- 设置Identity
- 设置Address
- 设置Proxy
- 设置register
- 设置Domain
- 设置Dial
- 设置 Route
- 设置Route
- 设置Expires
- 设置AVPF
- 设置Realm
- 设置ContactParameters
- 设置PublichExpires
package org.linphone.core;
* The LinphoneProxyConfig object represents a proxy configuration to be used by the LinphoneCore object. Its fields must not be used directly in favour of the accessors methods.
* Once created and filled properly the LinphoneProxyConfig can be given to LinphoneCore with {@link LinphoneCore#addProxyConfig(LinphoneProxyConfig)}. This will automatically triggers the registration, if enabled.
*<br>The proxy configuration are persistent to restarts because they are saved in the configuration file. As a consequence, after {@link LinphoneCoreFactory#createLinphoneCore(LinphoneCoreListener, String, String, Object)} there might already be a default proxy that can be examined with {@link LinphoneCore#getDefaultProxyConfig()} .
public interface LinphoneProxyConfig {
*Starts editing a proxy configuration.
*Because proxy configuration must be consistent, applications MUST call {@link #edit()} before doing any attempts to modify proxy configuration (such as identity, proxy address and so on).
*Once the modifications are done, then the application must call {@link #done()} to commit the changes.
public LinphoneProxyConfig edit();
* Commits modification made to the proxy configuration.
public void done();
* Sets the user identity as a SIP address.
* @param identity This identity is normally formed with display name, username and domain, such as: Alice <sip:alice@example.net> The REGISTER messages will have from and to set to this identity.
public void setIdentity(String identity) throws LinphoneCoreException;
*get the SIP identity that belongs to this proxy configuration.
* @return The SIP identity is a SIP address (Display Name <sip:username> )
public String getIdentity();
* Sets the address of the proxy configuration
* @param address
public void setAddress(LinphoneAddress address) throws LinphoneCoreException;
*get linphoneAddress that belongs to this proxy configuration.
* @return LinphoneAddress
public LinphoneAddress getAddress();
*Sets the proxy address
* Examples of valid sip proxy address are:
*<li>IP address: sip:
*<li>IP address with port: sip:
*<li>hostnames : sip:sip.example.net
* @param proxyUri
* @throws LinphoneCoreException
public void setProxy(String proxyUri) throws LinphoneCoreException;
* get the proxy's SIP address.
public String getProxy();
* Enable register for this proxy config.
* Register message is issued after call to {@link #done()}
* @param value
public LinphoneProxyConfig enableRegister(boolean value);
* @return true if registration to the proxy is enabled.
public boolean registerEnabled();
* normalize a human readable phone number into a basic string. 888-444-222 becomes 888444222
* @param number
* @return
public String normalizePhoneNumber(String number);
* Normalize a human readable sip uri into a fully qualified LinphoneAddress.
* A sip address should look like DisplayName \<sip:username\@domain:port\> .
* @param username the string to parse
* @return NULL if invalid input, normalized sip address otherwise.
public LinphoneAddress normalizeSipUri(String username);
* Useful function to automatically add international prefix to e164 phone numbers
* @param prefix
public void setDialPrefix(String prefix);
* Returns the automatically added international prefix to e164 phone numbers
public String getDialPrefix();
* * Sets whether liblinphone should replace "+" by "00" in dialed numbers (passed to
* {@link LinphoneCore#invite(String)}).
* @param value default value is false
public void setDialEscapePlus(boolean value);
* Whether liblinphone should replace "+" by "00" in dialed numbers (passed to
* {@link LinphoneCore#invite(String)}).
public boolean getDialEscapePlus();
* get domain host name or ip
* @return may be null
public String getDomain();
* @return a boolean indicating that the user is successfully registered on the proxy.
public boolean isRegistered();
* Sets a SIP route. When a route is set, all outgoing calls will go to the route's destination if this proxy is the default one (see {@link LinphoneCore#getDefaultProxyConfig()} ).
* @param routeUri ex sip:git.linphone.org
* @throws LinphoneCoreException
public void setRoute(String routeUri) throws LinphoneCoreException;
* @return the route set for this proxy configuration.
public String getRoute();
* Indicates either or not, PUBLISH must be issued for this #LinphoneProxyConfig .
* <br> In case this #LinphoneProxyConfig has been added to #LinphoneCore, follows the linphone_proxy_config_edit() rule.
* @param enable if true, publish will be engaged
public void enablePublish(boolean enable);
* returns publish state for this proxy config (see {@link #enablePublish(boolean)} )
public boolean publishEnabled();
LinphoneCore.RegistrationState getState();
* Sets the registration expiration time.
* @param delay expiration time in seconds
void setExpires(int delay);
* Gets the registration expiration time.
* @return delay expiration time in seconds.
int getExpires();
* Set the privacy for all calls or chat sessions using the identity exposed by this LinphoneProxyConfig
* @param privacy_mask a or'd int of values defined in interface {@link org.linphone.core.Privacy}
void setPrivacy(int privacy_mask);
* Get the privacy mask requested for this proxy config.
* @return the privacy mask as defined in interface {@link org.linphone.core.Privacy}
int getPrivacy();
* Indicates whether AVPF/SAVPF must be used for calls using this proxy config.
* @param enable True to enable AVPF/SAVF, false to disable it.
void enableAvpf(boolean enable);
* Whether AVPF is used for calls through this proxy.
* @return
boolean avpfEnabled();
* Set the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF.
* @param interval The interval in seconds (between 0 and 5 seconds).
void setAvpfRRInterval(int interval);
* Get the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF.
* @return The interval in seconds.
int getAvpfRRInterval();
* Indicates whether quality reporting must be used for calls using this proxy config.
* @param enable True to enable quality reporting, false to disable it.
void enableQualityReporting(boolean enable);
* Whether quality reporting is used for calls through this proxy.
* @return
boolean qualityReportingEnabled();
* Set the interval between quality interval reports during a call when using quality reporting.
* @param interval The interval in seconds (should be greater than 120 seconds to avoid too much).
void setQualityReportingInterval(int interval);
* Get the interval between quality interval reports during a call when using quality reporting.
* @return The interval in seconds.
int getQualityReportingInterval();
* Set the collector SIP URI to collect reports when using quality reporting.
* @param collector The collector SIP URI which should be configured server side too.
void setQualityReportingCollector(String collector);
* Get the collector SIP URI collecting reports when using quality reporting.
* @return The SIP URI collector address.
String getQualityReportingCollector();
* Set the outbound proxy realm. It is used in digest authentication to avoid
* re-authentication if a previous token has already been provided.
* @param realm The new outbound proxy realm.
void setRealm(String realm);
* Get the outbound proxy realm.
* @return The outbound proxy realm.
String getRealm();
* Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration.
* @param contact_params a string containing the additional parameters in text form, like "myparam=something;myparam2=something_else"
* The main use case for this function is provide the proxy additional information regarding the user agent, like for example unique identifier or android push id.
* As an example, the contact address in the SIP register sent will look like <sip:joe@>;android-push-id=43143-DFE23F-2323-FA2232.
public void setContactParameters(String contact_params);
* Get the contact's parameters.
* @return
public String getContactParameters();
* Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration, inside the URI.
* @param params a string containing the additional parameters in text form, like "myparam=something;myparam2=something_else"
* The main use case for this function is provide the proxy additional information regarding the user agent, like for example unique identifier or apple push id.
* As an example, the contact address in the SIP register sent will look like <sip:joe@;apple-push-id=43143-DFE23F-2323-FA2232>.
public void setContactUriParameters(String params);
* Get the contact's URI parameters.
* @return
public String getContactUriParameters();
* Return the international prefix for the given country
* @param iso code
public int lookupCCCFromIso(String iso);
* Return the international prefix for the given country
* @param e164 phone number
public int lookupCCCFromE164(String e164);
* Return reason error code.
* @return reason code.
public Reason getError();
* Get full error information about last error occured on the proxy config.
* @return an ErrorInfo.
public ErrorInfo getErrorInfo();
* Set the publish expiration time in second.
* @param expires in second
public void setPublishExpires(int expires);
* @return the publish expiration time in second. Default value is the registration expiration value.
public int getPublishExpires();
* attached a user data to a proxy config
void setUserData(Object obj);
* Detect if the given input is a phone number or not.
* @param username string to parse.
* @return TRUE if input is a phone number, FALSE otherwise.
boolean isPhoneNumber(String username);
* Returns user data from a proxy config. return null if any
* @return an Object.
Object getUserData();
package org.linphone.core;
import org.linphone.core.LinphoneCore.RegistrationState;
class LinphoneProxyConfigImpl implements LinphoneProxyConfig {
protected final long nativePtr;
protected LinphoneCoreImpl mCore;
Object userData;
private native void finalize(long ptr);
private native int getState(long nativePtr);
private native void setExpires(long nativePtr, int delay);
private native int getExpires(long nativePtr);
private native long createProxyConfig( long nativePtr);
protected LinphoneProxyConfigImpl(LinphoneCoreImpl core,String identity,String proxy,String route, boolean enableRegister) throws LinphoneCoreException {
nativePtr = createProxyConfig(core.nativePtr);
protected LinphoneProxyConfigImpl(LinphoneCoreImpl core) {
nativePtr = createProxyConfig(core.nativePtr);
/*reserved for JNI */
protected LinphoneProxyConfigImpl(LinphoneCoreImpl core, long aNativePtr) {
nativePtr = aNativePtr;
private void isValid() {
if (nativePtr == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("proxy config removed");
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
if (nativePtr != 0) {
private native long newLinphoneProxyConfig();
private native void edit(long ptr);
private native void done(long ptr);
private native void setIdentity(long ptr,String identity);
private native String getIdentity(long ptr);
private native void setAddress(long ptr, long address);
private native long getAddress(long ptr);
private native int setProxy(long ptr,String proxy);
private native String getProxy(long ptr);
private native void enableRegister(long ptr,boolean value);
private native boolean isRegisterEnabled(long ptr);
private native boolean isRegistered(long ptr);
private native void setDialPrefix(long ptr, String prefix);
private native String getDialPrefix(long ptr);
private native String normalizePhoneNumber(long ptr,String number);
private native long normalizeSipUri(long ptr,String username);
private native String getDomain(long ptr);
private native void setDialEscapePlus(long ptr, boolean value);
private native boolean getDialEscapePlus(long ptr);
private native String getRoute(long ptr);
private native int setRoute(long ptr,String uri);
private native void enablePublish(long ptr,boolean enable);
private native boolean publishEnabled(long ptr);
private native void setContactParameters(long ptr, String params);
private native int lookupCCCFromIso(long nativePtr, String iso);
private native int lookupCCCFromE164(long nativePtr, String e164);
public LinphoneProxyConfig enableRegister(boolean value) {
return this;
public void done() {
Object mutex=mCore!=null ? mCore : this;
public LinphoneProxyConfig edit() {
Object mutex=mCore!=null ? mCore : this;
return this;
public void setIdentity(String identity) throws LinphoneCoreException {
public void setAddress(LinphoneAddress address) throws LinphoneCoreException {
public void setProxy(String proxyUri) throws LinphoneCoreException {
if (setProxy(nativePtr,proxyUri)!=0) {
throw new LinphoneCoreException("Bad proxy address ["+proxyUri+"]");
public String normalizePhoneNumber(String number) {
return normalizePhoneNumber(nativePtr,number);
public LinphoneAddress normalizeSipUri(String username) {
long ptr = normalizeSipUri(nativePtr,username);
if (ptr==0) {
return null;
} else {
return new LinphoneAddressImpl(ptr,LinphoneAddressImpl.WrapMode.FromConst);
public void setDialPrefix(String prefix) {
setDialPrefix(nativePtr, prefix);
public String getDialPrefix() {
return getDialPrefix(nativePtr);
public String getDomain() {
return getDomain(nativePtr);
public void setDialEscapePlus(boolean value) {
public boolean getDialEscapePlus() {
return getDialEscapePlus(nativePtr);
public String getIdentity() {
return getIdentity(nativePtr);
public LinphoneAddress getAddress() {
long ptr = getAddress(nativePtr);
if (ptr==0) {
return null;
} else {
return new LinphoneAddressImpl(ptr,LinphoneAddressImpl.WrapMode.FromConst);
public String getProxy() {
return getProxy(nativePtr);
public boolean isRegistered() {
return isRegistered(nativePtr);
public boolean registerEnabled() {
return isRegisterEnabled(nativePtr);
public String getRoute() {
return getRoute(nativePtr);
public void setRoute(String routeUri) throws LinphoneCoreException {
if (setRoute(nativePtr, routeUri) != 0) {
throw new LinphoneCoreException("cannot set route ["+routeUri+"]");
public void enablePublish(boolean enable) {
public RegistrationState getState() {
return RegistrationState.fromInt(getState(nativePtr));
public void setExpires(int delay) {
setExpires(nativePtr, delay);
public int getExpires() {
return getExpires(nativePtr);
public boolean publishEnabled() {
return publishEnabled(nativePtr);
public void setContactParameters(String params) {
setContactParameters(nativePtr, params);
public int lookupCCCFromIso(String iso) {
return lookupCCCFromIso(nativePtr, iso);
public int lookupCCCFromE164(String e164) {
return lookupCCCFromE164(nativePtr, e164);
private native int getError(long nativeptr);
public Reason getError() {
return Reason.fromInt(getError(nativePtr));
private native void setPrivacy(long nativePtr, int mask);
public void setPrivacy(int privacy_mask) {
private native int getPrivacy(long nativePtr);
public int getPrivacy() {
return getPrivacy(nativePtr);
private native void enableAvpf(long nativePtr, boolean enable);
public void enableAvpf(boolean enable) {
enableAvpf(nativePtr, enable);
private native boolean avpfEnabled(long nativePtr);
public boolean avpfEnabled() {
return avpfEnabled(nativePtr);
private native void setAvpfRRInterval(long nativePtr, int interval);
public void setAvpfRRInterval(int interval) {
setAvpfRRInterval(nativePtr, interval);
private native int getAvpfRRInterval(long nativePtr);
public int getAvpfRRInterval() {
return getAvpfRRInterval(nativePtr);
private native String getContactParameters(long ptr);
public String getContactParameters() {
return getContactParameters(nativePtr);
private native void setContactUriParameters(long ptr, String params);
public void setContactUriParameters(String params) {
private native String getContactUriParameters(long ptr);
public String getContactUriParameters() {
return getContactUriParameters(nativePtr);
private native long getErrorInfo(long nativePtr);
public ErrorInfo getErrorInfo() {
return new ErrorInfoImpl(getErrorInfo(nativePtr));
private native void enableQualityReporting(long nativePtr, boolean enable);
public void enableQualityReporting(boolean enable) {
enableQualityReporting(nativePtr, enable);
private native boolean qualityReportingEnabled(long nativePtr);
public boolean qualityReportingEnabled() {
return avpfEnabled(nativePtr);
private native void setQualityReportingInterval(long nativePtr, int interval);
public void setQualityReportingInterval(int interval) {
setQualityReportingInterval(nativePtr, interval);
private native int getQualityReportingInterval(long nativePtr);
public int getQualityReportingInterval() {
return getQualityReportingInterval(nativePtr);
private native void setQualityReportingCollector(long nativePtr, String collector);
public void setQualityReportingCollector(String collector) {
setQualityReportingCollector(nativePtr, collector);
private native String getQualityReportingCollector(long nativePtr);
public String getQualityReportingCollector() {
return getQualityReportingCollector(nativePtr);
private native void setRealm(long nativePtr, String realm);
public void setRealm(String realm) {
setRealm(nativePtr, realm);
private native String getRealm(long nativePtr);
public String getRealm() {
return getRealm(nativePtr);
private native void setPublishExpires(long nativePtr, int expires);
public void setPublishExpires(int expires) {
setPublishExpires(nativePtr, expires);
private native int getPublishExpires(long nativePtr);
public int getPublishExpires() {
return getPublishExpires(nativePtr);
private native boolean isPhoneNumber(long nativePtr,String username);
public boolean isPhoneNumber(String username){
return isPhoneNumber(nativePtr,username);
public void setUserData(Object obj) {
userData = obj;
public Object getUserData() {
return userData;