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water pollution

时间:2023-11-01 21:14:20浏览次数:27  
标签:category industrial domestic water wastewater sewage pollution

According to the source of sewage, sewage can be defined as the discharge of groundwater from residential, institutional, commercial or industrial areas. A liquid or water mixed with waste, such as surface water or snowstorms. There are many types of sewage, and there are also many technologies and processes to reduce the environmental impact of sewage. According to the source of sewage, sewage can be divided into four categories.

Category I: Industrial effluents from manufacturing mining and industrial production activities, including runoff leachate from industrial or commercial storage, processing, and other wastewater that is not domestic sewage.

The second category: domestic sewage from residential, office buildings, organs or similar sewage; Sanitary sewage; Sewage, including industrial wastewater mixed with domestic sewage in the sewer system.

The third category: commercial sewage from commercial facilities and some components more than domestic sewage non-toxic, harmless sewage. Such as catering sewage. Laundry room sewage, animal feeding sewage, hair salon sewage, etc.

The fourth category: surface runoff from rain, snow, highway water, water from urban and industrial areas, etc., surface runoff does not penetrate the soil, along the streets and land into groundwater.

Wastewater has different classification methods from different angles. According to different sources, it can be divided into domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater. According to the chemical category of pollutants, it can be divided into inorganic wastewater and organic wastewater. There are also classified by industrial departments or production processes that produce wastewater, such as coking wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, pharmaceutical wastewater, food wastewater, etc.

The main pollutants are: (1) industrial wastewater discharged without treatment; (2) domestic sewage discharged without treatment; (3) Farmland sewage caused by the extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides; (4) Industrial waste and domestic waste piled up in the river; (5) deforestation and soil erosion; (6) Due to excessive mining, mine sewage is produced. Organic matter in sewage is divided by microorganisms






From: https://www.cnblogs.com/1111A/p/17804098.html


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