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The Prevention of Water Contamination

时间:2023-11-08 23:34:18浏览次数:20  
标签:control water treatment Water prevention Contamination pollutants Prevention pol

The prevention and control of water contamination should adhere to the principles of giving priority to prevention, protection, combination of prevention and control, and comprehensive treatment, giving priority to the protection of drinking water sources, strictly controlling industrial pollution and urban pollution, preventing and controlling pollution from non-point agricultural sources, actively promoting the construction of ecological treatment projects, and preventing, controlling and reducing water environmental pollution and ecological damage.

The main measures for water contamination prevention and control in China are:
(1) Reduce and eliminate the amount of wastewater discharged by pollutants, and control the concentration of pollutants in wastewater;
(2) carry out comprehensive planning and comprehensive treatment of water pollution sources, and take preventive measures against possible water pollution;
(3) strengthen monitoring and management, and formulate laws and control standards.

The main prevention and control policies are:
(1) Adopt the policy of prevention first, follow the strategy of sustainable development, and take the road of green economic development;
(2) vigorously promote clean production and circular economy, and strive to achieve zero growth in industrial water consumption and wastewater emissions, as well as zero discharge of toxic and harmful pollutants;
(3) Increase the intensity of urban wastewater treatment and improve the utilization rate of sewage recycling;
(4) Strengthen the control of non-point source pollution and standardize the use of pesticides and fertilizers.

In recent years, China's water contamination prevention and control battle has achieved positive results, such as in the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the national new sewage treatment capacity of 21.4 billion tons per year, the length of new urban drainage network 204,000 kilometers, and the elimination ratio of black and odorous water bodies in cities at the prefecture level and above has reached 98.2%. We completed comprehensive environmental improvement work in 150,000 incorporated villages, and the discharge of major water pollutants across the country was significantly reduced.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/randu/p/17818617.html


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