首页 > 编程语言 >linphone-LinphoneProxyConfig.java文件分析


时间:2023-05-29 14:35:14浏览次数:43  
标签:java String void long nativePtr return linphone LinphoneProxyConfig public




  1. 设置Identity
  2. 设置Address
  3. 设置Proxy
  4. 设置register
  5. 设置Domain
  6. 设置Dial
  7. 设置 Route
  8. 设置Route
  9. 设置Expires
  10. 设置AVPF
  11. 设置Realm
  12. 设置ContactParameters
  13. 设置PublichExpires





package org.linphone.core;
 * The LinphoneProxyConfig object represents a proxy configuration to be used by the LinphoneCore object. Its fields must not be used directly in favour of the accessors methods.
 * Once created and filled properly the LinphoneProxyConfig can be given to LinphoneCore with {@link LinphoneCore#addProxyConfig(LinphoneProxyConfig)}. This will automatically triggers the registration, if enabled.
 *<br>The proxy configuration are persistent to restarts because they are saved in the configuration file. As a consequence, after {@link LinphoneCoreFactory#createLinphoneCore(LinphoneCoreListener, String, String, Object)} there might already be a default proxy that can be examined with {@link LinphoneCore#getDefaultProxyConfig()} .
public interface LinphoneProxyConfig {

     *Starts editing a proxy configuration.
     *Because proxy configuration must be consistent, applications MUST call {@link #edit()} before doing any attempts to modify proxy configuration (such as identity, proxy address and so on).
     *Once the modifications are done, then the application must call {@link #done()} to commit the changes.
    public LinphoneProxyConfig edit();
     * Commits modification made to the proxy configuration.
    public void done();
     * Sets the user identity as a SIP address.
     * @param identity This identity is normally formed with display name, username and domain, such as: Alice <sip:[email protected]> The REGISTER messages will have from and to set to this identity.
    public void setIdentity(String identity) throws LinphoneCoreException;
     *get  the SIP identity that belongs to this proxy configuration.
     * @return The SIP identity is a SIP address (Display Name <sip:username> )
    public String getIdentity();
     * Sets the address of the proxy configuration
     * @param address
    public void setAddress(LinphoneAddress address) throws LinphoneCoreException;
     *get linphoneAddress that belongs to this proxy configuration.
     * @return LinphoneAddress
    public LinphoneAddress getAddress();
     *Sets the proxy address
     * Examples of valid sip proxy address are:
     *<li>IP address: sip:
     *<li>IP address with port: sip:
     *<li>hostnames : sip:sip.example.net
     * @param proxyUri
     * @throws LinphoneCoreException
    public void setProxy(String proxyUri) throws LinphoneCoreException;
     * get the proxy's SIP address.
    public String getProxy();
     * Enable register for this proxy config.
     * Register message is issued after call to {@link #done()}
     * @param value
    public LinphoneProxyConfig enableRegister(boolean value);
     * @return true if registration to the proxy is enabled.
    public boolean registerEnabled();

     * normalize a human readable phone number into a basic string. 888-444-222 becomes 888444222
     * @param number
     * @return
    public String normalizePhoneNumber(String number);
     * Normalize a human readable sip uri into a fully qualified LinphoneAddress.
     * A sip address should look like DisplayName \<sip:username\@domain:port\> .
     * @param username the string to parse
     * @return NULL if invalid input, normalized sip address otherwise.
    public LinphoneAddress normalizeSipUri(String username);
     * Useful function to automatically add international prefix to e164 phone numbers
     * @param prefix
    public void setDialPrefix(String prefix);

     * Returns the automatically added international prefix to e164 phone numbers
    public String getDialPrefix();

     * * Sets whether liblinphone should replace "+" by "00" in dialed numbers (passed to
     * {@link LinphoneCore#invite(String)}).
     * @param value default value is false
    public void setDialEscapePlus(boolean value);

     * Whether liblinphone should replace "+" by "00" in dialed numbers (passed to
     * {@link LinphoneCore#invite(String)}).
    public boolean getDialEscapePlus();

     * get domain host name or ip
     * @return may be null
    public String getDomain();
     * @return  a boolean indicating that the user is successfully registered on the proxy.
    public boolean isRegistered();
     * Sets a SIP route. When a route is set, all outgoing calls will go to the route's destination if this proxy is the default one (see {@link LinphoneCore#getDefaultProxyConfig()} ).
     * @param routeUri ex sip:git.linphone.org
     * @throws LinphoneCoreException
    public void setRoute(String routeUri) throws LinphoneCoreException;
     * @return  the route set for this proxy configuration.
    public String getRoute();
     * Indicates  either or not, PUBLISH must be issued for this #LinphoneProxyConfig .
     * <br> In case this #LinphoneProxyConfig has been added to #LinphoneCore, follows the linphone_proxy_config_edit() rule.
     * @param enable if true, publish will be engaged
    public void enablePublish(boolean enable);
     * returns publish state for this proxy config (see {@link #enablePublish(boolean)} )
    public boolean publishEnabled();

    LinphoneCore.RegistrationState getState();

     * Sets the registration expiration time.
     * @param delay expiration time in seconds
    void setExpires(int delay);

     * Gets the registration expiration time.
     * @return delay expiration time in seconds.
    int getExpires();

     * Set the privacy for all calls or chat sessions using the identity exposed by this LinphoneProxyConfig
     * @param privacy_mask a or'd int of values defined in interface {@link org.linphone.core.Privacy}
    void setPrivacy(int privacy_mask);

     * Get the privacy mask requested for this proxy config.
     * @return the privacy mask as defined in interface {@link org.linphone.core.Privacy}
    int getPrivacy();

     * Indicates whether AVPF/SAVPF must be used for calls using this proxy config.
     * @param enable True to enable AVPF/SAVF, false to disable it.
    void enableAvpf(boolean enable);

     * Whether AVPF is used for calls through this proxy.
     * @return
    boolean avpfEnabled();

     * Set the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF.
     * @param interval The interval in seconds (between 0 and 5 seconds).
    void setAvpfRRInterval(int interval);

     * Get the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF.
     * @return The interval in seconds.
    int getAvpfRRInterval();

     * Indicates whether quality reporting must be used for calls using this proxy config.
     * @param enable True to enable quality reporting, false to disable it.
    void enableQualityReporting(boolean enable);

     * Whether quality reporting is used for calls through this proxy.
     * @return
    boolean qualityReportingEnabled();

     * Set the interval between quality interval reports during a call when using quality reporting.
     * @param interval The interval in seconds (should be greater than 120 seconds to avoid too much).
    void setQualityReportingInterval(int interval);

     * Get the interval between quality interval reports during a call when using quality reporting.
     * @return The interval in seconds.
    int getQualityReportingInterval();

     * Set the collector SIP URI to collect reports when using quality reporting.
     * @param collector The collector SIP URI which should be configured server side too.
    void setQualityReportingCollector(String collector);

     * Get the collector SIP URI collecting reports when using quality reporting.
     * @return The SIP URI collector address.
    String getQualityReportingCollector();

     * Set the outbound proxy realm. It is used in digest authentication to avoid
     * re-authentication if a previous token has already been provided.
     * @param realm The new outbound proxy realm.
    void setRealm(String realm);

     * Get the outbound proxy realm.
     * @return The outbound proxy realm.
    String getRealm();

     * Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration.
     * @param contact_params a string containing the additional parameters in text form, like "myparam=something;myparam2=something_else"
     * The main use case for this function is provide the proxy additional information regarding the user agent, like for example unique identifier or android push id.
     * As an example, the contact address in the SIP register sent will look like <sip:[email protected]:50421>;android-push-id=43143-DFE23F-2323-FA2232.
    public void setContactParameters(String contact_params);

     * Get the contact's parameters.
     * @return
    public String getContactParameters();

     * Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration, inside the URI.
     * @param params a string containing the additional parameters in text form, like "myparam=something;myparam2=something_else"
     * The main use case for this function is provide the proxy additional information regarding the user agent, like for example unique identifier or apple push id.
     * As an example, the contact address in the SIP register sent will look like <sip:[email protected]:50421;apple-push-id=43143-DFE23F-2323-FA2232>.
    public void setContactUriParameters(String params);

     * Get the contact's URI parameters.
     * @return
    public String getContactUriParameters();

     * Return the international prefix for the given country
     * @param iso code
    public int lookupCCCFromIso(String iso);

     * Return the international prefix for the given country
     * @param e164 phone number
    public int lookupCCCFromE164(String e164);

     * Return reason error code.
     * @return reason code.
    public Reason getError();

     * Get full error information about last error occured on the proxy config.
     * @return an ErrorInfo.
    public ErrorInfo getErrorInfo();

     * Set the publish expiration time in second.
     * @param expires in second
    public void setPublishExpires(int expires);
     * @return the publish expiration time in second. Default value is the registration expiration value.
    public int getPublishExpires();

     *  attached a user data to a proxy config
    void setUserData(Object obj);

     * Detect if the given input is a phone number or not.
     * @param username string to parse.
     * @return TRUE if input is a phone number, FALSE otherwise.
    boolean isPhoneNumber(String username);

     * Returns user data from a proxy config. return null if any
     * @return an Object.
    Object getUserData();


package org.linphone.core;

import org.linphone.core.LinphoneCore.RegistrationState;

class LinphoneProxyConfigImpl implements LinphoneProxyConfig {

    protected final long nativePtr;
    protected LinphoneCoreImpl mCore;
    Object userData;

    private native void finalize(long ptr);
    private native int getState(long nativePtr);
    private native void setExpires(long nativePtr, int delay);
    private native int getExpires(long nativePtr);
    private native long createProxyConfig( long nativePtr);

    protected LinphoneProxyConfigImpl(LinphoneCoreImpl core,String identity,String proxy,String route, boolean enableRegister) throws LinphoneCoreException {
        nativePtr = createProxyConfig(core.nativePtr);

    protected LinphoneProxyConfigImpl(LinphoneCoreImpl core)  {
        nativePtr = createProxyConfig(core.nativePtr);
    /*reserved for JNI */
    protected LinphoneProxyConfigImpl(LinphoneCoreImpl core, long aNativePtr)  {
        nativePtr = aNativePtr;

    private void isValid() {
        if (nativePtr == 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("proxy config removed");

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        if (nativePtr != 0) {
    private native long newLinphoneProxyConfig();

    private native void edit(long ptr);
    private native void done(long ptr);

    private native void setIdentity(long ptr,String identity);
    private native String getIdentity(long ptr);
    private native void setAddress(long ptr, long address);
    private native long getAddress(long ptr);
    private native int setProxy(long ptr,String proxy);
    private native String getProxy(long ptr);

    private native void enableRegister(long ptr,boolean value);
    private native boolean isRegisterEnabled(long ptr);

    private native boolean isRegistered(long ptr);
    private native void setDialPrefix(long ptr, String prefix);
    private native String getDialPrefix(long ptr);

    private native String normalizePhoneNumber(long ptr,String number);
    private native long normalizeSipUri(long ptr,String username);

    private native String getDomain(long ptr);

    private native void setDialEscapePlus(long ptr, boolean value);
    private native boolean getDialEscapePlus(long ptr);

    private native String getRoute(long ptr);
    private native int setRoute(long ptr,String uri);
    private native void enablePublish(long ptr,boolean enable);
    private native boolean publishEnabled(long ptr);
    private native void setContactParameters(long ptr, String params);

    private native int lookupCCCFromIso(long nativePtr, String iso);
    private native int lookupCCCFromE164(long nativePtr, String e164);

    public LinphoneProxyConfig enableRegister(boolean value) {
        return this;

    public void done() {
        Object mutex=mCore!=null ? mCore : this;

    public LinphoneProxyConfig edit() {
        Object mutex=mCore!=null ? mCore : this;
        return this;

    public void setIdentity(String identity) throws LinphoneCoreException {

    public void setAddress(LinphoneAddress address) throws LinphoneCoreException {

    public void setProxy(String proxyUri) throws LinphoneCoreException {
        if (setProxy(nativePtr,proxyUri)!=0) {
            throw new LinphoneCoreException("Bad proxy address ["+proxyUri+"]");
    public String normalizePhoneNumber(String number) {
        return normalizePhoneNumber(nativePtr,number);
    public LinphoneAddress normalizeSipUri(String username) {
        long ptr = normalizeSipUri(nativePtr,username);
        if (ptr==0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return new LinphoneAddressImpl(ptr,LinphoneAddressImpl.WrapMode.FromConst);
    public void setDialPrefix(String prefix) {
        setDialPrefix(nativePtr, prefix);
    public String getDialPrefix() {
        return getDialPrefix(nativePtr);
    public String getDomain() {
        return getDomain(nativePtr);
    public void setDialEscapePlus(boolean value) {
    public boolean getDialEscapePlus() {
        return getDialEscapePlus(nativePtr);
    public String getIdentity() {
        return getIdentity(nativePtr);
    public LinphoneAddress getAddress() {
        long ptr = getAddress(nativePtr);
        if (ptr==0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return new LinphoneAddressImpl(ptr,LinphoneAddressImpl.WrapMode.FromConst);
    public String getProxy() {
        return getProxy(nativePtr);
    public boolean isRegistered() {
        return isRegistered(nativePtr);
    public boolean registerEnabled() {
        return isRegisterEnabled(nativePtr);
    public String getRoute() {
        return getRoute(nativePtr);
    public void setRoute(String routeUri) throws LinphoneCoreException {
        if (setRoute(nativePtr, routeUri) != 0) {
            throw new LinphoneCoreException("cannot set route ["+routeUri+"]");
    public void enablePublish(boolean enable) {
    public RegistrationState getState() {
        return RegistrationState.fromInt(getState(nativePtr));

    public void setExpires(int delay) {
        setExpires(nativePtr, delay);
    public int getExpires() {
        return getExpires(nativePtr);
    public boolean publishEnabled() {
        return publishEnabled(nativePtr);
    public void setContactParameters(String params) {
        setContactParameters(nativePtr, params);
    public int lookupCCCFromIso(String iso) {
        return lookupCCCFromIso(nativePtr, iso);
    public int lookupCCCFromE164(String e164) {
        return lookupCCCFromE164(nativePtr, e164);
    private native int getError(long nativeptr);
    public Reason getError() {
        return Reason.fromInt(getError(nativePtr));
    private native void setPrivacy(long nativePtr, int mask);
    public void setPrivacy(int privacy_mask) {

    private native int getPrivacy(long nativePtr);
    public int getPrivacy() {
        return getPrivacy(nativePtr);

    private native void enableAvpf(long nativePtr, boolean enable);
    public void enableAvpf(boolean enable) {
        enableAvpf(nativePtr, enable);

    private native boolean avpfEnabled(long nativePtr);
    public boolean avpfEnabled() {
        return avpfEnabled(nativePtr);

    private native void setAvpfRRInterval(long nativePtr, int interval);
    public void setAvpfRRInterval(int interval) {
        setAvpfRRInterval(nativePtr, interval);

    private native int getAvpfRRInterval(long nativePtr);
    public int getAvpfRRInterval() {
        return getAvpfRRInterval(nativePtr);

    private native String getContactParameters(long ptr);
    public String getContactParameters() {
        return getContactParameters(nativePtr);

    private native void setContactUriParameters(long ptr, String params);
    public void setContactUriParameters(String params) {

    private native String getContactUriParameters(long ptr);
    public String getContactUriParameters() {
        return getContactUriParameters(nativePtr);

    private native long getErrorInfo(long nativePtr);

    public ErrorInfo getErrorInfo() {
        return new ErrorInfoImpl(getErrorInfo(nativePtr));

    private native void enableQualityReporting(long nativePtr, boolean enable);
    public void enableQualityReporting(boolean enable) {
        enableQualityReporting(nativePtr, enable);

    private native boolean qualityReportingEnabled(long nativePtr);
    public boolean qualityReportingEnabled() {
        return avpfEnabled(nativePtr);

    private native void setQualityReportingInterval(long nativePtr, int interval);
    public void setQualityReportingInterval(int interval) {
        setQualityReportingInterval(nativePtr, interval);
    private native int getQualityReportingInterval(long nativePtr);
    public int getQualityReportingInterval() {
        return getQualityReportingInterval(nativePtr);

    private native void setQualityReportingCollector(long nativePtr, String collector);
    public void setQualityReportingCollector(String collector) {
        setQualityReportingCollector(nativePtr, collector);
    private native String getQualityReportingCollector(long nativePtr);
    public String getQualityReportingCollector() {

        return getQualityReportingCollector(nativePtr);

    private native void setRealm(long nativePtr, String realm);
    public void setRealm(String realm) {
        setRealm(nativePtr, realm);
    private native String getRealm(long nativePtr);
    public String getRealm() {

        return getRealm(nativePtr);

    private native void setPublishExpires(long nativePtr, int expires);
    public void setPublishExpires(int expires) {
        setPublishExpires(nativePtr, expires);
    private native int getPublishExpires(long nativePtr);
    public int getPublishExpires() {

        return getPublishExpires(nativePtr);

    private native boolean isPhoneNumber(long nativePtr,String username);
    public boolean isPhoneNumber(String username){
        return isPhoneNumber(nativePtr,username);

    public void setUserData(Object obj) {
        userData = obj;
    public Object getUserData() {
        return userData;

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_11797608/6370717


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