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Reflective Journal II

时间:2024-04-14 11:23:15浏览次数:20  
标签:my Journal some II video text Reflective presentation more

Regarding the material, considering my student status, I think it is more appropriate to write my best friend. When she was a student, she had even more companions than her parents. I chose visual, sound and video form insertion to better enrich my presentation content. Connect it with the text of the transition paragraph. There are also some challenges of doing such a video presentation, like finding some elements with a long history, using a rule to compose the pieces of memories or how to balance the theme and atmosphere. To make a presentation, we must notice some details like protagonist and apperance. A video presentation will be more intuitive than traditional writing. It can express the feelings that text cannot present through pictures and videos, etc., which is more conductive to getting closer to the reader. I enjoy this form of DMC writing very much.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/QINGLIN-Iris/p/18133888


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