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时间:2023-08-09 22:57:44浏览次数:47  
标签:分割 semantic point 路径 segmentation 点云 clouds cloud 3D

1. 传统点云分割




PCT网络(Point Cloud Transformer)


 Cylindrical and Asymmetrical 3D Convolution Networks for LiDAR Segmentation JSNet网络 JSNet: Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds 同时解决实例和语义分割问题   常用数据集:   1. Semantic3D 经典的大型室外场景点云分割数据集,由激光雷达扫描周围场景得到。Semantic3D提供了一个带有大标签的自然场景的3D点云数据集,总计超过40亿个点,8个类别标签。
数据集地址:http://www.semantic3d.net/   2. S3DIS S3DIS数据集是斯坦福大学开发的带有像素级语义标注的语义数据集,是常用的室内场景分割数据集,使用Matterport相机收集数据,包含6个Area,13个语义元素,11种场景。
11种场景分别包括办公室office、会议室conference room、走廊hallway、礼堂auditorium、开放空间open space、大堂lobby、休息室lounge、储藏室pantry、复印室copy room、储藏室storage和卫生间WC。
数据集地址:http://buildingparser.stanford.edu/dataset.html   3.SemanticKITTI SemanticKITTI数据集是一个基于KITTI Vision Benchmark里程计数据集的大型户外点云数据集,显示了市中心的交通、住宅区,以及德国卡尔斯鲁厄周围的高速公路场景和乡村道路。
SemanticKITTI数据集作者提供了精确的序列扫描注释,并且在点注释中显示了前所未有的细节,包含28个类,确保了类与Mapillary Visiotas数据集和Cityscapes数据集有很大的重叠,并在必要时进行了修改,以考虑稀疏性和垂直视野。
数据集地址:http://www.semantic-kitti.org/index.html   4. ShapeNet ShapeNet数据集是一个由对象的三维CAD模型表示的形状存储库,注释丰富,规模较大。ShapeNet包含来自多种语义类别的3D模型,并按照WordNet分类法组织,能够完成部件分割任务,即不仅知道这个点云数据大的分割,还要将它的小部件进行分割。
数据集地址:https://www.shapenet.org/   5. PartNet  PartNet数据集是用于细粒度和分层零件级3D对象理解的大规模基准。数据集包含573585个零件实例,涵盖26671个3D模型,涵盖24个对象类别。
数据集地址:https://shapenet.org/download/parts    必读论文: [1] PointNet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation. CVPR 2017. [2] Pointnet++: Deep hierarchical feature learning on point sets in a metric space. NeurIPS 2017. [3] Deep learning for 3d point clouds: A survey. TPAMI 2020. [4] Semantickitti: A dataset for semantic scene understanding of lidar sequences. ICCV2019. [5] Scannet: Richly-annotated 3d reconstructions of indoor scenes. CVPR2017. [6] Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds: A Dataset, Benchmarks and Challenges. CVPR 2021. [7] Transfer Learning from Synthetic to Real LiDAR Point Cloud for Semantic Segmentation. AAAI 2022. [8] Cylindrical and asymmetrical 3d convolution networks for lidar segmentation. CVPR2021. [9] Rangenet++: Fast and accurate lidar semantic segmentation. IROS 2019. [10] 4d spatio-temporal convnets: Minkowski convolutional neural networks. CVPR2019.    

Traditinal methods

  • PyramNet: Point cloud pyramid attention network and graph embedding module for classification and segmentation
  • Fast semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds using a dense CRF with learned parameters
  • Shape-based recognition of 3d point clouds in urban environments
  • Fast semantic segmentation of 3d point clouds with strongly varying density
  • Semantic point cloud interpretation based on optimal neighborhoods, relevant features and efficient classifiers
  • Discriminative learning of markov random fields for segmentation of 3D scan data
  • Robust 3D scan point classification using associative markov networks
  • Contextual classification with functional max-margin markov networks

Point-based methods

Point-wise shared MLP
  • PointNet: Deep learning on point sets for 3D classification and segmentation
  • PointNet++: Deep hierarchical feature learning on point sets in a metric space
  • PointSIFT: A SIFT-like network module for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation
  • Know what your neighbors do: 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds
  • RandLA-Net: Efficient semantic segmentation of large-scale point clouds
  • Modeling point clouds with self-attention and gumbel subset sampling
  • LSANet: Feature learning on point sets by local spatial attention
  • PyramNet: Point cloud pyramid attention network and graph embedding module for classification and segmentation
Point Convolution
  • PointCNN: Convolution on x-transformed points
  • A-CNN: Annularly convolutional neural networks on point clouds
  • KPConv: Flexible and deformable convolution for point clouds
  • Dilated point convolutions: On the receptive field of point convolutions
  • PointAtrousNet: Point atrous convolution for point cloud analysis
  • PointAtrousGraph: Deep hierarchical encoder-decoder with atrous convolution for point clouds
  • Tangent convolutions for dense prediction in 3D
  • DAR-Net: Dynamic aggregation network for semantic scene segmentation
  • ShellNet: Efficient point cloud convolutional neural networks using concentric shells statistics
  • Point-voxel cnn for efficient 3D deep learning
Recurrent Neural Networ
  • Exploring spatial context for 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds
  • Recurrent slice networks for 3D segmentation of point clouds
Lattice Convolution
  • SplatNet: Sparse lattice networks for point cloud processing
  • LatticeNet: Fast point cloud segmentation using permutohedral lattices

Voxel-based methods

  • Sparse single sweep lidar point cloud segmentation via learning contextual shape priors from scene completion papercode
  • Point cloud labeling using 3D convolutional neural network
  • Segcloud: Semantic segmentation of 3D point cloud
  • Fully-convolutional point networks for large-scale point clouds
  • 3DCNN-DQN-RNN: A deep reinforcement learning framework for semantic parsing of large-scale 3D point clouds
  • 3D semantic segmentation with submanifold sparse convolutional networks
  • Efficient convolutions for real-time semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds
  • VV-Net: Voxel vaenet with group convolutions for point cloud segmentation
  • VolMap: A real-time model for semantic segmentation of a LiDAR surrounding view

Image-based methods

Range view-based methods
  • SqueezeSeg: Convolutional neural nets with recurrent CRF for real-time road-object segmentation from 3D LiDAR point cloud
  • SqueezeSegV2: Improved model structure and unsupervised domain adaptation for road-object segmentation from a LiDAR point cloud
  • SqueezeSegV3: Spatially-adaptive convolution for efficient point-cloud segmentation
  • Semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR data in dynamic scene using semi-supervised learning
  • RangeNet++: Fast and accurate LiDAR semantic segmentation
  • LU-Net: An efficient network for 3D LiDAR point cloud semantic segmentation based on end-to-end-learned 3D features and U-Net
  • 3D-MiniNet: Learning a 2D representation from point clouds for fast and efficient 3D LiDAR semantic segmentation
  • DeepTemporalSeg: Temporally consistent semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR scans
  • LiSeg: Lightweight road-object semantic segmentation in 3D LiDAR scans for autonomous driving
  • PointSeg: Real-time semantic segmentation based on 3D LiDAR point cloud
  • RIU-Net: Embarrassingly simple semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR point cloud
  • SalsaNet: Fast road and vehicle segmentation in LiDAR point clouds for autonomous driving
  • SalsaNext: Fast,uncertainty-aware semantic segmentation of LiDAR point clouds
Multi view-based methods
  • Deep projective 3D semantic segmentation
  • Unstructured point cloud semantic labeling using deep segmentation networks

Graph-based Methods

  • Large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation with superpoint graphs
  • Graph attention convolution for point cloud semantic segmentation
  • Hierarchical point-edge interaction network for point cloud semantic segmentation
  • Dynamic graph CNN for learning on point clouds


  • Linking Points With Labels in 3D: A Review of Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation paper
  • Are We Hungry for 3D LiDAR Data for Semantic Segmentation? A Survey and Experimental Study paper
  • A Technical Survey and Evaluation of Traditional Point Cloud Clustering Methods for LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation paper
  • A survey on deep learning-based precise boundary recovery of semantic segmentation for images and point clouds [paper] (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303243421001185)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/dwletsgo/p/17618177.html


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