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Marine pollution

时间:2023-10-31 18:57:01浏览次数:52  
标签:life animals Marine ocean water marine pollution


The contamination caused by various kinds of harmful substances emitted into the ocean, resulting in the decrease of the quality of ocean water resources, the damage of marine life, and thus imperiling human health tremendously.


Marine pollution i.e. also be termed as ocean pollution has become one of the biggest threats due to industrialization and agricultural activities. it is hazardous not only for the water kingdom but for human beings directly or indirectly. There are different types of marine pollution such as –

  • Toxin marine Pollution

Toxins are one of the very dangerous marine pollution’s that occurs due to various toxins accumulated the oceans. Toxins such as DDT, Furan, Radioactive waste, pesticides, PCB, TBT, Phenol etc. neither gets dissolve nor gets fragmented and hence cause dangerous effects to marine life.

  • Eutrophication Marine Pollution

It affects the breeding process of animals. Eutrophication actually means nutrient pollution which occurs when excessive chemical nutrients (especially nitrates & phosphates) are present in water. It diminishes the quality of water and also reduces the oxygen level in the water which leads to inhabitable condition to marine life.

  • Plastic Marine Pollution

The continuous growth in the usage of plastic has covered the oceans badly across the world. The rate of plastic dumped in the oceans is increasing simultaneously with the increase of human population. The plastic dumps are affecting the marine life so badly that the situation has become alarming for the marine ecosystem.

  • Acidification Marine Pollution

Oceans also help the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the water of the oceans is becoming acidic due to the excessive carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. Acidification of oceans is also affecting marine life

Specific causes



Pollution directly enters the ocean in the form of sewage. Sewage enters into the ocean water through rivers and pollutes the marine life. It causes the reduction of oxygen level in the water which hampers the life of animals and plants of oceans.

Oil spill

Oil spills from ships also cause marine pollution. It is one of the major toxins that contaminate ocean water which does not clean up so easily. Oil spills lead to the death of thousands of innocent marine animals due to suffocation and toxic effects of it.

Industrial chemicals

Ocean pollution is also caused due to the toxins and chemicals entered into seawater through industrial & agricultural wastes. These chemical acts as heavy pollutants that cause thermal pollution. The temperature of the ocean increases due to thermal pollution. There are some animals in oceans who cannot survive in high temperature, hence they die.


Ocean mining not only comes under the causes of marine pollution but also causes noise pollution. Deep-sea mining affects the base level of the ocean. The pollutants that release through mining of metals such as silver, gold, copper etc. into the seawater affect the life of the marine ecosystem.

 Land Runoff

Marine water also gets polluted through land runoff. It occurs when excessive water from rain, flood etc. after penetration enters into the sea water. This water enters the oceans along with contaminants such as pesticides, oil, fertilizers, waste from land animals etc. and pollutes the ocean water. These pollutants cause harmful effects to oceanic life and lead to the death of water animal & plants.

other causes


  • Greenhouse gases emitted from fossil fuel are majorly responsible for marine pollution, causing acidification of water.
  • Atmospheric pollution also contributes to marine pollution. For example- atmospheric carbon dioxide increases the acidity of oceanic water.
  • The nuclear wastes from various industries pollute the marine ecology affecting the food chain of the marine ecosystem
  • Thermal pollutants from power plants, manufacturing industries, etc. enter into oceans, increasing the temperature of the water. 
  • Acid rain is also responsible for marine pollution. During acid rains, the sulphuric acid and nitric acid mix with marine water, increasing the acidity of the water. 






Ocean life is highly affected by marine pollution. The toxins, chemicals, contaminated wastes etc. are some of the dangerous causes of marine pollution. These pollutants affect the oceanic Eco-system in various ways such as –


  • Reduction of oxygen level in the water


Most of the waste dumped in oceans across the world does not able to decompose for many years that decreasing the oxygen level in the water quite rapidly. Excessive debris in sea water is reducing the oxygen level at an alarming rate. The low level of oxygen is directly affecting the health of the plants and animals of the sea such as sharks, penguins, whales, dolphin, turtles, seal etc.


  • Affects the oceanic food chain


The river that eventually enters into the sea takes agricultural & industrial waste with it into the sea water. The agricultural & industrial debris such as pesticides, chemicals, radioactive dumped waste etc. sediments into the bottom level of the ocean and remains as usual for many years. This deposited waste affects from the bottom to the top surface of the ocean. The small animals of ocean swallow these chemicals and then these small animals are eaten by large animals. In this way, the entire food chain gets affected.


  • Upset the coral reef cycle


Oil spills that cover the surface of seawater do not allow sunlight to reach oceanic plants. Hence it affects photosynthesis process. As a result, the cycle of coral reef gets disturbed. 

  • Affects the reproductive system of water animals

The waste from industries and agriculture are composed of harmful chemicals that affect marine life badly. These chemicals are so dangerous that it can damage the organs of water animals such as the reproductive system. The failure of the reproductive system affects the breeding process of the species of water animals.

  • Harmful effects of toxins on marine life

The toxins that is accumulating day by day in oceans showing dangerous results on water animals such as cancer, damage of tissues & cells, failure of organs, behavioral changes, failure of reproductive system etc. The harmful chemicals, pesticides, oil spills get into the body of these animals directly or indirectly & causes various health issues and sometimes lead to death.

Current situation in China

Marine pollution is mainly distributed in Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, Laizhou Bay, Yangtze River estuary, Hangzhou Bay, Pearl River Estuary and other coastal waters. Inthese areas, the current situation of ocean pollution is comparatively severe. Government, firms and individuals should all participate the protection movement of the marine.







  • Reduce marine pollution by limiting the waste material.
  • Stop using plastic-made material to save marine life and our environment.
  • Clean the sea beaches. Beaches cleaned, marine pollution can be reduced to some extent.
  • The farmers should use organic farming techniques instead of using chemical pesticides and fertilizers. When these fertilizers and pesticides entered into ocean water causes various health issues to the plants & animals of the sea.
  • Make sure that only rainwater goes into the drainage because most of the drain water goes into oceans.Sewage and waste material getting into the drainage will eventually affect the marine life.
  • We need to take care of the cleanliness of the rivers so that it cannot contaminate the marine life.
  • Say “NO” to disposables such as straws, tumblers, plastic carry bags, etc. 
  • Recycling to protect ocean ecology.


Over the past decades years, with the common efforts of government, enterprises and individuals, the issue of the marine pollution has been largely improved. However, with the rapidly fast development of various industries especially the secondary industry, the problems of coastal areas are becoming more and more serious and inmeasuable. Therefore, from my point of view, the most important thing is the of the whole people's consciousness of the marine ecosystem and environment. Only if our awareness of the protection of the marine environment keeps up with times can the issue of the marine pollution be essentially solved completely. And I hold the firm belief that the panaroma of the terrible marine environment will be greatly improved one day.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sdhk/p/17800997.html


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