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Noise pollution

时间:2023-10-31 15:12:51浏览次数:28  
标签:sound Noise hearing also noise cause pollution

Noise refers to the sound produced by the vocal body when it does irregular vibration. From a physiological point of view, all the sound that interferes with people's rest, study and work and interferes with the sound you want to listen to, that is, the unnecessary sound, collectively referred to as noise. Noise pollution occurs when noise has an adverse effect on people and the surrounding environment. Since the industrial revolution, the creation and use of various mechanical equipment have brought prosperity and progress to mankind, but at the same time, more and more noise has been generated. Noise will not only cause hearing damage, but also induce a variety of carcinogenic and fatal diseases, but also interfere with people's life and work.

Traffic noise includes motor vehicles, ships, subways, trains, aircraft and so on. Due to the rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles, traffic noise has become the main noise source in cities. Industrial noise refers to the noise produced by various equipment in a factory. The sound level of industrial noise is generally higher, which has a greater impact on workers and surrounding residents. Construction noise mainly comes from the noise emitted by construction machinery. Construction noise is characterized by high intensity, and most of it occurs in densely populated areas, so it seriously affects the rest and life of residents. Social noise includes the noise of people's social activities, household appliances and audio equipment. Although the noise level of these devices is not high, it is closely linked to People's Daily life, so that people can not be quiet at rest, which is particularly troublesome and easy to cause neighborhood disputes.

Noise pollution is harmful to people, animals, instruments and buildings, and the degree of harm mainly depends on the frequency, intensity and exposure time of noise. Noise damage mainly includes: noise damage to hearing. If a person is suddenly exposed to an extremely strong noise environment, the hearing organ will suffer rapid trauma, which may make the human ear completely lose hearing. If you work in a strong noise environment without protection for many years, the recovery of hearing sensitivity will be prolonged after leaving the noise environment, and hearing can be restored after a few hours or ten hours. This loss that can restore hearing is called auditory fatigue. With the increase of auditory fatigue will lead to incomplete recovery of hearing function. Statistics show that long-term work in the noise environment above 90 decibels, the incidence of deafness increased significantly.

Noise can induce many diseases. Because noise can also cause harm to other systems in the body. Due to the effect of noise, there will be headaches, brain swelling, tinnitus, insomnia, general fatigue and memory loss and other symptoms. Noise can also lead to digestive system dysfunction, cause loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and increase the incidence of gastroenteropathy and ulcer disease. People who work and live in high noise, the general health level has declined year by year, the resistance to disease has weakened, and some diseases have been induced. Noise will distract people's attention, resulting in slow response, easy fatigue, decreased work efficiency, and increased error rate. Noise can also mask safety signals, such as alarm signals and vehicle driving signals, resulting in accidents. At the same time, noise can also cause animal lesions, cause animal death, and even cause harm to equipment and building structures.

Methods to reduce noise include reducing sound source noise, industry, transportation industry can choose low-noise production equipment and improve the production process, or change the movement of the noise source (such as damping, vibration isolation and other measures to reduce the vibration of the solid sound).

Reduce noise in the transmission path, control the transmission of noise, change the transmission path of noise already emitted by the sound source, such as adopting measures such as sound absorption, sound insulation, sound barrier, vibration isolation, and rational planning of urban and building layout. When measures cannot be taken on the source and transmission route of the sound, or the acoustic measures taken still cannot achieve the expected effect, protective measures need to be taken on the recipient or the organ, such as workers exposed to long-term occupational noise can wear ear plugs, ear muds or helmets and other ear protectors.

However, noise also has many uses, such as noise weeding. Noise diagnosis. In addition, noise thermometry can also be used to detect human lesions.

In the capital subway, railway, expressways and mixed areas of a variety of transportation modes, the reporter recently found in the investigation that the noise problem caused by traffic operation has affected the normal life of some residents for a long time. Among them, the noise problem is particularly prominent in some areas along the metro Line 13, Line 5 and Batong Line, as well as the third Ring road and the fourth Ring road in the southwest of the city and some sections of the fast link line. Many residential noise problems have been protracted, some residential owners because they can not stand the noise, and even with the city rail company, developers and other relevant departments and units of the court. The newly revised Noise Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China was adopted at the 32nd session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 24, 2021, and will come into force on June 5, 2022. Noise is closely related to life, and the prevention and utilization of noise have been well treated in our country.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Ari-/p/17800245.html


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