TI的毫米波雷达传感器(mmWave radar sensor)有两类[1]:
- 汽车毫米波雷达传感器(Automotive mmWave radar sensor, AWRx)
- 工业毫米波雷达传感器(Industrial mmWave radar sensor, IWRx)
- 集成的射频前端(Integrated front end, MMIC):AWR1243和AWR2243
Monolithic microwave integrated circuit, or MMIC (sometimes pronounced "mimic"), is a type of integrated circuit (IC) device that operates at microwave frequencies (300 MHz to 300 GHz). These devices typically perform functions such as microwave mixing, power amplification, low-noise amplification, and high-frequency switching[4].
- 单芯片方案(Single-chip solutions):包含射频功能,并内置MCU处理器可对采集的数据进行处理。
AWR1243 BoosterPack™ 插件模块是一款面向单芯片 AWR1243 毫米波传感器件的易用型评估板。
AWR1243BOOST 包含使用 MMWAVE-STUDIO 环境和 DCA1000 实时数据捕获适配器开始开发所需的一切资源。
通过标配 20 引脚 BoosterPack 接头,该评估板可与多种 MCU LaunchPad 开发套件兼容并简化原型设计工作。
- 板载天线支持进行现场测试
- 用于 DCA1000 连接的标准接口和用于原始数据捕获的 MMWAVE-STUDIO
- 可无缝连接至 TI MCU 的 TI LaunchPad 开发套件接口
A: 要使用DCA1000捕获AWR1243的ADC数据并传输到上位机。由于ADC数据量较大,仅靠AWR1243无法全部存储,而DCA1000有2GB缓存空间并可通过以太网高速传输到上位机。
This hardware connects to AWR1243BOOST to enable streaming of LVDS interface to PC Ethernet interface. The streaming capability allows you to capture ADC raw data for analysis on the PC[5].
- PC链接
PC Connection
Connectivity is provided using the micro USB connector over the onboard XDS110 (TM4C1294NCPDT)
emulator. This connection provides the following interfaces to the PC:
• JTAG for CCS connectivity
• UART1 for flashing the onboard serial flash, downloading FW using RADAR studio, and getting
application data sent over the UART
• MSS logger UART, which can be used to get MSS code logs on the PC
When the USB is connected to the PC the device manager recognizes the following COM ports, as shown
in Figure 9:
• XDS110 Class Application/User UART → the UART1 port
• XDS110 Class Auxiliary Data port → the MSS logger por
- Connection With MMWAVE-DEVPACK
不需要连接数据采集板的情况:Mmwave SDK demos and released labs do not require the DevPack to be used with the BoosterPack.
需要连接数据采集板的情况:Users may be required to use the DevPack along with the BoosterPack for the following use cases:
• Connecting to RADAR studio. This tool provides capability to configure the mmWave front end from
the PC. This tool is available in the DFP package.
• Capturing high-speed LVDS data using the TSW1400 platform from TI. This device allows the user to
capture raw ADC data over the high-speed debug interface and post process it in the PC. The RADAR
Studio tool provides an interface to the TSW1400 platform as well, so that the front end configurations
and data capture can be done using a single interface. Details on this board can be found at
For details on these use cases, see the mmWave-DevPack User Guide.- Connecting the BoosterPack to the DCA1000
The BoosterPack can be connected to the DCA1000 FPGA platform for LVDS streaming over Ethernet.
For detailed information on how to capture LVDS data using the DCA1000, see the following resources:
• DCA1000 Product Page
• DCA1000 User's Guide
• DCA1000 Training Video
[1] https://www.ti.com.cn/
[2] https://e2echina.ti.com/support/archived-forums/f/other-analog-forum/176688/awr1642-iwr1642
[3] https://www.ti.com.cn/zh-cn/sensors/mmwave-radar/automotive/overview.html
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monolithic_microwave_integrated_circuit
[5] https://www.ti.com.cn/tool/cn/AWR1243BOOST#description
[6] https://www.ti.com.cn/cn/lit/ug/swru507c/swru507c.pdf?ts=1705482085166&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.ti.com.cn%252Fproduct%252Fzh-cn%252FAWR1443%253FkeyMatch%253DAWR1443%2526tisearch%253Dsearch-everything%2526usecase%253DGPN-ALT