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Reflective Journal Final

时间:2024-06-20 19:43:19浏览次数:11  
标签:very media Journal writing multimodal semester digital Reflective Final

First of all, I would like to thank my teachers, Liu Fulan and Zhou Mengchen, for their guidance throughout the semester. I am also very grateful to the teachers for giving me this opportunity to learn digital multimodal writing systematically. Although I only learned the basics this semester, it was still very useful.

Digital multimodal writing is a writing style that uses multiple media and symbol systems to convey information and meaning. I think its important characteristics are: 1. the integration of multiple media, 2. the multi-dimensional transmission of information, 3. the strong interaction between readers and creators, and 4. the comparison of new writing creation models with traditional writing. In the era of digital media convergence, in fact, everyone of us has more or less been exposed to digital multimodal writing, but we have not paid too much attention to this professional concept. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to teachers Liu Fulan and Zhou Mengchen for their guidance over the past semester. I am also very grateful for the opportunity they have given me to engage in systematic learning of digital multimodal writing. Although I have only learned a little this semester, I am still very useful.

The digital multimodal works we can perceive, such as in the advertising field, using video and social media copy; In the field of education, animation videos+interactive textbooks+online testing; In the entertainment industry, self media small videos. We can have a richer and more vivid reading experience. By utilizing these resources, we can quickly understand them and improve our work efficiency.

I understand the composition of digital multimodal writing, analyze different works, and appreciate the deep meaning of the author. For example, I have analyze the "the three-body problem", reflecting in different angles, shots, distances and so on.

Secondly, through learning, I can also create digital multimodal writing in a planned way. Firstly, I write a draft of the composition, and then through reflection, I make secondary revisions to ensure that it is more suitable for digital video production subtitles. Then, using video editing software, I write a digital story that is more suitable for readers.Finally, I learned how to us COCA, which is vary useful and necessary.

I am glad to participate in this journey.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/QINGLIN-Iris/p/18259377


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