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[Container] study goals for learning container

时间:2024-03-21 23:23:14浏览次数:25  
标签:Container study describe how container Docker image

Learning Objectives

  • Build a container image and store it in a container registry.
  • Describe the features, benefits, and use cases of containers, and how they are different from virtual machines.
  • Define Docker and list some of the commonly used Docker CLI commands and their functions.
  • Explain the basic purpose of container registries, then describe how container registries differentiate themselves and how users interact with them.
  • Compare and contrast containers and images.
  • Use Docker to pull an image from the Docker Hub registry, run the image as a container, and push the image to an IBM Cloud Container Registry.
  • List some of the commonly used instructions in Dockerfiles and describe how to build and tag an image using a Dockerfile.
  • Describe Docker architecture components and describe containerization.
  • Explain how Docker works as a container runtime.
  • Describe the IBM Cloud Container Registry service.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jbite9057/p/18088452


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