首页 > 其他分享 >观看:勇敢的机器狗进行水下漫步


时间:2024-11-04 17:10:59浏览次数:3  
标签:Honey 漫步 机器人 robot water MAB 勇敢 Badger 水下

原文链接:Watch: Intrepid robodog goes for underwater stroll


"The small size of the robot, its waterproof design and solidness contribute to being able to operate in environments where other types of mobile robots are insufficient, such as underground tunnels, narrow passages or waterlogged terrains"

MAB Robotics


MAB 机器人技术



From fire-breathers to sprintersclimbers and gymnasts, we've seen more than our fair share of impressive quadruped robots. Now the fourth-generation Honey Badger has added underwater walkies to the list of robodog capabilities.




Poland's MAB Robotics was set up in 2019, after its founders emerged from a student research group and built their first robodog. The startup's Honey Badger quadruped has now gone through four iterations, and the latest has developed a taste for water.

波兰的MAB Robotics公司成立于2019年,其创始人源自一个学生研究小组,并建造了他们的第一只机器狗。这家初创公司的“蜜獾”四足机器人现已经历四次迭代,最新一代已经能够下水。



As you can see in the video below, Honey Badger 4.0 – which was introduced earlier this year – can be seen padding along while immersed under the water at a swimming pool to demonstrate its versatility in extreme environments.



 Underwater Walking of the Honey Badger Legged Robot

MAB Robotics


MAB 机器人技术


Of course, dedicated underwater drones and bots would probably navigate the shallows with more finesse, but the Honey Badger does have the advantage of subsequently emerging from the breakers and making its way up the beach to continue its mission on land.






The company's Jakub Bartoszek told us that "The process of designing Honey Badger 4.0 to meet the requirements for operation in water was very challenging, but we overcame the obstacles thanks to our approach: build, test/break, learn, and improve. The hardest part to seal was the robot's actuators, where it was crucial to make them both lightweight and robust. We developed several prototypes and tested them to identify their limits and expanded those limits with each version. Today we know how to build a robot which can operate underwater, but still have a few ideas how to improve the solution further to improve reliability."






We can also confirm that the latest Honey Badger is 60 cm (23.6 in) in length, stands up to 50 cm (19/6 in) high and weighs in at 12 kg (26.4 lb). In addition to ambling under shallow water, it's reckoned good for grass, concrete and gravel too.





Honey Badger quadrupeds have already been deployed in the heating distribution tunnels and water/sewage canals of Poznań city in Poland

MAB Robotics


MAB 机器人技术


It employs RGB and thermal cameras plus LiDAR to get around at up to 1 m/s (2.24 mph), and is equipped with a gas sensor. There's a 6-Ah Li-ion battery for up to 2 hours of cable-free operation, the robot euns on the ROS2 platform, is capable of hauling a payload of up to 2 kg, and can be controlled remotely through 5G or a fiber-optic cable.

它使用 RGB 和热像仪以及激光雷达以最高 1 米/秒(2.24 英里/小时)的速度移动,并配备了气体传感器。它配备了一块 6 安时锂离子电池,可支持长达 2 小时的无绳操作,该机器人使用 ROS2 平台,能够承载最高 2 公斤的有效载荷,并可通过 5G 或光纤电缆进行远程控制。



"The robot uses power from a built-in battery, and all movement-related computations are performed by onboard computers," confirmed Bartoszek. "The cable was used only for communication with the robot's operator, as standard Wi-Fi doesn't work when the robot is submerged. We are working on autonomous operation to allow inspections of industrial infrastructure, but this is still a work in progress."




Previous versions rocking a jointed spine have been shipped off to universities for research purposes, and others have undertaken inspection duties at industrial sites in Poland as well as getting inside heating distribution tunnels and water/sewage canals in Poznań city.




"We're cooperating with companies that manage infrastructure, part of which is constantly submerged," said Bartoszek. "One of these is a company responsible for water and sewage management, where some parts of the network are best accessed by a system capable of traversing both land and underwater environments. The bottom of these areas is often covered in rocks and debris, making movement difficult. During our tests with partners, we've demonstrated that a quadrupedal robot is a great tool, and we're working toward commercializing the solution. Furthermore, we have started a cooperation with universities that use the robot in research related to locomotion in water. This helps us with testing and contributes to the development of the solution."




Source: MAB Robotics

来源: MAB Robotics






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京东店铺:智能佳机器人专营店 - 京东 (jd.com)

淘宝店铺:首页-智能佳机器人-淘宝网 (taobao.com)

企业淘宝:首页-智能佳机器人官方店铺-淘宝网 (taobao.com)






From: https://www.cnblogs.com/bjrobot/p/18525758


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