首页 > 其他分享 >Linphone callState 电话状态的监听状态(一)

Linphone callState 电话状态的监听状态(一)

时间:2023-05-29 14:37:13浏览次数:42  
标签:状态 lc state callState State call param LinphoneCore Linphone

0. 阅读指南

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1. 说明

LinphoneService有个重要的机制, 就是通过注册LinphoneCoreListener的实例, 当Linphone的状态发声变化的时候, 会回调相应的方法. 然后linphone上层会做相应的处理.]

为了更好的分析整个linphone, 现在这个LinphoneCoreListener注册回调机制是怎么也躲不过去了.


Linphone callState 电话状态的监听状态(一)_监听状态

图2.1是通过Android studio进行查找addListener调用的地方, 说明了, 这些方法一旦实例化, 便注册了addListener(), 一旦linphone有变化, 这些类就做做出相应的处理.

2. 回调都需要什么

2.1 LinphoneCoreListener.java


直接看注释, 我中文稍微翻译一下

package org.linphone.core;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

 *This interface holds all callbacks that the application should implement. None is mandatory.
 * 这个接口是接收回调, 但不是强制的.
public interface LinphoneCoreListener {

     * @deprecated
     * Ask the application some authentication information
    void authInfoRequested(LinphoneCore lc, String realm, String username, String domain);

     * Ask the application some authentication information
     * 询问一下有什么验证信息
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param authInfo a LinphoneAuthInfo pre-filled with username, realm and domain values as much as possible
     * @param method the type of authentication requested (HttpDigest, Tls, ...)
    void authenticationRequested(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneAuthInfo authInfo, LinphoneCore.AuthMethod method);

     * Call stats notification
    void callStatsUpdated(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCallStats stats);

     * Reports that a new subscription request has been received and wait for a decision.
     *Status on this subscription request is notified by changing policy for this friend
     * 有新的注册请求
     *@param lc LinphoneCore
     *@param lf LinphoneFriend corresponding to the subscriber
     *@param url of the subscriber
    void newSubscriptionRequest(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneFriend lf, String url);

     * Report status change for a friend previously added to LinphoneCore.
     * @param lc LinphoneCore
     * @param lf updated LinphoneFriend
    void notifyPresenceReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneFriend lf);

     * invoked when a new dtmf is received
     * @param lc    LinphoneCore
     * @param call  LinphoneCall involved in the dtmf sending
     * @param dtmf  value of the dtmf sent
    void dtmfReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, int dtmf);

     *  Report Notified message received for this identity.
     *  @param lc LinphoneCore
     *  @param call LinphoneCall in case the notify is part of a dialog, may be null
     *  @param from LinphoneAddress the message comes from
     *  @param event String the raw body of the notify event.
    void notifyReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneAddress from, byte[] event);

     * Notifies progress of a call transfer.
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param call the call through which the transfer was sent.
     * @param new_call_state the state of the call resulting of the transfer, at the other party.
    void transferState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State new_call_state);

     * Notifies an incoming INFO message.
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore.
     * @param info the info message
    void infoReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneInfoMessage info);

     * Notifies of subscription requests state changes, including new incoming subscriptions.
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param ev LinphoneEvent object representing the subscription context.
     * @param state actual state of the subscription.
    void subscriptionStateChanged(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneEvent ev, SubscriptionState state);

     * Notifies about outgoing generic publish states.
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param ev a LinphoneEvent representing the publish, typically created by {@link LinphoneCore#publish}
     * @param state the publish state
    void publishStateChanged(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneEvent ev, PublishState state);

     * Notifies the application that it should show up
     * @deprecated
    void show(LinphoneCore lc);

     * Callback that notifies various events with human readable text.
     * @deprecated
    void displayStatus(LinphoneCore lc,String message);

     * Callback to display a message to the user
     * @deprecated
    void displayMessage(LinphoneCore lc,String message);

     * Callback to display a warning to the user
     * @deprecated
    void displayWarning(LinphoneCore lc,String message);

     * Callback to be notified about the transfer progress.
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param message the LinphoneChatMessage
     * @param content the LinphoneContent
     * @param progress percentage of the transfer done
    void fileTransferProgressIndication(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatMessage message, LinphoneContent content, int progress);

     * Callback to be notified when new data has been received
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param message the LinphoneChatMessage
     * @param content the LinphoneContent
     * @param buffer
     * @param size
    void fileTransferRecv(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatMessage message, LinphoneContent content, byte[] buffer, int size);

     * Callback to be notified when new data needs to be sent
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param message the LinphoneChatMessage
     * @param content the LinphoneContent
     * @param buffer
     * @param size
     * @return the number of bytes written into buffer
    int fileTransferSend(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatMessage message, LinphoneContent content, ByteBuffer buffer, int size);

     * General State notification
     * @param state LinphoneCore.State
    void globalState(LinphoneCore lc,LinphoneCore.GlobalState state, String message);

     * Registration state notification
     * */
    void registrationState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneProxyConfig cfg, LinphoneCore.RegistrationState state, String smessage);

     * Notifies the changes about the remote provisioning step
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param state the RemoteProvisioningState
     * @param message the error message if state == Failed
    void configuringStatus(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState state, String message);

     * invoked when a new linphone chat message is received
     * 接收聊天信息
     * @param lc LinphoneCore
     * @param cr LinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be be created by the framework in case the from is not present in any chat room.
     * @param message incoming linphone chat message message
    void messageReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr, LinphoneChatMessage message);

     * invoked when a new linphone chat message is received and we cannot decrypt this
     * @param lc LinphoneCore
     * @param cr LinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be be created by the framework in case the from is not present in any chat room.
     * @param message incoming linphone chat message message
    void messageReceivedUnableToDecrypted(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr, LinphoneChatMessage message);

    /** Call  State notification
     * @param state LinphoneCall.State
    void callState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State state, String message);

     * Callback to display change in encryption state.
     * @param encrypted true if all streams of the call are encrypted
     * @param authenticationToken token like ZRTP SAS that may be displayed to user
    void callEncryptionChanged(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, boolean encrypted, String authenticationToken);

     * Notifies of an incoming NOTIFY received.
     * @param lc the linphoneCore
     * @param ev a LinphoneEvent representing the subscription context for which this notify belongs, or null if it is a NOTIFY out of of any subscription.
     * @param eventName the event name
     * @param content content of the NOTIFY request.
    void notifyReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneEvent ev, String eventName, LinphoneContent content);

     * invoked when a composing notification is received
     * @param lc LinphoneCore
     * @param cr LinphoneChatRoom involved in the conversation.
    void isComposingReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr);

     * Invoked when echo cancalation calibration is completed
     * @param lc LinphoneCore
     * @param status
     * @param delay_ms echo delay
     * @param data
    void ecCalibrationStatus(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCore.EcCalibratorStatus status, int delay_ms, Object data);

     * Callback prototype for reporting log collection upload progress indication.
    void uploadProgressIndication(LinphoneCore lc, int offset, int total);

     * Callback prototype for reporting log collection upload state change.
     * @param lc LinphoneCore object
     * @param state The state of the log collection upload
     * @param info Additional information: error message in case of error state, URL of uploaded file in case of success.
    void uploadStateChanged(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCore.LogCollectionUploadState state, String info);

     * Callback prototype for reporting LinphoneFriendList creation.
     * @param lc LinphoneCore object
     * @param list LinphoneFriendList object
    void friendListCreated(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneFriendList list);

     * Callback prototype for reporting LinphoneFriendList removal.
     * @param lc LinphoneCore object
     * @param list LinphoneFriendList object
    void friendListRemoved(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneFriendList list);

其中, 有个地方implements这个方法

LinphoneCoreListenerBase implements LinphoneCoreListener

目的是为了, 可以随意的继承想要的方法, 而不用全部实现.


这个是回调的核心方法. 提供所有需要回调的方法.

2.2 LinphoneCall.java 电话的回调状态


     * Linphone call states
    static class State {

        static private Vector<State> values = new Vector<State>();
        private final int mValue;
        public final int value() {return mValue;}

        private final String mStringValue;
         * Idle
        public final static State Idle = new State(0,"Idle");
         * Incoming call received.
        public final static State IncomingReceived = new State(1,"IncomingReceived");
         * Outgoing call initialiazed.
        public final static State OutgoingInit = new State(2,"OutgoingInit");
         * Outgoing call in progress. 
        public final static State OutgoingProgress = new State(3,"OutgoingProgress");
         * Outgoing call ringing.
        public final static State OutgoingRinging = new State(4,"OutgoingRinging");
         * Outgoing call early media
        public final static State OutgoingEarlyMedia = new State(5,"OutgoingEarlyMedia");
         * Connected
        public final static State Connected = new State(6,"Connected");
         * Streams running
        public final static State StreamsRunning = new State(7,"StreamsRunning");
         * Pausing
        public final static State Pausing = new State(8,"Pausing");
         * Paused
        public final static State Paused = new State(9,"Paused");
         * Resuming
        public final static State Resuming = new State(10,"Resuming");
         * Refered
        public final static State Refered = new State(11,"Refered");
         * Error
        public final static State Error = new State(12,"Error");
         * Call end
        public final static State CallEnd = new State(13,"CallEnd");

         * Paused by remote
        public final static State PausedByRemote = new State(14,"PausedByRemote");

         * The call's parameters are updated, used for example when video is asked by remote
        public static final State CallUpdatedByRemote = new State(15, "UpdatedByRemote");

         * We are proposing early media to an incoming call
        public static final State CallIncomingEarlyMedia = new State(16,"IncomingEarlyMedia");

         * We have initiated a call update. When the remote accepts the call update, state will move to StreamsRunning.
        public static final State CallUpdating = new State(17, "Updating");

         * The call object is now released.
        public static final State CallReleased = new State(18,"Released");

         * The call is updated by remote while not yet answered (SIP UPDATE in early dialog received)
        public static final State CallEarlyUpdatedByRemote = new State(19,"EarlyUpdatedByRemote");

         * We are updating the call while not yet answered (SIP UPDATE in early dialog sent)
        public static final State CallEarlyUpdating = new State(20,"EarlyUpdating");

        private State(int value,String stringValue) {
            mValue = value;

        public static State fromInt(int value) {

            for (int i=0; i<values.size();i++) {
                State state = (State) values.elementAt(i);
                if (state.mValue == value) return state;
            throw new RuntimeException("state not found ["+value+"]");
        public String toString() {
            return mStringValue;


这个方法中包含了所有电话的状态, 比如

  • IncomingReceived 接收来电
  • OutgoingInit 拨出电话
  • OutongingProgress 电话拨出中
  • OutgoingRinging 拨出响铃中
  • OutgoingEarlyMedia
  • Connected
  • StreamsRunning 接通中
  • Paused 暂停
  • Resuming
  • Refered
  • Error
  • CallEnd
  • PausedByRemote 被远方暂停
  • UpdatedByRemote
  • InconingEarlyMedia
  • Updating
  • Released
  • EarlyUpdatedByRemote
  • EarlyUpdating

等我看完了, 怎么有这么多方法.

2.3 LinphoneCore.GlobalState Global状态


     * linphone core states
    static public class GlobalState {

        static private Vector<GlobalState> values = new Vector<GlobalState>();
         * Off
        static public GlobalState GlobalOff = new GlobalState(0, "GlobalOff");
         * Startup
        static public GlobalState GlobalStartup = new GlobalState(1, "GlobalStartup");
         * On
        static public GlobalState GlobalOn = new GlobalState(2, "GlobalOn");
         * Shutdown
        static public GlobalState GlobalShutdown = new GlobalState(3, "GlobalShutdown");
         * Configuring
        static public GlobalState GlobalConfiguring = new GlobalState(4, "GlobalConfiguring");



  • GlobalOff
  • GlobalStartup
  • GlobalOn
  • GlobalStudown
  • GlobalConfiguring


2.4 LinphoneCoreListenerBase.java

这个是实现所有LinphoneCoreListener方法, 目的是不用实现所有的方法, 而是有目的的实现其中的某个或某几个方法.

2.5 LinphoneChatMessage.State


public static class State {
        static private Vector<State> values = new Vector<State>();
        private final int mValue;
        public final int value() {return mValue;}

        private final String mStringValue;
         * Initial state
        public final static State Idle = new State(0,"Idle");
         * Delivery in progress
        public final static State InProgress = new State(1,"InProgress");
         * Message succesffully delivered an acknoleged by remote end point
        public final static State Delivered = new State(2,"Delivered");
         * Message was not delivered
        public final static State NotDelivered = new State(3,"NotDelivered");
         * Message was received(and acknowledged) but cannot get file from server
        public final static State FileTransferError = new State(4,"FileTransferError");
         * File transfer has been completed successfully.
        public final static State FileTransferDone = new State(5,"FileTransferDone");
         * Message successfully delivered and acknowledged to destination
        public final static State DeliveredToUser = new State(6,"DeliveredToUser");
         * Message displayed to the remote user
        public final static State Displayed = new State(7,"Displayed");

        private State(int value,String stringValue) {
            mValue = value;

        public static State fromInt(int value) {

            for (int i=0; i<values.size();i++) {
                State state = (State) values.elementAt(i);
                if (state.mValue == value) return state;
            throw new RuntimeException("state not found ["+value+"]");
        public String toString() {
            return mStringValue;
        public int toInt() {
            return mValue;



  • Idle
  • InProgress
  • Delivered
  • NotDelivered
  • FileTransferError
  • FileTransferDone
  • DeliveredToUser
  • Displayed

3. 逐一介绍

3.1 CallActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {
            public void messageReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr, LinphoneChatMessage message) {
                displayMissedChats(); // 从jni获取数据, 显示在界面上

            public void callState(LinphoneCore lc, final LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State state, String message) {
                LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity#Turn", "callState(" +
                        "LinphoneCore lc  " + lc +
                        ", final LinphoneCall call" + call +
                        ", LinphoneCall.State state" + state +
                        ", String message" + message +

                if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getCallsNb() == 0) {

                if (state == State.IncomingReceived) {
                } else if (state == State.Paused || state == State.PausedByRemote || state == State.Pausing) {
                    LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "} else if (state == State.Paused || state == State.PausedByRemote || state == State.Pausing) {");

                    if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getCurrentCall() != null) {
                        LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getCurrentCall() != null)   enabledVideoButton(false);");
                    if (isVideoEnabled(call)) {
                        LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "if (isVideoEnabled(call))   showAudioView()");
                } else if (state == State.Resuming) {
                    if (LinphonePreferences.instance().isVideoEnabled()) {
                        status.refreshStatusItems(call, isVideoEnabled(call));
                        if (call.getCurrentParamsCopy().getVideoEnabled()) {
                    if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getCurrentCall() != null) {
                } else if (state == State.StreamsRunning) {
                    LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "} else if (state == State.StreamsRunning) {");

                    if (status != null) {
                        LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "if (status != null) {");
                        status.refreshStatusItems(call, isVideoEnabled(call));
                    } else {
                        LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "if (status ===== null) {");
                } else if (state == State.CallUpdatedByRemote) {
                    LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity", "} else if (state == State.CallUpdatedByRemote) {");
                    // If the correspondent proposes video while audio call
                    boolean videoEnabled = LinphonePreferences.instance().isVideoEnabled();
                    if (!videoEnabled) {
                        LinphoneUtils._log("CallActivity#Turn", "if (!videoEnabled)      acceptCallUpdate(false);");

                    boolean remoteVideo = call.getRemoteParams().getVideoEnabled();
                    boolean localVideo = call.getCurrentParamsCopy().getVideoEnabled();
                    boolean autoAcceptCameraPolicy = LinphonePreferences.instance().shouldAutomaticallyAcceptVideoRequests();
                    if (remoteVideo && !localVideo && !autoAcceptCameraPolicy && !LinphoneManager.getLc().isInConference()) {

//                  else if (remoteVideo && !LinphoneManager.getLc().isInConference() && autoAcceptCameraPolicy) {
//                      mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
//                          @Override
//                          public void run() {
//                              acceptCallUpdate(true);
//                          }
//                      });
//                  }


在这个界面实际上就是管理接听话, 还有是否接受视频通话等.


在LinphoneActivity开启的时候, 会对状态有个判断. 而LinphoneActivity是被LinphoneService调用的.

3.2 CallIncomingActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {
            public void callState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, State state, String message) {
                LinphoneUtils._log("CallIncomingActivity", "callState(LinphoneCore lc    " + lc +
                        ", LinphoneCall call    " + call +
                        ", State state    " + state +
                        ", String message)    " + message +
                if (call == mCall && State.CallEnd == state) {
                if (state == State.StreamsRunning) {
                    // The following should not be needed except some devices need it (e.g. Galaxy S).


当有来电电话时, 调用此界面


在CallActivity中, 有一个事件监听, 当收到IncomingReceived这个状态的时候调用.

3.3 CallOutgoingActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {
            public void callState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State state, String message) {
                if (call == mCall && State.Connected == state) {
                    if (!LinphoneActivity.isInstanciated()) {
                } else if (state == State.Error) {
                    // Convert LinphoneCore message for internalization
                    if (message != null && call.getErrorInfo().getReason() == Reason.Declined) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_call_declined), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                    } else if (message != null && call.getErrorInfo().getReason() == Reason.NotFound) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_user_not_found), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                    } else if (message != null && call.getErrorInfo().getReason() == Reason.Media) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_incompatible_media), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                    } else if (message != null && call.getErrorInfo().getReason() == Reason.Busy) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_user_busy), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                    } else if (message != null) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_unknown) + " - " + message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

                if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getCallsNb() == 0) {


类似CallIncomingActivity的调用方式, 只是逻辑流程相反而已.


跟CallIncomingActivity的调用方式相同, 只是状态不同, 走的逻辑不相同.

3.4 ChatFragment.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase(){
            public void messageReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr, LinphoneChatMessage message) {
                LinphoneAddress from = cr.getPeerAddress();
                if (from.asStringUriOnly().equals(sipUri)) {

                    String externalBodyUrl = message.getExternalBodyUrl();
                    LinphoneContent fileTransferContent = message.getFileTransferInformation();
                    if (externalBodyUrl != null || fileTransferContent != null) {

            public void isComposingReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom room) {
                if (chatRoom != null && room != null && chatRoom.getPeerAddress().asStringUriOnly().equals(room.getPeerAddress().asStringUriOnly())) {
                    remoteComposing.setVisibility(chatRoom.isRemoteComposing() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);



3.5 ChatListFragment.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {
            public void messageReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr, LinphoneChatMessage message) {



3.6 LinphoneActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {
            public void messageReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneChatRoom cr, LinphoneChatMessage message) {

            public void registrationState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneProxyConfig proxy, LinphoneCore.RegistrationState state, String smessage) {
                if (state.equals(RegistrationState.RegistrationCleared)) {
                    if (lc != null) {
                        LinphoneAuthInfo authInfo = lc.findAuthInfo(proxy.getIdentity(), proxy.getRealm(), proxy.getDomain());
                        if (authInfo != null)


                if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.use_phone_number_validation)
                        && proxy.getDomain().equals(getString(R.string.default_domain))) {
                    if (state.equals(RegistrationState.RegistrationOk)) {

                if (state.equals(RegistrationState.RegistrationFailed) && newProxyConfig) {
                    newProxyConfig = false;
                    if (proxy.getError() == Reason.BadCredentials) {
                        //displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_bad_credentials), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
                    if (proxy.getError() == Reason.Unauthorized) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_unauthorized), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
                    if (proxy.getError() == Reason.IOError) {
                        displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_io_error), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

            public void callState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State state, String message) {
                LinphoneUtils._log("LinphoneActivity", "callState(" +
                        "LinphoneCore lc    " + lc +
                        ", LinphoneCall call    " + call +
                        ", LinphoneCall.State state    " + state +
                        ", String message    " + message +
                if (state == State.IncomingReceived) {
                    LinphoneUtils._log("LinphoneActivity", "startActivity(new Intent(LinphoneActivity.instance(), CallIncomingActivity.class));");
                    startActivity(new Intent(LinphoneActivity.instance(), CallIncomingActivity.class));
                } else if (state == State.OutgoingInit || state == State.OutgoingProgress) {
                    LinphoneUtils._log("LinphoneActivity", "startActivity(new Intent(LinphoneActivity.instance(), CallOutgoingActivity.class));");
                    startActivity(new Intent(LinphoneActivity.instance(), CallOutgoingActivity.class));
                } else if (state == State.CallEnd || state == State.Error || state == State.CallReleased) {
                    LinphoneUtils._log("LinphoneActivity", "resetClassicMenuLayoutAndGoBackToCallIfStillRunning();");

                int missedCalls = LinphoneManager.getLc().getMissedCallsCount();


功能主界面, 主要是用来处理所有状态的分配, 比如跳转到图像管理界面CallActivity, 显示主界面, 拨打电话界面.

3.7 LinphoneService.java


LinphoneManager.getLc().addListener(mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {
            public void callState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State state, String message) {
                        "callState(LinphoneCore lc  " + lc +
                                ", LinphoneCall call  " + call +
                                ", LinphoneCall.State state  " + state +
                                ", String message  " + message +

                if (instance == null) {
                    Log.i("Service not ready, discarding call state change to ", state.toString());

                if (state == LinphoneCall.State.IncomingReceived) {

                if (state == State.CallEnd || state == State.CallReleased || state == State.Error) {

                if (state == State.CallEnd && call.getCallLog().getStatus() == CallStatus.Missed) {
                    int missedCallCount = LinphoneManager.getLcIfManagerNotDestroyedOrNull().getMissedCallsCount();
                    String body;
                    if (missedCallCount > 1) {
                        LinphoneService._log("missedCallCount > 1");
                        body = getString(R.string.missed_calls_notif_body).replace("%i", String.valueOf(missedCallCount));
                    } else {
                        LinphoneAddress address = call.getRemoteAddress();
                        LinphoneContact c = ContactsManager.getInstance().findContactFromAddress(address);
                        LinphoneService._log("!!!!!!!(missedCallCount > 1)  , address = " + address + " , c = ");
                        if (c != null) {
                            body = c.getFullName();
                        } else {
                            body = address.getDisplayName();
                            if (body == null) {
                                body = address.asStringUriOnly();
                    Notification notif = Compatibility.createMissedCallNotification(instance, getString(R.string.missed_calls_notif_title), body, mMissedCallsNotifContentIntent);
                    notifyWrapper(MISSED_NOTIF_ID, notif);

                if (state == State.StreamsRunning) {
                    // Workaround bug current call seems to be updated after state changed to streams running
                    if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.enable_call_notification))
                } else {
                    if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.enable_call_notification))

            public void globalState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCore.GlobalState state, String message) {
                if (state == GlobalState.GlobalOn && displayServiceNotification()) {
                    LinphoneService._log("globalState(LinphoneCore lc" +
                            ", LinphoneCore.GlobalState state  == " + state +
                            ", String message == " + message);
                    sendNotification(IC_LEVEL_ORANGE, R.string.notification_started);

            public void registrationState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneProxyConfig cfg, LinphoneCore.RegistrationState state, String smessage) {
//              if (instance == null) {
//                  Log.i("Service not ready, discarding registration state change to ",state.toString());
//                  return;
//              }
                LinphoneService._log("LinphoneCore lc" +
                        ", LinphoneProxyConfig cfg  == " + cfg +
                        ", LinphoneCore.RegistrationState state == " + state +
                        ", String smessage == " + smessage);
                if (!mDisableRegistrationStatus) {
                    if (displayServiceNotification() && state == RegistrationState.RegistrationOk && LinphoneManager.getLc().getDefaultProxyConfig() != null && LinphoneManager.getLc().getDefaultProxyConfig().isRegistered()) {
                        sendNotification(IC_LEVEL_ORANGE, R.string.notification_registered);

                    if (displayServiceNotification() && (state == RegistrationState.RegistrationFailed || state == RegistrationState.RegistrationCleared) && (LinphoneManager.getLc().getDefaultProxyConfig() == null || !LinphoneManager.getLc().getDefaultProxyConfig().isRegistered())) {
                        sendNotification(IC_LEVEL_ORANGE, R.string.notification_register_failure);

                    if (displayServiceNotification() && state == RegistrationState.RegistrationNone) {
                        sendNotification(IC_LEVEL_ORANGE, R.string.notification_started);


这个时非常重要的逻辑了, 是主要的监听服务. 而且弹出的Notification这里也有管理.

3.8 StatusFragment.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase(){
            public void registrationState(final LinphoneCore lc, final LinphoneProxyConfig proxy, final LinphoneCore.RegistrationState state, String smessage) {
                if (!isAttached || !LinphoneService.isReady()) {

                if(lc.getProxyConfigList() == null){
                } else {

                if (lc.getDefaultProxyConfig() != null && lc.getDefaultProxyConfig().equals(proxy)) {
                    statusLed.setImageResource(getStatusIconResource(state, true));
                } else if(lc.getDefaultProxyConfig() == null) {
                    statusLed.setImageResource(getStatusIconResource(state, true));

                try {
                    statusText.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(View v) {
                } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {}

            public void notifyReceived(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneEvent ev, String eventName, LinphoneContent content) {

                if(!content.getType().equals("application")) return;
                if(!content.getSubtype().equals("simple-message-summary")) return;

                if (content.getData() == null) return;

                int unreadCount = -1;
                String data = content.getDataAsString();
                String[] voiceMail = data.split("voice-message: ");
                final String[] intToParse = voiceMail[1].split("/",0);

                unreadCount = Integer.parseInt(intToParse[0]);
                if (unreadCount > 0) {
                } else {




Codec:opus / 48kHz
Encoder:An opus encoder.
Decoder:An opus decoder.
Upload bandwidth:31 kbits/s
Download bandwidth:32 kbits/s
ICE connectivity: Not activated
IP Familiy:ipV4
Sender loss rate: 0%
Receiver loss rate: 0%
Jitter buffer:32.79ms

Encoder:A VP8 video encoder using libvpx library.
Decoder:A VP8 video decoder using libvpx library.
Upload bandwidth:194 kbits/s
Download bandwidth:0 kbits/s
ICE connectivity: not activated
IP Family:Ipv4
Sender losdd rate:0%
Recevier loss rate: 0%
Sent video resolution: 480x640
Received video resolution: 352*288

3.9 AssistantActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase() {

            public void configuringStatus(LinphoneCore lc, final LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState state, String message) {
                if (progress != null) progress.dismiss();
                if (state == LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState.ConfiguringSuccessful) {
                    LOG("AssistantActivity goToLinphoneActivity();");
                } else if (state == LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState.ConfiguringFailed) {
                    Toast.makeText(AssistantActivity.instance(), getString(R.string.remote_provisioning_failure), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

            public void registrationState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneProxyConfig cfg, RegistrationState state, String smessage) {
                if (remoteProvisioningInProgress) {
                    if (progress != null) progress.dismiss();
                    if (state == RegistrationState.RegistrationOk) {
                        remoteProvisioningInProgress = false;
                } else if (accountCreated && !newAccount) {
                    if (address != null && address.asString().equals(cfg.getAddress().asString())) {
                        if (state == RegistrationState.RegistrationOk) {
                            if (progress != null) progress.dismiss();
                            if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getDefaultProxyConfig() != null) {
                        } else if (state == RegistrationState.RegistrationFailed) {
                            if (progress != null) progress.dismiss();
                            if (dialog == null || !dialog.isShowing()) {
                                dialog = createErrorDialog(cfg, smessage);
                        } else if (!(state == RegistrationState.RegistrationProgress)) {
                            if (progress != null) progress.dismiss();


3.10 RemoteProvisioningActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase(){
            public void configuringStatus(LinphoneCore lc, final RemoteProvisioningState state, String message) {
                if (spinner != null) spinner.setVisibility(View.GONE);
                if (state == RemoteProvisioningState.ConfiguringSuccessful) {
                } else if (state == RemoteProvisioningState.ConfiguringFailed) {
                    Toast.makeText(RemoteProvisioningActivity.this, R.string.remote_provisioning_failure, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


3.11 RemoteProvisioningLoginActivity.java


mListener = new LinphoneCoreListenerBase(){
            public void configuringStatus(LinphoneCore lc, final LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState state, String message) {
                if (state == LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState.ConfiguringSuccessful) {
                } else if (state == LinphoneCore.RemoteProvisioningState.ConfiguringFailed) {
                    Toast.makeText(RemoteProvisioningLoginActivity.this, R.string.remote_provisioning_failure, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


4. LinphoneCoreListener中callState()和transferState的区别


     * Notifies progress of a call transfer.
     * @param lc the LinphoneCore
     * @param call the call through which the transfer was sent.
     * @param new_call_state the state of the call resulting of the transfer, at the other party.
    void transferState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State new_call_state);
/** Call  State notification
     * @param state LinphoneCall.State
    void callState(LinphoneCore lc, LinphoneCall call, LinphoneCall.State state, String message);


transferState时一个新到的电话的状态, callstate是第一个通信的状态.

5. 监听状态是一个观察者模式



extern "C" void Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneCoreImpl_addListener(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jlong lc, jobject jlistener) {
    LinphoneJavaBindings *ljb = (LinphoneJavaBindings *) linphone_core_get_user_data((LinphoneCore *)lc);
    LinphoneCoreVTable *vTable = linphone_core_v_table_new();
    LinphoneCoreData* ldata = new LinphoneCoreData(env, thiz, vTable, jlistener, ljb);
    linphone_core_v_table_set_user_data(vTable, ldata);
    linphone_core_add_listener((LinphoneCore*)lc, vTable);

void linphone_core_add_listener(LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneCoreVTable *vtable){
    LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs = linphone_factory_create_core_cbs(linphone_factory_get());
    _linphone_core_cbs_set_v_table(cbs, vtable, FALSE);
    _linphone_core_add_callbacks(lc, cbs, FALSE);

因为要涉及到很多结构体的使用, 如果不分析结构体, 就没办法彻底的弄明白这个观察者模式时怎么来的. 这会又要涉及到很多的内容, 所以下一篇详细追踪.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_11797608/6370699


  • linphone 自动接听电话
  • linphone-PresenceNoteImpl文件对应的JNI层文件分析
  • linphone-TunnelConfigImpl文件对应的JNI层文件分析
  • linphone-LinphoneService.java文件分析
  • linphone-LinphoneCallParams.java文件分析
  • linphone-CallManager.java文件分析
  • linphone-PayloadType.java文件分析
  • linphone-LinphoneProxyConfig.java文件分析
  • linphone-LinphonePreferences.java文件分析
  • linphone-NetworkManger.java文件分析