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时间:2023-06-17 13:33:24浏览次数:35  
标签:do 六级 no people sth 词汇 number sb 替换


  1. 影响:influence = impact = effect
  2. 人:people/person = individuals
  3. 老人:old people = the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens
  4. 年轻人:the young = young people = youngsters
  5. 青少年:teen = teenager = adolescent (医学:12-18)
  6. 事情:thing = business = matter ≈ issue ≈ affair
  7. 优点:advantage = benefit = strength = merit ≈ superiority ≈ virtue
  8. 缺点:disadvantage = shortcoming = drawback = defect = flaw = demerit
  9. 错误:mistake = fault = error ≈ fallacy ≈ bug(特指计算机错误)
  10. 名声:reputation=fame=renown=prestige威望
  11. 能力:ability (to do) = capacity (for) = competence (of)=capability (of)
  12. 顶点:top = climax = peak = zenith = crest
  13. 顾客:customer = client = consumer = shopper = purchaser
  14. 方法:way to do = way of doing sth = a means to do sth = a means of doing sth = method of doing sth = approach to sth


  1. 认为:think = reckon = argue = deem ≈ allege
  2. 获得:get = obtain = acquire = gain
  3. 表明:show = indicate = reveal = demonstrate = illustrate
  4. 需要:need = demand = require ≈ deserve
  5. 利用:use = utilize = take advantage of = make use of... ≈ employ
  6. 提高:improve = enhance = boost = promote
  7. 阻碍:impede = hinder = hamper
  8. 停止:stop = cease = desist from = quit ≈ halt(完全停止) ≈ pause(停止不说话)
  9. 激励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = inspire = spur
  10. 完成:finish = complete = achieve = fulfil = accomplish
  11. 支持:support = advocate = argue for = be in favor of
  12. 反对:object to = argue (against) = oppose = frown on = disapprove of sb/sth
  13. 提供:give = offer = provide = supply = impart = afford
  14. 培养:develop = cultivate = foster = hone
  15. 选择:choose = go for = opt (for sth/to do sth) = make a choice
  16. 讨厌:hate = dislike = loathe = detest = abhor
  17. 休息:relax = loosen up = let / help sb unwind. = sth is a great outlet for stress = sth provide sb with a temporary escape from sth


  1. 我认为

I think
== as far as I am concerned
== In my opinion
== from my perspective
== From where I stand

  1. 在当今社会

in the modem society
= in the contemporary society
= in the present-day society
= in this day and age

  1. 随着...的发展

with the development of
== with the advance of
== with the rising growth of…
== due to the proliferation of the Internet
== due to the extensive/pervasive use of…

  1. 越来越多

more & more
== an increasing number of
== a growing number of
== the number/ amount of … increases exponentially
== the number of … has risen steeply
== sth increases at a staggering rate

  1. 努力

try one's best
= struggle for
= aspire to do
= strive for
= spare no effort for/to do sth

  1. 想要

want sth
== have a strong desire for sth
== be itching to do sth
== be eager to do sth
== long for sth
== crave sth

  1. 对...有兴趣

sb be interested in sth == arouse/pique/generate one's interest
== sth appeals to sb
== sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb

  1. 总之

in conclusion
== all in all
== to sum up == in summary
== in a word == in brief

  1. 表次序层次

First, first of all, most of all, in the first place, to begin with, first and foremost,to start with, first off, for starters

Second, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, what's more, in the second place, in the next place,besides

Third, at last, eventually, lastly, finally, last but not least

  1. 毫无疑问

there is no doubt that…
= there is no denying that…
= undoubtedly … = undeniably, …
= without doubt, …
= no one can deny that

  1. 众所周知

It's known to all that
== It is common knowledge that
== It's commonly acknowledged that
== As is known to all, …
== There is no doubt that…
== There is no denying that
== It is clear that…

  1. 许多

a large number of
== a large amount of
== plenty of
== large quantities of

  1. 认为

consider … as
== regard…as
== view... as
== refer to …as
== perceive… as…

  1. 各种各样

all kinds of
== multiple == diverse
== a wide range/variety of
== a vast variety of

  1. 改变很大

change a lot
== change radically/ profoundly
== lead to momentous changes

  1. 照顾

take care of sb == tend sb == attend to sb

  1. 交朋友

make friends (with sb) = get along with sb
= befriend sb = bond with sb = buddy up with sb
= connect with sb
= enlarge social circle
= expand network
= strengthen/forge friendship bond
= improve interpersonal relationship
= build camaraderie


  1. 好,优秀

good == tremendous
== excellent == outstanding == superb == exceptional>
== favorable == promising == perfect
== extraordinary == remarkable == superior

  1. 不好的

bad == undesirable == negative == adverse 不利的
== dreadful= unfavorable == poor
== counterproductive

  1. 困难的

difficult == demanding == laborious
== taxing == onerous == burdensome

  1. 大多数

most== the vast majority of== the overwhelming majority of

  1. 流行的

popular ≈ well-regarded ≈ sought-after

  1. 普遍的

common == universal == pervasive == widespread == ubiquitous

  1. 充足的

enough == ample == sufficient == adequate = lentiful

  1. 唯一的

only = sole = unique ≈ mere

  1. 贫穷的

poor = needy(人)【the needy=the poor=poor people】
= impoverished = poverty-stricken + areas/people

  1. 富有的

rich-wealthy affluent well-heeled=prosperous

  1. 有趣的

interesting = amusing = entertaining = engaging = fascinating

  1. 无聊的

boring = dull = tedious = drab and dreary

  1. 有好处的,有益的

helpful = favorable = beneficial = rewarding = instrumental

  1. 重要的

important = vital = crucial

= critical = be of vital importance = play an import role

≈ salient

≈ significant = considerable

  1. 大的

big = gigantic = enormous = vast = tremendous = considerable
massive = colossal


  1. 非常,程度

very = exceedingly = extremely = exceptionally = mighty
= immensely powerful/strong/important(固定搭配)
= enormously rich/powerful/grateful(固定搭配)

  1. 明显地

clearly = obviously = apparently = evidently = undoubtedly

  1. 户外

outdoors = out and about = outside = in the open air = alfresco

  1. 完全地

utterly = totally

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ranxi169/p/17487389.html


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