- 官方开源地址和文档
- How it works
- Choosing RunStrategy
- 简单使用示例
- BenchmarkDotNet打印列的含义
- Benchmark输出列
- Benchmark特性
- 相关参考
- 版权特别声明
GitHub:GitHub - dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet: Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
文档首页:Overview | BenchmarkDotNet
How it works
BenchmarkDotNet follows the following steps to run your benchmarks:
generates an isolated project per each runtime settings and builds it in Release mode. -
Next, we take each method/job/params combination and try to measure its performance by launching benchmark process several times (
). -
An invocation of the workload method is an operation . A bunch of operation is an iteration . If you have an IterationSetup method, it will be invoked before each iteration, but not between operations. We have the following type of iterations:
: The best operation count will be chosen.OverheadWarmup
: BenchmarkDotNet overhead will be evaluated.ActualWarmup
: Warmup of the workload method.ActualWorkload
: Actual measurements.Result
After all of the measurements, BenchmarkDotNet creates:
- An instance of the
class that contains all information about benchmark runs. - A set of files that contains summary in human-readable and machine-readable formats.
- A set of plots.
- An instance of the
Choosing RunStrategy
If you run a benchmark, you always (explicitly or implicitly) use a job. Each Job
has the RunStrategy
parameter which allows switching between different benchmark modes. The default RunStrategy
is Throughput
, and it works fine for most cases. However, other strategies are also useful in some specific cases.
/// <summary>
/// https://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/overview.html
/// </summary>
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//var hashHelper = new Md5VsSha256();
//var byte1 = hashHelper.Md5();
//var byte2 = hashHelper.Sha256();
//var isEqual = byte1.SequenceEqual(byte2);
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Md5VsSha256>();
[SimpleJob(RunStrategy.ColdStart, iterationCount: 5)]
public class Md5VsSha256
private const int N = 10000;
private readonly byte[] data;
private readonly SHA256 sha256 = SHA256.Create();
private readonly MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
public Md5VsSha256()
data = new byte[N];
new Random(42).NextBytes(data);
public byte[] Sha256() => sha256.ComputeHash(data);
[Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
public byte[] Md5() => md5.ComputeHash(data);
列名 | 含义 |
Method | 测试方法的名称 |
Mean | 测试运行的平均时间 |
Error | 测试运行的标准误差,标准误差是测试结果的离散程度的度量,标准误差越小,表示测试结果越稳定 |
StdDev | 所有测试运行的标准偏差,标准偏差是测试结果的离散程度的度量,标准偏差越小,表示测试结果越接近平均值。 |
Median | 所有测试运行的中位数。中位数是测试结果的中间值,如果测试结果的个数为奇数,则中位数为中间的那个值;如果测试结果的个数为偶数,则中位数为中间两个值的平均值。 |
Ratio | 每个测试运行的平均时间与基准测试运行的平均时间的比值。基准测试是性能最好的测试,它的比值为 1.0。其他测试的比值表示它们相对于基准测试的性能表现,比值越小,表示性能越好。 |
RatioSD | 所有测试运行的比值的标准偏差。标准偏差越小,表示比值的离散程度越小,测试结果更稳定。 |
Gen 0 | 所有测试运行期间生成的第 0 代垃圾回收的次数。垃圾回收是 .NET 运行时自动回收不再使用的内存的机制,Generational Garbage Collection 是 .NET 中的一种垃圾回收算法。 |
Gen 1 | 所有测试运行期间生成的第 1 代垃圾回收的次数。 |
Gen 2 | 所有测试运行期间生成的第 2 代垃圾回收的次数。 |
Allocated | 所有测试运行期间分配的内存总量。 |
列 | 含义 |
[MemoryDiagnoser] | 输出内存分配及回收信息,会输出: Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated Alloc Ratio 列信息 |
[RankColum] | 输出排名信息,会输出: Rank 列信息 |
MinColumn | |
MaxColumn | |
MeanColumn | |
MedianColumn | 所有测试运行的中位数。中位数是测试结果的中间值,如果测试结果的个数为奇数,则中位数为中间的那个值;如果测试结果的个数为偶数,则中位数为中间两个值的平均值。 |
特性 | 作用于 | 含义 |
Benchmark | AttributeTargets.Method | |
[Benchmark(Baseline = true)] | AttributeTargets.Method | 定义基线方法,详见:IntroBenchmarkBaseline |
[Params(true, false)] | AttributeTargets.Property AttributeTargets.Field |
IntroParams |
[Arguments(100, 10)] | AttributeTargets.Method | IntroArguments |
[SimpleJob(RunStrategy.ColdStart)] | AttributeTargets.Class | 冷启动模式,没有试点和预热阶段,详见:IntroColdStart |
[DryJob] | AttributeTargets.Class | 只运行基准一次,会输出反汇编结果,详见:IntroDisassemblyDry |
[GlobalSetup] [GlobalCleanup] |
AttributeTargets.Method | IntroSetupCleanupGlobal |
本文只用于记录本人使用BenchmarkDotNet时的一些参考,不做任何其他用途,其中参考的文章在 相关参考 中也给出了原文地址。
标签:测试运行,AttributeTargets,Benchmark,中位数,BenchmarkDotNet,测试 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lanwah/p/18148807