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[Container] Docker Objects

时间:2024-03-22 15:14:17浏览次数:35  
标签:layer container image Objects Container Docker instructions

Docker objects

  • Dockerfile
    • A dockerfile is a editable text file that contains instructions needed to create an image in terminal.
    • The instructions docker provided:
      • FROM: Defines base image
      • RUN: Executes arbitrary commands
      • CMD: Defines default command for container execution
  • Image
    • Use for createing Docker containers and Read-only template with instructions
    • Built using instructions in a Dockerfie; a new read-only image layer is creaed for each instruction
    • A writeable layer is added when an image layer is created for each instruction
    • Layers can be shared between images, which saves disk space and network bandwidth
    • image naming: hostname/repository:tag, dockr.io/ubuntu:18.04
  • Container
    • arunnable instance of an image
    • Can be created, stopped, started or deleted using the Docker API or CLI
    • Can connect to multiple networks, attach storage, or create a new image based on its current state
    • Is well isolated from othe containers and its host machine
  • Network: Networks are used for the isolated container communication
  • Storage: Docker uses volumes and bind mounts to persist data even after a container stops
  • Other objects Plugins Add-ons: Storage plugins provide the ability to connect to external stroage platforms

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jbite9057/p/18089516


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