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Reflective Journal II

时间:2024-04-14 12:55:36浏览次数:27  
标签:content Journal II PPT Reflective more

When it comes to the people who have influenced me, I immediately think of my good friend Tang. First of all,I listed the four sections to be introduced, then searched for photos of the relevant content, and recalled the story between us. After finishing the PPT, I familiarized myself with the content several times and began to report. In order to make the PPT harmonious and beautiful, I chose the same color fonts and layout and inserted many photos. Through the presentation, I learned the way of character introduction and the production of PPT. Compared with traditional writing, this method is more efficient and intuitive, allowing readers to have a more comprehensive understanding of the content of the report. I really like this form,which is very interesting and charming.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/pahko/p/18134017


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