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Reflective Journal II

时间:2024-04-13 17:26:13浏览次数:29  
标签:semotic presentation Journal writing II video ppt Reflective my

1.the progress: First I chose a person who has a great impact on me. Next, I made a outline containing several main points i want to express. After that I began to reminisce what happened between us. Then i started to make my ppt and add some animation effects,photos as well as background music to embellish it. Finally, i began my video presentation. Eventually i made it.
2.In my ppt, i took advantage of some semotic choices including photos, animation effects and background music. It made my ppt more vivid,absorbed and unique. I transformed my photos into cartoon format in order to match my overall style. As to the background music, i chose Lucky Me, which echoed the theme of ppt. I felt lucky to meet my best friend. I added animations between slides, making slides smoother.
3.Challenges: As for me, the greatest difficulty of doing such a video presentation is its content. Maybe I lack the accumulation of vocabulary for narrative writing. For example, i don't exactly know how to describe a person's characteristics and how to narrate concrete details of an event.
4.Through preparation of this video presentation, i have learned how to apply those semotic choices to my writing, which played a significant role in my writing. Besides, i practiced my pronunciation when i recorded my video.
5.Compared with traditional writing, a video presentation is a modern teaching style. Personally speaking, i think traditional writing is just characters, which is humdrum and can't arouse others' interest. On the contrary, the video presentation is more vivid and absorbed with the help of visually and auditorily semotic choices, which can be widely accepted.
6.Undoubtedly, i enjoy this form of DMC writing and i will apply this writing style to my future writing continuously.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mmq123456/p/18133087


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