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Reflective Journal II

时间:2024-04-13 20:11:07浏览次数:31  
标签:content videos Journal II Reflective more

Reflective Journal II

(1) Firstly, I found a pointpower template on a PPT website. Then I put the written composition into the template. What's more, I looked for related videos online to add to the pointpower.

(2) I combine video with text content. I think the video clearly and intuitively expresses the content of the text

(3) I can't read fluently enough. My intonation is not appropriate. The organization of the content is a challenge for me. I am not skilled enough in making point power

(4) I should practice speaking English more. I learned some ways to beautify powerpoint. I learned how to organize clearly.

(5) I would consciously organize the content to be more logical.Secondly, videos provide a dynamic and interactive learning experience, allowing viewers to visually understand and retain information better. Finally, videos can include audio, visuals, and animations, making them more engaging and memorable than traditional written material.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuanxx123/p/18133307


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