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[Container] Introduction to Kubernetes

时间:2024-03-22 22:14:08浏览次数:18  
标签:Container Kubernetes Introduction source Does services Nodes Pods

  • Define Kubernetes
    • Also know as K8S, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
    • An open source containerization orchestration paltform.
    • Easoly portable across clouds and on-premises
    • Includes a growing ecosystem of projects, products and partners
    • Facilitates declarative management.
  • Explain what Kubernetes is not
    • Is not a traditional, all-inclusive paltform as a services
    • Is not rigid or opinionated but a flexible model that supports a diverse variety of workloads and containerized applications.
    • Does not provide integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to deploy source code or build applications
    • Does not prescribe logging, monitoring, or alerting solutions.
    • Does not provide build-in middleware, databases, or other services
  • Relate Kubernetes concepts
    • Pods and Workloads: Pods are the smallest deployable compute object in Kubernetes and the higher-level abstractions to run workoads.
    • Services: A service exposes application running on a set of Pods.
    • Storage: Kubernetes supports both persistent and temporary Pods
    • Confiuration: Resources that Kubernetes provides for configuring Pods.
    • Security: Security for cloud-native workload enforces security for Pod and API access.
    • Policies: Create policies for groups of resources help ensure that Pods match to the Nodes so that the Kubelet can find then and run the Pod
    • Schedule, Eviction: Runs and proactively terminates one or more Pods on resource-starved Nodes
    • Preemption: Terminates lower priority Pods so that higher priority Pods can run on Nodes
    • Administration: Management details necessary to administer a Kubenetes cluster
  • Describe Kubernetes capabilities
    • Autmated rollouts and rollbacks
      • Progrssively rolls out changes to application or configuration
      • Monitors application health and ensures instances are running
      • Rolls back changes
    • Storage orchestration
      • Automatically mounts your chosen storage system whether from local storage, network storage, or public cloud
    • Horizontal scaling
      • Scales load automatically based on metrics or via commands
    • Automated bin packing
      • Increaes resource utilization and cost savings using a mix of critcal and best-effort workloads
      • Performs container auto-placement based on resource requirements and conditions without sacrificing high availiblity(HA)
    • Secret and configuration management
      • Stores and manages sesitive inforation (credentials, keys or tokens) securely
      • Depolys and updates secrets and configuration without rebuilding images
    • IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack
      • Assings both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services
    • Batch execution
      • Manages batch and continuous integration workloads, and replaces failed containers, if configured
    • Self-healing
      • Restarts, replaces, reschedules, and kills failing or unresponsive containers.
      • Exposes containers to clients only if healthy and running
    • Service discovery and load balancing
      • Discovers Pods using their own IP addresses or a single DNS name
      • Load-balances traffic acrossPods for better performance and high availabilty
    • Designed for extensibility
      • Easily extensible by adding or providing addtional features to your Kubernetes cluster without any source code modifications
  • Describe the Kubernetes ecosystem
    • COntains services, support and tools that are widely available
    • Provides additonal Kubernetes services
      • Buidling container images
      • Storing images in a container registry
      • Application logging and monitoring
      • Continuous improvement and continuous delivery CI/CD


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jbite9057/p/18090492


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