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model representation

时间:2022-10-05 21:55:59浏览次数:52  
标签:number supervised learning quad variable representation model

model representation

标签(空格分隔): ML



This lecture mainly introduce what supervised learnign looks like and one of the model in supervised learning looks like.

  1. Introducation of supervised learning,linear regression and a litte
  2. what the overall process of supervised learning looks like?

2.recap supervised learning

Given the correct answer in data set,the supervised learning model is trained.

input \(\to\) model \(\to\) output:\( \begin{cases} continuous \quad number(regression)\\ discrete \quad number(classification) \end{cases} \)

3.some notations!

m \(\to\) the number of training examples

\(x^{'}s\quad\to\)input variable/features

\(y^{'}s\quad\to\)output variable/features

\((x,y)\quad\to\)the whole training data set

\((x^{(1)},y^{(1)})\to\)the single example

\(x^{(1)}\quad\to i_{th}\) input variabl/feature

\(y^{(1)}\quad\to i_{th}\) output variable/feature

4.flowchart of supervised learning

\[Training dataset \]

\[\downarrow \]

\[ML \quad model \]

\[\downarrow \]

\[x\longmapsto hypothesis \longmapsto y \]

For example on 2-D plane :\(h_\Theta = \Theta_1+\Theta_2x\)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/UQ-44636346/p/16756517.html
