n = 30

❼ Add the regression table of the transformed small-sample estimate

❼ Now, re-do this estimate several times7 and observe how the parameter estimates behave. Dothe non-normal errors seem to be a problem in this spot?

Hint: Do the parameters seem centered around the population values? Do we reject H0 : βi = 0?

❼ In a paragraph, discuss why assuming a non-normal distribution makes it hard to find thedistributional form under a TRUE null hypothesis, H0 Distribution?

Hint: Why is the central limit theorem key for most inferences?

Q4 - Heteroscedasticity Suggest a way to create heteroscedasticity in the population regression function.8

❼ Write down the updated population regression function in mathematical notation

❼ Estimate the regression function assuming homoscedasticity (as usual)

❼ Adjust the standard errors using a Heteroscedastic Autocorrelated Consistent (HAC) estimator(clearly state which HAC estimator you use)

❼ Add the tables of both the unadjusted and adjusted estimates

❼ In a paragraph, discuss if the HAC adjustment to the standard errors makes sense given the

way you created the heteroscedasticity. Did the HAC adjustment seem to fix the problem?Hint: Bias? Efficient?

7Using a random seed for each estimate.8Tip: Double-check by simulating the model and plotting the residuals against one of the regressors. Does it lookheteroscedastic?

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wx--codinghelp/p/18438791


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