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Policy to combat water pollution

时间:2023-11-10 22:13:35浏览次数:20  
标签:combat Ministry should water facilities treatment Policy sewage areas

The State Council's policy on the prevention and control of water pollu


Comprehensive control of pollutant emissions

(1) Pay close attention to the prevention and control of industrial pollution. Ban the "ten small" enterprises. Comprehensively investigate small industrial enterprises with low equipment and poor environmental protection facilities. By the end of 2016, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations on water pollution prevention and control, all small production projects that do not conform to the national industrial policy such as papermaking, tanning, printing and dyeing, dyeing, coking, sulfur refining, arsenic refining, oil refining, electroplating, and pesticides will be banned. (The Ministry of Environmental Protection takes the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the Energy Administration, and local people's governments at all levels are responsible for implementation.) The following are all required to be implemented by local people's governments at all levels and will not be listed)

Special rectification of ten key industries. Formulate special treatment plans for papermaking, coking, nitrogen fertilizer, non-ferrous metals, printing and dyeing, agricultural and sideline food processing, API manufacturing, tanning, pesticides, electroplating and other industries, and implement clean transformation. New construction, reconstruction, and expansion of the above-mentioned industry construction projects shall be replaced by the same or reduced amount of major pollutant emissions. Before the end of 2017, the paper industry strives to complete the transformation of pulp without elemental chlorine bleaching or adopt other low-pollution pulping technologies, the coke ovens of iron and steel enterprises complete the technical transformation of dry quenching coke, the nitrogen fertilizer industry urea production completes the technical transformation of process condensate hydrolysis analysis, the printing and dyeing industry implements the transformation of low-drainage dyeing and finishing process, the pharmaceutical (antibiotics, vitamins) industry implements the transformation of green enzymatic production technology, and the tanning industry implements the technological transformation of chromium reduction and closed recycling. (Led by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

Concentrate on the control of water pollution in industrial agglomeration areas. Strengthen pollution control in industrial agglomeration areas such as economic and technological development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, and export processing zones. Industrial wastewater in the agglomeration area must be pretreated to meet the requirements of centralized treatment before it can enter the centralized sewage treatment facility. New and upgraded industrial agglomeration areas should be planned and constructed simultaneously with pollution control facilities such as sewage and garbage centralized treatment. Before the end of 2017, the industrial agglomeration area should be built in accordance with the provisions of the centralized sewage treatment facilities, and the installation of automatic online monitoring devices, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other regions completed one year ahead of schedule; If it is not completed within the time limit, the examination and approval of its construction projects that increase the discharge of water pollutants shall be suspended, and its park qualification shall be revoked in accordance with relevant regulations. (Led by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Commerce)

(2) Strengthen the control of urban life pollution. Speed up the construction and renovation of urban sewage treatment facilities. The existing urban sewage treatment facilities should be transformed according to local conditions, and the corresponding discharge standards or recycling requirements should be met by the end of 2020. Urban sewage treatment facilities in sensitive areas (key lakes, key reservoirs, and catchment areas in coastal waters) should fully meet the Class A discharge standard by the end of 2017. In cities where the water quality of water bodies in built-up areas does not meet the Class IV standard for surface water, new urban sewage treatment facilities shall implement Class A discharge standards. According to the requirements of the national new urbanization plan, by 2020, all counties and key towns in the country will have sewage collection and treatment capacity, and the sewage treatment rate of counties and cities will reach about 85% and 95% respectively. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and other regions were completed one year ahead of schedule. (Led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection)

Comprehensively strengthen the construction of supporting pipe networks. Strengthen the interception and collection of sewage in urban villages, old urban areas and urban-rural junctions. The existing combined drainage system should speed up the implementation of rain and sewage diversion transformation, and if it is difficult to transform, measures such as interception, storage and treatment should be taken. The supporting pipe network of new sewage treatment facilities should be designed, constructed and put into operation simultaneously. Except for arid areas, the construction of new urban areas should implement the separation of rain and sewage, and the areas with conditions should promote the initial rainwater collection, treatment and resource utilization. By 2017, the built-up areas of municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capitals and cities specifically designated in the state plan will basically be fully collected and treated, and the built-up areas of other prefecture-level cities will be basically realized by the end of 2020. (Led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection)

Promote sludge treatment and disposal. The sludge produced by sewage treatment facilities should be stabilized, harmless and resource-based, and sludge that does not meet the treatment and disposal standards should be prohibited from entering cultivated land. Illegal sludge dumping sites will be banned. The existing sludge treatment and disposal facilities should be basically completed by the end of 2017, and the harmless treatment and disposal rate of sludge in cities at and above the prefecture level should reach more than 90% by the end of 2020. (Led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture, etc.)


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/leomessicc/p/17825200.html


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