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halcon 标定

时间:2023-12-28 15:22:42浏览次数:26  
标签:division area scan 标定 halcon 相机 Cx telecentric


    a.Calibration plate with hexagonally arranged marks  带有六边形排列标记的校准板



    b.Calibration plate with rectangularly arranged marks   带有矩形排列标记的校准板



  1.create_calib_data   创建校准数据模型,指定设置中的相机数量和使用的校准对象数量

    Create a calibration data model with the operator create_calib_data, specifying the number of cameras in the setup and the number of used calibration objects.

  2.set_calib_data_cam_param   指定相机类型和初始内部相机参数

    Specify the camera type and the initial internal camera parameters with the operator set_calib_data_cam_param.

  3.set_calib_data_calib_object     指定所有校准对象的描述

    Specify the description of all calibration objects with the operator set_calib_data_calib_object.

  4.  采集观测数据,即获得提取的标定对象标定标记的图像坐标和标定对象相对于观测相机的粗略估计位置find_calib_object/set_calib_data_observ_points

    Collect observation data with the operators find_calib_object or set_calib_data_observ_points, i.e., obtain the image coordinates of the extracted calibration marks of the calibration object and a roughly estimated pose of the calibration object relative to the  observing camera.

  5.配置标定过程 set_calib_data

    Configure the calibration process, e.g., exclude certain camera parameters from the optimization. You can specify these parameters with the operator set_calib_data. For example, if the image sensor cell size of camera 0 is known precisely and only the rest of the parameters needs to be calibrated, you call

  set_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'camera', 0, 'excluded_settings', ['sx','sy']).

b.执行实际的相机校准并获得其结果  get_calib_data

c.查询校准结果        get_calib_data

d.检查校准是否成功   RMS值单位为像素




  The following 6 parameters describe the 3D pose, i.e., the position and orientation of the world coordinate system relative to the camera coordinate system. The x- and y-axis of the camera coordinate system are parallel to the column and row axes of the image, while the z-axis is perpendicular to the image plane. For line scan cameras, the pose of the world coordinate system refers to the camera coordinate system of the first image line.以下 6 个参数描述了 3D 姿态,即世界坐标系相对于相机坐标系的位置和方向。相机坐标系的 x 轴和 y 轴平行于图像的列轴和行轴,而 z 轴垂直于图像平面。对于线扫描相机,世界坐标系的姿态是指第一条图像线的相机坐标系。

Translation along the x-axis of the camera coordinate system. 沿相机坐标系的 X 轴平移

Translation along the y-axis of the camera coordinate system.  沿相机坐标系的 Y 轴平移

Translation along the z-axis of the camera coordinate system.沿相机坐标系的 Z 轴平移

Rotation around the x-axis of the camera coordinate system. 绕相机坐标系的 X 轴旋转

Rotation around the y-axis of the camera coordinate system.绕相机坐标系的 Y 轴旋转

Rotation around the z-axis of the camera coordinate system.绕相机坐标系的 Z 轴旋转




Projective area scan cameras with regular lenses 带有常规镜头的投射面阵扫描相机

  ['area_scan_division', Focus, Kappa, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_polynomial', Focus, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

Telecentric area scan cameras with regular lenses  配备常规镜头的远心面阵扫描相机

  ['area_scan_telecentric_division', Magnification, Kappa, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_telecentric_polynomial', Magnification, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]


Projective area scan cameras with tilt lenses 带倾斜镜头的投射面阵扫描相机

  ['area_scan_tilt_division', Focus, Kappa, ImagePlaneDist, Tilt, Rot, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_tilt_polynomial', Focus, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, ImagePlaneDist, Tilt, Rot, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_tilt_image_side_telecentric_division', Focus, Kappa, Tilt, Rot, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_tilt_image_side_telecentric_polynomial', Focus, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Tilt, Rot, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

Telecentric area scan cameras with tilt lenses带倾斜镜头的远心面阵扫描相机

  ['area_scan_tilt_bilateral_telecentric_division', Magnification, Kappa, Tilt, Rot, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_tilt_bilateral_telecentric_polynomial', Magnification, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Tilt, Rot, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_tilt_object_side_telecentric_division', Magnification, Kappa, ImagePlaneDist, Tilt, Rot, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_tilt_object_side_telecentric_polynomial', Magnification, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, ImagePlaneDist, Tilt, Rot, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

c.Area scan cameras with hypercentric lenseshypercentric lens(超中心镜头其实就是个大视场角100度左右的鱼眼镜头,设计是按照大景深鱼眼镜头设计,一般用在测柱状体或孔的顶面和侧面用的)

Projective area scan cameras with hypercentric lenses

  ['area_scan_hypercentric_division', Focus, Kappa, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]

  ['area_scan_hypercentric_polynomial', Focus, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Sx, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight]


Projective line scan cameras with regular lenses 常规镜头

  ['line_scan_division', Focus, Kappa, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Vx, Vy, Vz]

  ['line_scan_polynomial', Focus, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Vx, Vy, Vz]

Telecentric line scan cameras with regular lenses 远心镜头

  ['line_scan_telecentric_division', Magnification, Kappa, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Vx, Vy, Vz*]

  ['line_scan_telecentric_polynomail', Magnification, K1, K2, K3, P1, P2, Sx*, Sy*, Cx, Cy, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Vx, Vy, Vz*]









From: https://www.cnblogs.com/echo-efun/p/17932593.html


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