首页 > 其他分享 >外肢体与协作机器人,移动机器人,外骨骼机器人的区别


时间:2024-05-21 13:30:42浏览次数:19  
标签:外骨骼 tasks additional 机器人 robots 移动机器人 arms human robotic



How supernumerary robotic arms differ from collabrative robots, mobile robots (robotic arms mounted on AGV) and exoskeletons? Is there any task that supernumerary robotic arms can do but others don't. Tasks that are urgent and of important to tackle is preferred.  



Supernumerary robotic arms (SRAs) are designed to augment human capabilities by providing additional limbs that can be controlled independently or semi-independently by the user. These are distinct from collaborative robots, mobile robots, and exoskeletons in several ways:

Differences from Other Robotic Systems

  1. Collaborative Robots (Cobots):

    • Purpose: Cobots are designed to work alongside humans in a shared workspace, enhancing productivity and safety.
    • Operation: Typically, cobots perform repetitive tasks and can be programmed to interact safely with human workers.
    • Use Case: Assembly lines, pick-and-place tasks, and quality control in manufacturing.
  2. Mobile Robots (Robotic Arms Mounted on AGVs):

    • Purpose: These robots combine the mobility of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) with the dexterity of robotic arms to perform tasks in dynamic environments.
    • Operation: They can navigate through warehouses, factories, or hospitals to transport goods, conduct inspections, or provide assistance.
    • Use Case: Logistics, warehouse automation, and dynamic pick-and-place tasks in varied locations.
  3. Exoskeletons:

    • Purpose: Exoskeletons are wearable devices that enhance human strength, endurance, or rehabilitation by supporting or augmenting human movement.
    • Operation: They can be passive or powered and are designed to follow the natural movements of the human body.
    • Use Case: Medical rehabilitation, industrial lifting tasks, and enhancing mobility for individuals with disabilities.

Unique Capabilities of Supernumerary Robotic Arms

  1. Enhanced Multi-tasking:

    • SRAs can perform tasks simultaneously with the human operator’s natural limbs, significantly enhancing multi-tasking capabilities.
    • Example: An SRA could hold a tool or object in place while the user’s hands perform detailed tasks, such as assembly or surgery.
  2. Improved Ergonomics and Safety:

    • SRAs can take over tasks that require awkward or strenuous postures, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
    • Example: In industrial settings, an SRA could perform overhead work or tasks in confined spaces, reducing physical strain on workers.
  3. Increased Precision and Stability:

    • SRAs can provide additional stability or support during delicate operations, improving precision and reducing human error.
    • Example: In surgical procedures, an SRA could assist by holding instruments or tissues steady, allowing the surgeon to focus on critical actions.
  4. Emergency Response and Disaster Relief:

    • SRAs can be particularly useful in emergency scenarios where time-sensitive and complex tasks are required.
    • Example: During disaster relief operations, an SRA could assist a human operator in navigating hazardous environments, clearing debris, or providing medical assistance.

Tasks Suited for Supernumerary Robotic Arms

  • Medical and Surgical Assistance: Assisting surgeons with holding tools or tissues during complex procedures, potentially reducing surgery times and improving outcomes.
  • Space Missions: Assisting astronauts with maintenance and repair tasks in space where dexterity and additional limbs can be highly advantageous.
  • Hazardous Environments: Performing tasks in environments that are dangerous for humans, such as handling hazardous materials, working in extreme temperatures, or dealing with radioactive substances.
  • Advanced Manufacturing: Assisting in precision assembly, welding, or inspection tasks where additional stability and precision are crucial.

In summary, while collaborative robots, mobile robots, and exoskeletons each have their specialized applications, supernumerary robotic arms uniquely augment human capabilities by providing additional limbs that can enhance multi-tasking, improve ergonomics, increase precision, and assist in critical tasks in hazardous or high-stakes environments.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhengshufang/p/18203790


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