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时间:2023-04-18 09:36:20浏览次数:44  
标签:tiles degree level 代码 Level 瓦片 roads world valhalla


Tiles are split up into three levels or hierarchies. Hierarchy 0 contains edges pertaining to roads that are considered highway (motorway, trunk, and primary) roads and are stored in 4 degree tiles. Hierarchy 1 contains roads that are at a arterial level (secondary and tertiary) and are saved in 1 degree tiles. Finally, Hierarchy 2 contains roads that are considered at a local level (unclassified, residential, and service or other). These tiles are saved in .25 degree tiles.

So in python, the levels are defined as:

valhalla_tiles = [{'level': 2, 'size': 0.25}, {'level': 1, 'size': 1.0}, {'level': 0, 'size': 4.0}]

The World at Level 0

The following image shows the world at level 0. Using a world bounding box (-180, -90, 180, 90) the world is split up into 4 degree tiles. The rows and columns start from the bottom left and increase to the top right. Tiles are row ordered increasing from west to east.



Image generated using http://geojson.io


Using a bounding box for Germany, Pennsylvania, and NYC we can show how the regions would be split up into the 3 levels. Level 0 is colored in light blue. Level 1 is light green and level 2 is light red.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aoldman/p/17328389.html


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