0 前言
\[(\mathbf{p}-\mathbf{p_0})\cdot\mathbf{n}=0 \]\[Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 \]\[A = \mathbf{n}.x,\; B = \mathbf{n}.y,\; C = \mathbf{n}.z,\; D = \mathbf{n} \cdot -\mathbf{p_0} \]平面方程就是任意一点到平面的垂直投影距离。距离以法线为坐标基。
1 平面的应用 物理碰撞
// Test if AABB b intersects plane p
int TestAABBPlane(AABB b, Plane p) {
// Convert AABB to center-extents representation
Point c = (b.max + b.min) * 0.5f; // Compute AABB center
Point e = b.max - c; // Compute positive extents
// 此处只有聪明人才能懂为什么加绝对值,这个和unreal的判断异曲同工之妙
float r = e[0]*Abs(p.n[0]) + e[1]*Abs(p.n[1]) + e[2]*Abs(p.n[2]);
// Compute distance of box center from plane
float s = Dot(p.n, c) - p.d;
// Intersection occurs when distance s falls within [-r,+r] interval
return Abs(s) <= r;
2 Unreal Math 平面位置关系
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
UnMath.cpp: Unreal math routines
int32 FMath::PlaneAABBRelativePosition(const FPlane& P, const FBox& AABB)
// find diagonal most closely aligned with normal of plane
FVector Vmin, Vmax;
// Bypass the slow FVector[] operator. Not RESTRICT because it won't update Vmin, Vmax
FVector::FReal* VminPtr = (FVector::FReal*)&Vmin;
FVector::FReal* VmaxPtr = (FVector::FReal*)&Vmax;
// Use restrict to get better instruction scheduling and to bypass the slow FVector[] operator
const FVector::FReal* RESTRICT AABBMinPtr = (const FVector::FReal*)&AABB.Min;
const FVector::FReal* RESTRICT AABBMaxPtr = (const FVector::FReal*)&AABB.Max;
const FPlane::FReal* RESTRICT PlanePtr = (const FPlane::FReal*)&P;
for(int32 Idx=0;Idx<3;++Idx)
if(PlanePtr[Idx] >= 0.f)
VminPtr[Idx] = AABBMinPtr[Idx];
VmaxPtr[Idx] = AABBMaxPtr[Idx];
VminPtr[Idx] = AABBMaxPtr[Idx];
VmaxPtr[Idx] = AABBMinPtr[Idx];
// if either diagonal is right on the plane, or one is on either side we have an interesection
FPlane::FReal dMax = P.PlaneDot(Vmax);
FPlane::FReal dMin = P.PlaneDot(Vmin);
// if Max is below plane, or Min is above we know there is no intersection.. otherwise there must be one
if (dMax < 0.f)
return -1;
else if (dMin > 0.f)
return 1;
return 0;
bool FMath::PlaneAABBIntersection(const FPlane& P, const FBox& AABB)
return PlaneAABBRelativePosition(P, AABB) == 0;
X. Reff
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line–plane_intersection
- https://gdbooks.gitbooks.io/3dcollisions/
- 《Games Physicks CookBook》