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2002 年考研英语真题 - 完型填空解析

Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. [1]      

翻译:人们曾对 20 世纪电视的发展和 15、16 世纪印刷术的传播进行过比较。

1. 该句子的主干是:Comparisons were drawn between...and...;drawn 是被动形式,意思是:作(比较),进行(对比)。

2. of television /of printing, 介词短语作定语,修饰 the development/the diffusion。

3. in the 20th century, 介词短语作定语,修饰 the development of television。

4. in the 15th and 16th centuries, 介词短语作定语,修饰 the diffusion of printing。

Yet much had happened between. [2]    


1. Yet 表转折。

2. between, 副词作状语。

As was discussed before, it was not until the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic medium, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the company of the periodical. [3]  

翻译:正如先前讨论的那样,直到 19 世纪,报纸才继小册子、书本之后,随期刊一起成为了电子媒体出现之前的主导媒体。

1. As was discussed before, 是 as 引导的方式状语。

2. 主句是 it is+ 强调部分 +that 从句的强调句,强调部分为:not until the 19th century。

3. pre-electronic 前电子时代的。

4. electronic medium 电子媒介。

5. following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the company of the periodical. 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

6. in the wake of 紧紧跟随;随着… 而来;作为… 的结果。

7. in the company of 在… 陪同下。

It was during the same time that the communications revolution speeded up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading on through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures into the 20th century world of the motor car and the airplane. [4]

翻译:就在这段时期,通信革命加快了步伐,从运输 - 铁路开始,接着是电报、电话、无线电和电影,直到进入汽车和飞机的 20 世纪的世界。

1. 该句子是 it is+ 强调部分 +that 从句的强调句,强调部分为:during the same time。

2. speed up 加速;使加速。

2. beginning with...and leading on through...into..., 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

3. begin with 以… 开始;开始于…。

4. lead on 继续引领,率领;哄骗;引诱。

5. motion picture 电影。

6. of the motor car and the airplane. 介词短语作定语,修饰 the 20th century world。

7. motor car 汽车;电动车。 

Not everyone sees the process in perspective. [5]  


1. in perspective, 正确地;观察合理地。

It is important to do so. [6]    


It is generally recognized, however, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact on the media was not immediately apparent. [7]


1. it 是形式主语,代指后面的 that 从句。

2. the introduction of … 的介绍;… 的引进;… 的推出。

3. of the computer, 介词短语作定语,修饰 the introduction。

4. in the early 20th century /during the 1960s, 介词短语作时间状语。

5. followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, 过去分词短语作伴随状语。

6. followed by 然后,随后;接着是。

7. of the integrated circuit, 介词短语作定语,修饰 the invention。

8. integrated circuit 集成电路。

9. although its impact on the media was not immediately apparent. 是 although 引导的让步状语从句。

10. impact on 影响;对… 冲击,碰撞。

11. on the media, 介词短语作定语,修饰 its impact。

As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became "personal" too, as well as institutional, with display becoming sharper and storage capacity increasing. [8]   

翻译:随着时间的推移,电脑体积越来越小,功能越来越强大,它们成为了 “个人” 电脑和机构团体使用的电脑,其显示器越来越清晰,存储容量也越来越大。

1. as time go by 随着时间的推移;随着时间的流逝。

2. and 连接两个并列句。

3. as well as institutional, 是 as well as 连接两个并列宾语,"personal" 和 institutional。

4. with display becoming sharper and storage capacity increasing. 是 with 引导的独立主格,作伴随状语。

5. storage capacity 存储容量;存储能力。

They were thought of, like people, in terms of generations, with the distance between generations much smaller. [9]  

翻译:像人一样,电脑也用 “代” 来划分,而且代与代的时间间隔越来越小。

1. be thought of 被认为…。

2. like people, 插入语,是介词短语作方式状语。

3. in terms of 依据;按照;在… 方面;以… 措词。

4. with the distance (...) much smaller. 介词短语作伴随状语。

5. between generations, 介词短语作定语,修饰 the distance。

It was within the computer age that the term "information society" began to be widely used to describe the context within which we now live. [10]

翻译:在电脑时代,“信息社会” 这个词才开始被广泛用于描述我们现今生活的环境。

1. 该句子是 it is+ 强调部分 +that 从句的强调句,强调部分为:within the computer age。

2. computer age 计算机时代;电脑时代。

3. information society 信息社会,资讯社会。

4. be used to do sth 被用于做某事。

5. to describe the context(...), 是 to do 不定式短语作目的状语。

6. within which we now live. 是 within+which 引导的定语从句,修饰 the context。

The communications revolution has influenced both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been controversial views about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. [11]


1. but 连接两个并列句。

2. communication revolution 通信革命。

3. how we think and feel both about place and time, 是 how 引导的从句,通过 both..and... 短语与 work and leisure 并列作 influenced 的宾语;从句中也有个 both..and... 短语,连接 place and time,并列作 think 和 feel 的宾语。

4. controversial view 有争议的观点。

5. about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. 介词短语作定语,修饰 controversial views。

"Benefits" have been weighed against "harmful" outcomes. [12]

翻译:“益处” 与 “有害的” 结果已经进行了权衡。

1. weigh against 权衡,掂量。

And generalizations have proved difficult. [13]


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ah1949/p/18100384


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