In @ionic/angular@5.0.0, when a modal layer is opened by modalController, and another modal layer is opened in it, and then the latter is closed, there will be a problem: a translucent mask layer will be displayed on the screen (backdrop). Upgraded to @ionic/angular@5.1.1, this problem was solved.
But in @ionic/angular@5.4.4(and @ionic/angular@5.1.1 ) there is another new problem: when opening another modal in one modal and closing the latter, ionic will push the componennt page of the second Modal into the navigation stack, the browser address has also changed. In the end, I can only solve it with the following code temporarily:
this.modalControll.dismiss().then(()=> this.navController.pop());
但在@ionic/angular@5.4.4(和@ionic/angular@5.1.1 )中还有另一个新问题:当在一个模态中打开另一个模态并关闭后者时,ionic会将第二个模态的组件页推送到导航堆栈中,浏览器地址也发生了变化。最后,我只能暂时用以下代码来解决它:
this.modalControll.disse().then(() => this.navControll.pop());
标签:模态,5.1,窗口,ionic5,modal,problem,ionic,angular From: https://www.cnblogs.com/johnjackson/p/17361003.html