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标签:do What CONCEPT 60 they usually NEW come any


Lesson 51 A pleasant climate

Key words and expressions

Greece n. 希腊

country n. 国家

climate n. 气候(长时间的气候特征)

pleasant adj. 宜人的 ea发/e/

sometimes adv. 有时

always adj. 总是

weather n. 天气(短时间的天气状况)

windy adj. 有风的

warm adj. 温暖的

rain v. 下雨

snow v. 下雪

Language points

Where do you come from? 你是哪国人? = Where are you from?

I come from Greece. 我是希腊人. = I'm from Greece.

be ... like : ... 怎么样 ; 这里like不是喜欢的意思

What's the climate like in your country? 你的国家的气候怎么样?

example :

​ What's Jimmy like? Jimmy这个人怎么样?

​ What's your village like? 你的村子怎么样?

It's very pleasant. 宜人的.

What's the weather like in spring? 春天的天气怎么样?


注意这些句子中的it指的都是天气the weather

It's often windy in March. 3月经常刮风.

It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. 4,5月总是很温暖,但是有时候下雨.

What's it like in Summer?

It's always hot in June, July and August. 在6,7,8月总是很热.

The sun shines every day. 每天都出太阳. 动词shine 因为主语是三单,所以要加s

Is it cold or warm in autumn? 秋天是冷是热?

It's always warm in September and October. 9,10月总是很温暖.

It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes. 11月常常冷,有时候下雨.

sometimes 可以放在句首或句尾或句中. 如: Sometimes it rains./ It sometimes rains.这个副词的位置比较自由.

Is it very cold in winter? 冬天很冷吗?

It's often cold in December, January and February. 在12,1,2月常常冷.

It snows sometimes. 有时候下雪.

It doesn't snow in winter. 冬天不下雪.

Does it snow in winter? 冬天下雪吗?

Sentence patterns

Where does / do ... come from? 询问别人是哪国人

请注意, come from后面加的是国名


​ Where does he come from?

​ He comes from Japan.

​ Where do you come from?

​ We come from China.


What nationality is / are ... ?

example :

​ What nationality is she?

​ She is French. 注意这里是形容词,前面不加任何冠词.

​ What nationality are they?

​ They're American.

Lesson 52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?

Where do you come from? I come from the U.S.

What nationality are you? I'm American.

Where does he come from? He comes from Brazil.

What nationality is he? He's Brazilian.

Where does she come from? She comes from Holland.

What nationality is she? She's Dutch.

Where do you come from? We come from England.

What nationality are you? We're English.

Where do they come from? They come from France.

What nationality are they? They're French.

Where do I come from? You come from Germany.

What nationality am I? You're German.

Lesson 53 An interesting climate

Key words and expressions

east n. 东方

west n. 西方

south n. 南方

north n. 北方

mild adj. 温和的, 温暖的

season n. 季节

rise v. 升起

set v. (太阳)落下去

interesting adj. 有趣的, 有意思的

subject n. 话题; 学科,课题

conversation n. 谈话

Language points

What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家的气候怎么样?

It's mild, but it's not always pleasant. 很温和, 但是不总是宜人的.


​ The climate is mild in England.

​ Sometimes it's pleasant. 有时候是宜人的.

​ Sometimes it isn't. 有时候不是.

Which seasons do you like best? like best : 最喜欢的...


​ My daughter likes pop music best. 我女儿最喜欢流行音乐.

I like spring and summer.

The days are long and the nights are short. 白天长,夜晚短

The sun rises early and sets late. 太阳升起早, 落下晚

Jim说了他不喜欢秋季和冬季的原因 :

​ I don't like autumn and winter.

​ The days are short and the nights are long. 白天短夜晚长.

​ The sun rises late and sets early. 太阳升的晚落的早.

这里late和early都是副词修饰动词rise和set. 他俩也可以用作形容词.

比如: You are early today.你今天挺早啊. Don't be late to school.上学别迟到了.

Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly interesting. 我们的气候不是太好,但是它的确很有趣.

It's our favourite subject of conversation. 他是最受欢迎的话题.

Sentence patterns

I come from England. I'm English. 我是从英国来的, 我是英国人.

What's the weather like in the North? 北方的天气怎么样?

It's often cold. 经常是很冷的.

Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜欢的季节有哪些?

I like spring and summer best. 我喜欢春季和夏季.

Lesson 54 What nationality are they? What do they come from?

I Australia 澳大利亚 Australian 澳大利亚人

Where do you come from? Are you Australian?

Yes, I'm Australian. I come from Australia.

he Austria 奥地利 Austrian 奥地利人

Where does he come from? Is he Austrian.

Yes. He's Austrian. He comes from Austria.

he Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加拿大人

Where does he come from? Is he Canadian?

Yes. He's Canadian. He comes from Canada.

we China Chinese

Where do you come from? Are you Chinese?

Yes. We are Chinese. We come from China.

you Finland 芬兰 Finnish 芬兰人

You are Finnish. You come from Finland.

she India 印度 Indian 印度人

She is Indian. She comes from India.

you Japan Japanese

You are Japanese. You come from Japan.

I Korea Korean

I'm Korean. I come from Korea.

we Nigeria 尼日利亚 Nigerian 尼日利亚人

We are Nigerian. We come from Nigeria.

they Poland 波兰 Polish 波兰人

They are Polish. They come from Poland.

she Thailand 泰国 Thai 泰国人

She is Thai. She comes from Thailand.

she Turkey 土耳其 Turkish 土耳其人

She's Turkish. She comes from Turkey.

Lesson 55 The Sawyer family

Key words and expressions

stay v. 呆在, 停留

housework n. 家务

lunch n. 午餐

usually adv. 通常

together adv. 一起

arrive v. 到达

Language points

The Sawyers live at 87King Street.

在姓氏后面加上 ' s ' , 前面加定冠词The表示 '某某一家人'

the Smiths 史密斯一家

the Johnsons 约翰逊一家

在具体的门牌号前面介词用 'at', 但是在街道和城市的前面要用 ' in '.

live in King Street 住在国王街

live in Beijing 住在北京

In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.

Mr.Sawyer是三单,在 动词 go + es.

Their father takes them to school every day.

take 某人 to 某地 : 带某人到某地

Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.

stay at home 呆在家

She does the housework. 做家务

She always eats her lunch at noon. 她总是在正午吃午饭.

**eats ones lunch 吃午饭 **

at noon = at midday.

In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. 下午,它通常去见朋友.

They often drink tea together. 她们常常一起喝茶.

do something + together : 一起做某事

go shopping together 一起购物

In the evening, the children come home from school. 晚上, 孩子们从学校回到家.

They arrive home early. 他们回家早.

Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. come home from work 下班回家

He arrives home late. 到家很晚.

arrive 是不及物动词, 在后面不能加名词作为宾语, 要加介词短语.

arrive at a village. / arrive in ShangHai. 到达一个村子 / 到达上海

in the evening : 傍晚

at night : 晚上

At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed.

do ones home work : 做作业. go to bed : 上床睡觉

Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.

read ones newspaper : 读报 watch television : 看电视

watch : 名词- 手表 动词- 观看

**描述经常发生的动作,或经常存在的状态用一般现在时, 和一般现在时连用的时间状语有: **

everyday , in the morning,in the afternoon, in the night ,in the evening , at night.

常用的副词有 : usually, often, sometimes

Sentence patterns

What do / does ... usually do ? 某人总是做什么?

They always go to school in the morning. 他们总是早上去上学.

She stays at home everyday. 她总在家.

He often reads his newspaper in the evening. 他经常晚上读报.

Lesson 56 What do they usually do?

makes always morning

What does she do in the morning?

She always makes the bed in the morning.

shaves always morning

What does he do in the morning?

He always shaves in the morning.

listen sometimes evening

What do they do in the evening?

Sometimes they listen to the stereo in the evening.

clean always everyday

When does he clean the blackboard?

He always cleans the blackboard every day.

go always night

When do they go to bed?

They always go to bed early at night.

washes usually every day

When does she wash the dishes?

She usually washes the dishes every day.

drinks usually every day

What does the cat do every day?

It usually drinks some milk every day.

watch sometimes evening

What do they do in the evening?

Sometimes they watch the television in the evening.

eats always noon

What does she do at noon?

She always eats her lunch at noon.

reads often evening

What does he do in the evening?

He often reads his newspaper in the evening.

Lesson 57 An unusual day

Key words and expressions

o' clock adv. 钟点

shop n. 商店

moment n. 片刻, 瞬间

Language points
It is eight o'clock. 现在是8点钟.

What's the time? / What time is it? 现在几点?

The children go to school by car every day, by car : 乘车 by train 乘火车 by plane 乘飞机

but today, they are going to school on foot. on foot : 步行

How are they going to school today? 他们今天是怎么去上学的?

It's four o'clock.

In the afternoon, 在下午,

Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks eat in the living room. 通常Mrs.Sawyer会在卧室喝茶,

Where's Mrs.Sawyer drinking eat this afternoon? Mrs.Sawyer今天下午在哪里喝茶?

But this afternoon, she is drinking eat in the garden.

this morning : 今天早上 this evening : 今天傍晚

It's nine o'clock.

Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. 一般现在时

But he isn't reading his newspaper tonight. 现在进行时

At the moment, 此刻

at this moment / at that moment : 这时候 / 那时候

wait a moment : 等一会 come here a momet

he's reading an interesting book.

Sentence patterns

What do / does ... usually do? 某人通常做什么?

What is / are ... going ? 某人现在正在做什么?

example :

Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning. But this morning, she's going to the shop.

In the evening, the children usually do their homework. But this evening, they are playing in the garden.

Lesson 58 What's the time?

What's the time? It's one o'clock.

What's the time? It's three o'clock.

he shave every day

When does he usually shave every day?

He usually shaves at seven o'clock.

he shaving today

When is he shaving today?

Today, he is shaving at eight o'clock.

she drink eat in the morning

What does she usually do in the morning?

She usually drinks eat in the morning.

this morning drinking coffee

What's she doing this morning?

She is drinking coffee this morning.

in the afternoon play in the garden

What do they usually do in the afternoon?

They usually play in the garden in the afternoon.

this afternoon swimming in the river

What are they doing this afternoon?

They are swimming in the river this afternoon.

in the evening cook a meal

I usually cook a meal in the evening.

this evening read a book

But this evening, I'm reading a book.

at night watch television

We usually watch television at night.

tonight listen to the stereo

But tonight, we are listening to the stereo.

Lesson 59 Is that all?

Key words and expressions

envelope n. 信封

writing paper 信纸

shop assistant 售货员

size n. 尺寸, 尺码, 大小

pad n. 信笺簿

glue n. 胶水

chalk n. 粉笔

change n. 零钱, 找给的钱

Language points

Do you have any writing paper?

Yes, we do. do是个助动词

I don't have any small pads. 我没有小本的信纸, small pads = small pads of writing paper

**I only have large ones. ones = pads, 我只有大本的信纸. **

only 是 '仅仅,只'的意思

example :

​ I only want some sugar. 我只想加一点糖.

And I want a large box of chalk, too.

买东西时询问店员有没有这种东西 : Do you have any chalk?

chalk 是不可数名词 , 一只粉笔就是 a piece of chalk

I only have small boxes. small boxes of chalk 我只有小盒的.

他的意思是 I don't have any large boxes. 我没有大盒的.

Is that all? 就这些吗?

That's all, thank you. 就这些了, 就这样了.

That's all for today. 下课时老师会说,今天就到这了.

What else do you want? 你还想买什么?

What else do you have / like ? 你还有什么? / 你还喜欢什么?

I want my change. 我想要找我的零钱. change=找的零钱

Keep the change. 不用找了

Sentence patterns

Do you have any ... ? 你有 ... 吗?

Do you have any glue?

Do you have any envelopes?

I have some envelopes, but I don't have any glue.

Lesson 60 What's the time?

What's the time? It's two o' clock. It's eight o' clock. It's twelve o' clock.

cheese butter 你有奶酪么? 我没有奶酪,但是我有黄油.

Do you have any cheese? I don't have any cheese, but I have some butter.

jam honey

Do you have any jam? I don't have any jam, but I have some honey.

bread biscuits

Do you and Stella have any bread? We don't have any bread, but we have some biscuits.

potatoes土豆 peas豌豆

Do you and Sam have any potatoes? We don't have any potatoes, but we have some peas.

tomatoes西红柿 beans豆子

Do Helen and Tim have any tomatoes? They don't have any tomatoes, but they have some beans.

cabbage卷心菜 lettuces油麦菜,莴苣

Do Steven and his sister have any cabbage? They don't any cabbage, but they have some lettuces.

eggs peaches桃

Do you have any eggs? I don't have any eggs, but I have some peaches.

bananas grapes葡萄

Do you and your friends have any bananas? We don't have any bananas, but we have some grapes.

steak牛排 mince肉馅

Do Mary and Tom have any steak? They don't have any steak, but they have some mince.

chicken beer

Do you have any chicken? I don't have any chicken, but I have some beer.

whisky wine

Do you and Jack have any whisky? We don't have any whisky, but we have some wine.

tobacco soap

Do Penny and Dan have any tobacco? They don't have any tobacco,but they have some soap.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lg369/p/18103489


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