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Reflective Journal Final

时间:2024-06-21 21:21:52浏览次数:12  
标签:media Journal writing multimodal also digital Reflective my Final

1.Initially, I thought that digital multimodal writing simply combines traditional text writing with multimedia elements such as images, audio, video, etc. However, as I explored this field more deeply, I came to realize that digital multimodal writing is much more than that. It is actually a cross-media, cross-platform way of writing, which creates a richer, three-dimensional and immersive reading experience by integrating multiple media elements.

2.In the process of learning digital multimodal writing, I faced many challenges. First of all, how to effectively integrate multiple media elements and make them form an organic connection and echo is a key problem that I need to solve. Secondly, since digital multimodal writing involves multiple technologies and platforms, I need to constantly learn and master new skills and tools. Finally, how to improve the efficiency of creation while ensuring the quality of the work is also a difficult problem that I need to overcome.To overcome these challenges, I actively sought help and guidance, browsing through relevant training and courses. At the same time, I also pay attention to practice and reflection, and gradually improve my digital multimodal writing ability through continuous experimentation and summarizing lessons learned.

3.In digital multimodal writing, the impact of different communication styles on the work is obvious. For example, interaction and feedback with readers can help me better understand their needs and preferences, so I can adjust my creative direction and strategy. At the same time, communication and collaboration with partners can also help me get more ideas and inspiration, and jointly promote the creation and development of my works.

4.In the process of creation, I deeply realized the importance of creativity and inspiration. A good idea or inspiration can spark my creative passion and lead me to constantly explore and experiment with new ways of expression and style. At the same time, I also realized that I need to maintain patience and perseverance in the creative process, and constantly overcome difficulties and challenges in order to finally complete an excellent digital multimodal work.

5.In the course, I think the most valuable aspect is the mastery of the basic theoretical and practical skills of digital multimodal writing. Through study and practice, I not only learned the concepts and characteristics of digital multimodal writing, but also mastered the skills and methods of integrating multiple media elements. At the same time, I also learned how to communicate and collaborate effectively with readers and partners to inform my digital multimodal writing

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ryann464/p/18261339


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