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[Temp] Explanation of Keras : tf.keras.models.Sequential

时间:2023-02-14 00:44:59浏览次数:45  
标签:inputs layer Temp keras models self tf model


Help on class Sequential in module keras.engine.sequential:

class Sequential(keras.engine.functional.Functional)
 |  Sequential(*args, **kwargs)
 |  `Sequential` groups a linear stack of layers into a `tf.keras.Model`.
 |  `Sequential` provides training and inference features on this model.
 |  Examples:
 |  ```python
 |  # Optionally, the first layer can receive an `input_shape` argument:
 |  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, input_shape=(16,)))
 |  # Afterwards, we do automatic shape inference:
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4))
 |  # This is identical to the following:
 |  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
 |  model.add(tf.keras.Input(shape=(16,)))
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8))
 |  # Note that you can also omit the `input_shape` argument.
 |  # In that case the model doesn't have any weights until the first call
 |  # to a training/evaluation method (since it isn't yet built):
 |  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8))
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4))
 |  # model.weights not created yet
 |  # Whereas if you specify the input shape, the model gets built
 |  # continuously as you are adding layers:
 |  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, input_shape=(16,)))
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4))
 |  len(model.weights)
 |  # Returns "4"
 |  # When using the delayed-build pattern (no input shape specified), you can
 |  # choose to manually build your model by calling
 |  # `build(batch_input_shape)`:
 |  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8))
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4))
 |  model.build((None, 16))
 |  len(model.weights)
 |  # Returns "4"
 |  # Note that when using the delayed-build pattern (no input shape specified),
 |  # the model gets built the first time you call `fit`, `eval`, or `predict`,
 |  # or the first time you call the model on some input data.
 |  model = tf.keras.Sequential()
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8))
 |  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1))
 |  model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
 |  # This builds the model for the first time:
 |  model.fit(x, y, batch_size=32, epochs=10)
 |  ```
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Sequential
 |      keras.engine.functional.Functional
 |      keras.engine.training.Model
 |      keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
 |      tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
 |      tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
 |      tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
 |      keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector
 |      keras.utils.version_utils.ModelVersionSelector
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, layers=None, name=None)
 |      Creates a `Sequential` model instance.
 |      Args:
 |        layers: Optional list of layers to add to the model.
 |        name: Optional name for the model.
 |  add(self, layer)
 |      Adds a layer instance on top of the layer stack.
 |      Args:
 |          layer: layer instance.
 |      Raises:
 |          TypeError: If `layer` is not a layer instance.
 |          ValueError: In case the `layer` argument does not
 |              know its input shape.
 |          ValueError: In case the `layer` argument has
 |              multiple output tensors, or is already connected
 |              somewhere else (forbidden in `Sequential` models).
 |  build(self, input_shape=None)
 |      Builds the model based on input shapes received.
 |      This is to be used for subclassed models, which do not know at
 |      instantiation time what their inputs look like.
 |      This method only exists for users who want to call `model.build()` in a
 |      standalone way (as a substitute for calling the model on real data to
 |      build it). It will never be called by the framework (and thus it will
 |      never throw unexpected errors in an unrelated workflow).
 |      Args:
 |       input_shape: Single tuple, `TensorShape` instance, or list/dict of
 |         shapes, where shapes are tuples, integers, or `TensorShape`
 |         instances.
 |      Raises:
 |        ValueError:
 |          1. In case of invalid user-provided data (not of type tuple,
 |             list, `TensorShape`, or dict).
 |          2. If the model requires call arguments that are agnostic
 |             to the input shapes (positional or keyword arg in call
 |             signature).
 |          3. If not all layers were properly built.
 |          4. If float type inputs are not supported within the layers.
 |        In each of these cases, the user should build their model by calling
 |        it on real tensor data.
 |  call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None)
 |      Calls the model on new inputs.
 |      In this case `call` just reapplies
 |      all ops in the graph to the new inputs
 |      (e.g. build a new computational graph from the provided inputs).
 |      Args:
 |          inputs: A tensor or list of tensors.
 |          training: Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to
 |              run the `Network` in training mode or inference mode.
 |          mask: A mask or list of masks. A mask can be
 |              either a tensor or None (no mask).
 |      Returns:
 |          A tensor if there is a single output, or
 |          a list of tensors if there are more than one outputs.
 |  compute_mask(self, inputs, mask)
 |      Computes an output mask tensor.
 |      Args:
 |          inputs: Tensor or list of tensors.
 |          mask: Tensor or list of tensors.
 |      Returns:
 |          None or a tensor (or list of tensors,
 |              one per output tensor of the layer).
 |  compute_output_shape(self, input_shape)
 |      Computes the output shape of the layer.
 |      This method will cause the layer's state to be built, if that has not
 |      happened before. This requires that the layer will later be used with
 |      inputs that match the input shape provided here.
 |      Args:
 |          input_shape: Shape tuple (tuple of integers)
 |              or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer).
 |              Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions,
 |              instead of an integer.
 |      Returns:
 |          An input shape tuple.
 |  get_config(self)
 |      Returns the config of the `Model`.
 |      Config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the
 |      configuration of an object, which in this case is a `Model`. This allows
 |      the `Model` to be be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights)
 |      from this configuration.
 |      Note that `get_config()` does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of
 |      dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the
 |      returned dict if they want to modify it.
 |      Developers of subclassed `Model` are advised to override this method,
 |      and continue to update the dict from `super(MyModel, self).get_config()`
 |      to provide the proper configuration of this `Model`. The default config
 |      is an empty dict. Optionally, raise `NotImplementedError` to allow Keras
 |      to attempt a default serialization.
 |      Returns:
 |          Python dictionary containing the configuration of this `Model`.
 |  pop(self)
 |      Removes the last layer in the model.
 |      Raises:
 |          TypeError: if there are no layers in the model.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods defined here:
 |  from_config(config, custom_objects=None) from builtins.type
 |      Creates a layer from its config.
 |      This method is the reverse of `get_config`,
 |      capable of instantiating the same layer from the config
 |      dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity
 |      (handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`).
 |      Args:
 |          config: A Python dictionary, typically the
 |              output of get_config.
 |      Returns:
 |          A layer instance.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  input_spec
 |      `InputSpec` instance(s) describing the input format for this layer.
 |      When you create a layer subclass, you can set `self.input_spec` to
 |      enable the layer to run input compatibility checks when it is called.
 |      Consider a `Conv2D` layer: it can only be called on a single input
 |      tensor of rank 4. As such, you can set, in `__init__()`:
 |      ```python
 |      self.input_spec = tf.keras.layers.InputSpec(ndim=4)
 |      ```
 |      Now, if you try to call the layer on an input that isn't rank 4
 |      (for instance, an input of shape `(2,)`, it will raise a
 |      nicely-formatted error:
 |      ```
 |      ValueError: Input 0 of layer conv2d is incompatible with the layer:
 |      expected ndim=4, found ndim=1. Full shape received: [2]
 |      ```
 |      Input checks that can be specified via `input_spec` include:
 |      - Structure (e.g. a single input, a list of 2 inputs, etc)
 |      - Shape
 |      - Rank (ndim)
 |      - Dtype
 |      For more information, see `tf.keras.layers.InputSpec`.
 |      Returns:
 |        A `tf.keras.layers.InputSpec` instance, or nested structure thereof.
 |  layers
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from keras.engine.functional.Functional:
 |  get_weight_paths(self)
 |      Retrieve all the variables and their paths for the model.
 |      The variable path (string) is a stable key to indentify a `tf.Variable`
 |      instance owned by the model. It can be used to specify variable-specific
 |      configurations (e.g. DTensor, quantization) from a global view.
 |      This method returns a dict with weight object paths as keys
 |      and the corresponding `tf.Variable` instances as values.
 |      Note that if the model is a subclassed model and the weights haven't
 |      been initialized, an empty dict will be returned.
 |      Returns:
 |          A dict where keys are variable paths and values are `tf.Variable`
 |           instances.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      class SubclassModel(tf.keras.Model):
 |        def __init__(self, name=None):
 |          super().__init__(name=name)
 |          self.d1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)
 |          self.d2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(20)
 |        def call(self, inputs):
 |          x = self.d1(inputs)
 |          return self.d2(x)
 |      model = SubclassModel()
 |      model(tf.zeros((10, 10)))
 |      weight_paths = model.get_weight_paths()
 |      # weight_paths:
 |      # {
 |      #    'd1.kernel': model.d1.kernel,
 |      #    'd1.bias': model.d1.bias,
 |      #    'd2.kernel': model.d2.kernel,
 |      #    'd2.bias': model.d2.bias,
 |      # }
 |      # Functional model
 |      inputs = tf.keras.Input((10,), batch_size=10)
 |      x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(20, name='d1')(inputs)
 |      output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(30, name='d2')(x)
 |      model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, output)
 |      d1 = model.layers[1]
 |      d2 = model.layers[2]
 |      weight_paths = model.get_weight_paths()
 |      # weight_paths:
 |      # {
 |      #    'd1.kernel': d1.kernel,
 |      #    'd1.bias': d1.bias,
 |      #    'd2.kernel': d2.kernel,
 |      #    'd2.bias': d2.bias,
 |      # }
 |      ```
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from keras.engine.functional.Functional:
 |  input
 |      Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer.
 |      Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input,
 |      i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer.
 |      Returns:
 |          Input tensor or list of input tensors.
 |      Raises:
 |        RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
 |        AttributeError: If no inbound nodes are found.
 |  input_shape
 |      Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer.
 |      Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input,
 |      i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs
 |      have the same shape.
 |      Returns:
 |          Input shape, as an integer shape tuple
 |          (or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor).
 |      Raises:
 |          AttributeError: if the layer has no defined input_shape.
 |          RuntimeError: if called in Eager mode.
 |  output
 |      Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer.
 |      Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output,
 |      i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer.
 |      Returns:
 |        Output tensor or list of output tensors.
 |      Raises:
 |        AttributeError: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming
 |          layers.
 |        RuntimeError: if called in Eager mode.
 |  output_shape
 |      Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer.
 |      Only applicable if the layer has one output,
 |      or if all outputs have the same shape.
 |      Returns:
 |          Output shape, as an integer shape tuple
 |          (or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor).
 |      Raises:
 |          AttributeError: if the layer has no defined output shape.
 |          RuntimeError: if called in Eager mode.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from keras.engine.training.Model:
 |  __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __reduce__(self)
 |      Helper for pickle.
 |  __setattr__(self, name, value)
 |      Support self.foo = trackable syntax.
 |  compile(self, optimizer='rmsprop', loss=None, metrics=None, loss_weights=None, weighted_metrics=None, run_eagerly=None, steps_per_execution=None, jit_compile=None, **kwargs)
 |      Configures the model for training.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=1e-3),
 |                    loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),
 |                    metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy(),
 |                             tf.keras.metrics.FalseNegatives()])
 |      ```
 |      Args:
 |          optimizer: String (name of optimizer) or optimizer instance. See
 |            `tf.keras.optimizers`.
 |          loss: Loss function. May be a string (name of loss function), or
 |            a `tf.keras.losses.Loss` instance. See `tf.keras.losses`. A loss
 |            function is any callable with the signature `loss = fn(y_true,
 |            y_pred)`, where `y_true` are the ground truth values, and
 |            `y_pred` are the model's predictions.
 |            `y_true` should have shape
 |            `(batch_size, d0, .. dN)` (except in the case of
 |            sparse loss functions such as
 |            sparse categorical crossentropy which expects integer arrays of
 |            shape `(batch_size, d0, .. dN-1)`).
 |            `y_pred` should have shape `(batch_size, d0, .. dN)`.
 |            The loss function should return a float tensor.
 |            If a custom `Loss` instance is
 |            used and reduction is set to `None`, return value has shape
 |            `(batch_size, d0, .. dN-1)` i.e. per-sample or per-timestep loss
 |            values; otherwise, it is a scalar. If the model has multiple
 |            outputs, you can use a different loss on each output by passing a
 |            dictionary or a list of losses. The loss value that will be
 |            minimized by the model will then be the sum of all individual
 |            losses, unless `loss_weights` is specified.
 |          metrics: List of metrics to be evaluated by the model during
 |            training and testing. Each of this can be a string (name of a
 |            built-in function), function or a `tf.keras.metrics.Metric`
 |            instance. See `tf.keras.metrics`. Typically you will use
 |            `metrics=['accuracy']`.
 |            A function is any callable with the signature `result = fn(y_true,
 |            y_pred)`. To specify different metrics for different outputs of a
 |            multi-output model, you could also pass a dictionary, such as
 |            `metrics={'output_a':'accuracy', 'output_b':['accuracy', 'mse']}`.
 |            You can also pass a list to specify a metric or a list of metrics
 |            for each output, such as
 |            `metrics=[['accuracy'], ['accuracy', 'mse']]`
 |            or `metrics=['accuracy', ['accuracy', 'mse']]`. When you pass the
 |            strings 'accuracy' or 'acc', we convert this to one of
 |            `tf.keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy`,
 |            `tf.keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy`,
 |            `tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy` based on the loss
 |            function used and the model output shape. We do a similar
 |            conversion for the strings 'crossentropy' and 'ce' as well.
 |            The metrics passed here are evaluated without sample weighting; if
 |            you would like sample weighting to apply, you can specify your
 |            metrics via the `weighted_metrics` argument instead.
 |          loss_weights: Optional list or dictionary specifying scalar
 |            coefficients (Python floats) to weight the loss contributions of
 |            different model outputs. The loss value that will be minimized by
 |            the model will then be the *weighted sum* of all individual
 |            losses, weighted by the `loss_weights` coefficients.  If a list,
 |            it is expected to have a 1:1 mapping to the model's outputs. If a
 |            dict, it is expected to map output names (strings) to scalar
 |            coefficients.
 |          weighted_metrics: List of metrics to be evaluated and weighted by
 |            `sample_weight` or `class_weight` during training and testing.
 |          run_eagerly: Bool. Defaults to `False`. If `True`, this `Model`'s
 |            logic will not be wrapped in a `tf.function`. Recommended to leave
 |            this as `None` unless your `Model` cannot be run inside a
 |            `tf.function`. `run_eagerly=True` is not supported when using
 |            `tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy`.
 |          steps_per_execution: Int. Defaults to 1. The number of batches to
 |            run during each `tf.function` call. Running multiple batches
 |            inside a single `tf.function` call can greatly improve performance
 |            on TPUs or small models with a large Python overhead. At most, one
 |            full epoch will be run each execution. If a number larger than the
 |            size of the epoch is passed, the execution will be truncated to
 |            the size of the epoch. Note that if `steps_per_execution` is set
 |            to `N`, `Callback.on_batch_begin` and `Callback.on_batch_end`
 |            methods will only be called every `N` batches (i.e. before/after
 |            each `tf.function` execution).
 |          jit_compile: If `True`, compile the model training step with XLA.
 |            [XLA](https://www.tensorflow.org/xla) is an optimizing compiler
 |            for machine learning.
 |            `jit_compile` is not enabled for by default.
 |            This option cannot be enabled with `run_eagerly=True`.
 |            Note that `jit_compile=True`
 |            may not necessarily work for all models.
 |            For more information on supported operations please refer to the
 |            [XLA documentation](https://www.tensorflow.org/xla).
 |            Also refer to
 |            [known XLA issues](https://www.tensorflow.org/xla/known_issues)
 |            for more details.
 |          **kwargs: Arguments supported for backwards compatibility only.
 |  compute_loss(self, x=None, y=None, y_pred=None, sample_weight=None)
 |      Compute the total loss, validate it, and return it.
 |      Subclasses can optionally override this method to provide custom loss
 |      computation logic.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      class MyModel(tf.keras.Model):
 |        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 |          super(MyModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 |          self.loss_tracker = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='loss')
 |        def compute_loss(self, x, y, y_pred, sample_weight):
 |          loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.squared_difference(y_pred, y))
 |          loss += tf.add_n(self.losses)
 |          self.loss_tracker.update_state(loss)
 |          return loss
 |        def reset_metrics(self):
 |          self.loss_tracker.reset_states()
 |        @property
 |        def metrics(self):
 |          return [self.loss_tracker]
 |      tensors = tf.random.uniform((10, 10)), tf.random.uniform((10,))
 |      dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tensors).repeat().batch(1)
 |      inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(10,), name='my_input')
 |      outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
 |      model = MyModel(inputs, outputs)
 |      model.add_loss(tf.reduce_sum(outputs))
 |      optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD()
 |      model.compile(optimizer, loss='mse', steps_per_execution=10)
 |      model.fit(dataset, epochs=2, steps_per_epoch=10)
 |      print('My custom loss: ', model.loss_tracker.result().numpy())
 |      ```
 |      Args:
 |        x: Input data.
 |        y: Target data.
 |        y_pred: Predictions returned by the model (output of `model(x)`)
 |        sample_weight: Sample weights for weighting the loss function.
 |      Returns:
 |        The total loss as a `tf.Tensor`, or `None` if no loss results (which
 |        is the case when called by `Model.test_step`).
 |  compute_metrics(self, x, y, y_pred, sample_weight)
 |      Update metric states and collect all metrics to be returned.
 |      Subclasses can optionally override this method to provide custom metric
 |      updating and collection logic.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      class MyModel(tf.keras.Sequential):
 |        def compute_metrics(self, x, y, y_pred, sample_weight):
 |          # This super call updates `self.compiled_metrics` and returns
 |          # results for all metrics listed in `self.metrics`.
 |          metric_results = super(MyModel, self).compute_metrics(
 |              x, y, y_pred, sample_weight)
 |          # Note that `self.custom_metric` is not listed in `self.metrics`.
 |          self.custom_metric.update_state(x, y, y_pred, sample_weight)
 |          metric_results['custom_metric_name'] = self.custom_metric.result()
 |          return metric_results
 |      ```
 |      Args:
 |        x: Input data.
 |        y: Target data.
 |        y_pred: Predictions returned by the model (output of `model.call(x)`)
 |        sample_weight: Sample weights for weighting the loss function.
 |      Returns:
 |        A `dict` containing values that will be passed to
 |        `tf.keras.callbacks.CallbackList.on_train_batch_end()`. Typically, the
 |        values of the metrics listed in `self.metrics` are returned. Example:
 |        `{'loss': 0.2, 'accuracy': 0.7}`.
 |  evaluate(self, x=None, y=None, batch_size=None, verbose='auto', sample_weight=None, steps=None, callbacks=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, return_dict=False, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode.
 |      Computation is done in batches (see the `batch_size` arg.)
 |      Args:
 |          x: Input data. It could be:
 |            - A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays
 |              (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors
 |              (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors,
 |              if the model has named inputs.
 |            - A `tf.data` dataset. Should return a tuple
 |              of either `(inputs, targets)` or
 |              `(inputs, targets, sample_weights)`.
 |            - A generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` returning `(inputs,
 |              targets)` or `(inputs, targets, sample_weights)`.
 |            A more detailed description of unpacking behavior for iterator
 |            types (Dataset, generator, Sequence) is given in the `Unpacking
 |            behavior for iterator-like inputs` section of `Model.fit`.
 |          y: Target data. Like the input data `x`, it could be either Numpy
 |            array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s). It should be consistent with `x`
 |            (you cannot have Numpy inputs and tensor targets, or inversely).
 |            If `x` is a dataset, generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` instance,
 |            `y` should not be specified (since targets will be obtained from
 |            the iterator/dataset).
 |          batch_size: Integer or `None`. Number of samples per batch of
 |            computation. If unspecified, `batch_size` will default to 32. Do
 |            not specify the `batch_size` if your data is in the form of a
 |            dataset, generators, or `keras.utils.Sequence` instances (since
 |            they generate batches).
 |          verbose: `"auto"`, 0, 1, or 2. Verbosity mode.
 |              0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = single line.
 |              `"auto"` defaults to 1 for most cases, and to 2 when used with
 |              `ParameterServerStrategy`. Note that the progress bar is not
 |              particularly useful when logged to a file, so `verbose=2` is
 |              recommended when not running interactively (e.g. in a production
 |              environment).
 |          sample_weight: Optional Numpy array of weights for the test samples,
 |            used for weighting the loss function. You can either pass a flat
 |            (1D) Numpy array with the same length as the input samples
 |              (1:1 mapping between weights and samples), or in the case of
 |                temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape `(samples,
 |                sequence_length)`, to apply a different weight to every
 |                timestep of every sample. This argument is not supported when
 |                `x` is a dataset, instead pass sample weights as the third
 |                element of `x`.
 |          steps: Integer or `None`. Total number of steps (batches of samples)
 |            before declaring the evaluation round finished. Ignored with the
 |            default value of `None`. If x is a `tf.data` dataset and `steps`
 |            is None, 'evaluate' will run until the dataset is exhausted. This
 |            argument is not supported with array inputs.
 |          callbacks: List of `keras.callbacks.Callback` instances. List of
 |            callbacks to apply during evaluation. See
 |            [callbacks](/api_docs/python/tf/keras/callbacks).
 |          max_queue_size: Integer. Used for generator or
 |            `keras.utils.Sequence` input only. Maximum size for the generator
 |            queue. If unspecified, `max_queue_size` will default to 10.
 |          workers: Integer. Used for generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` input
 |            only. Maximum number of processes to spin up when using
 |            process-based threading. If unspecified, `workers` will default to
 |            1.
 |          use_multiprocessing: Boolean. Used for generator or
 |            `keras.utils.Sequence` input only. If `True`, use process-based
 |            threading. If unspecified, `use_multiprocessing` will default to
 |            `False`. Note that because this implementation relies on
 |            multiprocessing, you should not pass non-picklable arguments to
 |            the generator as they can't be passed easily to children
 |            processes.
 |          return_dict: If `True`, loss and metric results are returned as a
 |            dict, with each key being the name of the metric. If `False`, they
 |            are returned as a list.
 |          **kwargs: Unused at this time.
 |      See the discussion of `Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs` for
 |      `Model.fit`.
 |      Returns:
 |          Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics)
 |          or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
 |          and/or metrics). The attribute `model.metrics_names` will give you
 |          the display labels for the scalar outputs.
 |      Raises:
 |          RuntimeError: If `model.evaluate` is wrapped in a `tf.function`.
 |  evaluate_generator(self, generator, steps=None, callbacks=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, verbose=0)
 |      Evaluates the model on a data generator.
 |        `Model.evaluate` now supports generators, so there is no longer any
 |        need to use this endpoint.
 |  fit(self, x=None, y=None, batch_size=None, epochs=1, verbose='auto', callbacks=None, validation_split=0.0, validation_data=None, shuffle=True, class_weight=None, sample_weight=None, initial_epoch=0, steps_per_epoch=None, validation_steps=None, validation_batch_size=None, validation_freq=1, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False)
 |      Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset).
 |      Args:
 |          x: Input data. It could be:
 |            - A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays
 |              (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors
 |              (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors,
 |              if the model has named inputs.
 |            - A `tf.data` dataset. Should return a tuple
 |              of either `(inputs, targets)` or
 |              `(inputs, targets, sample_weights)`.
 |            - A generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` returning `(inputs,
 |              targets)` or `(inputs, targets, sample_weights)`.
 |            - A `tf.keras.utils.experimental.DatasetCreator`, which wraps a
 |              callable that takes a single argument of type
 |              `tf.distribute.InputContext`, and returns a `tf.data.Dataset`.
 |              `DatasetCreator` should be used when users prefer to specify the
 |              per-replica batching and sharding logic for the `Dataset`.
 |              See `tf.keras.utils.experimental.DatasetCreator` doc for more
 |              information.
 |            A more detailed description of unpacking behavior for iterator
 |            types (Dataset, generator, Sequence) is given below. If these
 |            include `sample_weights` as a third component, note that sample
 |            weighting applies to the `weighted_metrics` argument but not the
 |            `metrics` argument in `compile()`. If using
 |            `tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy`, only
 |            `DatasetCreator` type is supported for `x`.
 |          y: Target data. Like the input data `x`,
 |            it could be either Numpy array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s).
 |            It should be consistent with `x` (you cannot have Numpy inputs and
 |            tensor targets, or inversely). If `x` is a dataset, generator,
 |            or `keras.utils.Sequence` instance, `y` should
 |            not be specified (since targets will be obtained from `x`).
 |          batch_size: Integer or `None`.
 |              Number of samples per gradient update.
 |              If unspecified, `batch_size` will default to 32.
 |              Do not specify the `batch_size` if your data is in the
 |              form of datasets, generators, or `keras.utils.Sequence`
 |              instances (since they generate batches).
 |          epochs: Integer. Number of epochs to train the model.
 |              An epoch is an iteration over the entire `x` and `y`
 |              data provided
 |              (unless the `steps_per_epoch` flag is set to
 |              something other than None).
 |              Note that in conjunction with `initial_epoch`,
 |              `epochs` is to be understood as "final epoch".
 |              The model is not trained for a number of iterations
 |              given by `epochs`, but merely until the epoch
 |              of index `epochs` is reached.
 |          verbose: 'auto', 0, 1, or 2. Verbosity mode.
 |              0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch.
 |              'auto' defaults to 1 for most cases, but 2 when used with
 |              `ParameterServerStrategy`. Note that the progress bar is not
 |              particularly useful when logged to a file, so verbose=2 is
 |              recommended when not running interactively (eg, in a production
 |              environment).
 |          callbacks: List of `keras.callbacks.Callback` instances.
 |              List of callbacks to apply during training.
 |              See `tf.keras.callbacks`. Note
 |              `tf.keras.callbacks.ProgbarLogger` and
 |              `tf.keras.callbacks.History` callbacks are created automatically
 |              and need not be passed into `model.fit`.
 |              `tf.keras.callbacks.ProgbarLogger` is created or not based on
 |              `verbose` argument to `model.fit`.
 |              Callbacks with batch-level calls are currently unsupported with
 |              `tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy`, and users
 |              are advised to implement epoch-level calls instead with an
 |              appropriate `steps_per_epoch` value.
 |          validation_split: Float between 0 and 1.
 |              Fraction of the training data to be used as validation data.
 |              The model will set apart this fraction of the training data,
 |              will not train on it, and will evaluate
 |              the loss and any model metrics
 |              on this data at the end of each epoch.
 |              The validation data is selected from the last samples
 |              in the `x` and `y` data provided, before shuffling. This
 |              argument is not supported when `x` is a dataset, generator or
 |              `keras.utils.Sequence` instance.
 |              If both `validation_data` and `validation_split` are provided,
 |              `validation_data` will override `validation_split`.
 |              `validation_split` is not yet supported with
 |              `tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy`.
 |          validation_data: Data on which to evaluate
 |              the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch.
 |              The model will not be trained on this data. Thus, note the fact
 |              that the validation loss of data provided using
 |              `validation_split` or `validation_data` is not affected by
 |              regularization layers like noise and dropout.
 |              `validation_data` will override `validation_split`.
 |              `validation_data` could be:
 |                - A tuple `(x_val, y_val)` of Numpy arrays or tensors.
 |                - A tuple `(x_val, y_val, val_sample_weights)` of NumPy
 |                  arrays.
 |                - A `tf.data.Dataset`.
 |                - A Python generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` returning
 |                `(inputs, targets)` or `(inputs, targets, sample_weights)`.
 |              `validation_data` is not yet supported with
 |              `tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy`.
 |          shuffle: Boolean (whether to shuffle the training data
 |              before each epoch) or str (for 'batch'). This argument is
 |              ignored when `x` is a generator or an object of tf.data.Dataset.
 |              'batch' is a special option for dealing
 |              with the limitations of HDF5 data; it shuffles in batch-sized
 |              chunks. Has no effect when `steps_per_epoch` is not `None`.
 |          class_weight: Optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers)
 |              to a weight (float) value, used for weighting the loss function
 |              (during training only).
 |              This can be useful to tell the model to
 |              "pay more attention" to samples from
 |              an under-represented class.
 |          sample_weight: Optional Numpy array of weights for
 |              the training samples, used for weighting the loss function
 |              (during training only). You can either pass a flat (1D)
 |              Numpy array with the same length as the input samples
 |              (1:1 mapping between weights and samples),
 |              or in the case of temporal data,
 |              you can pass a 2D array with shape
 |              `(samples, sequence_length)`,
 |              to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample.
 |              This argument is not supported when `x` is a dataset, generator,
 |              or `keras.utils.Sequence` instance, instead provide the
 |              sample_weights as the third element of `x`.
 |              Note that sample weighting does not apply to metrics specified
 |              via the `metrics` argument in `compile()`. To apply sample
 |              weighting to your metrics, you can specify them via the
 |              `weighted_metrics` in `compile()` instead.
 |          initial_epoch: Integer.
 |              Epoch at which to start training
 |              (useful for resuming a previous training run).
 |          steps_per_epoch: Integer or `None`.
 |              Total number of steps (batches of samples)
 |              before declaring one epoch finished and starting the
 |              next epoch. When training with input tensors such as
 |              TensorFlow data tensors, the default `None` is equal to
 |              the number of samples in your dataset divided by
 |              the batch size, or 1 if that cannot be determined. If x is a
 |              `tf.data` dataset, and 'steps_per_epoch'
 |              is None, the epoch will run until the input dataset is
 |              exhausted.  When passing an infinitely repeating dataset, you
 |              must specify the `steps_per_epoch` argument. If
 |              `steps_per_epoch=-1` the training will run indefinitely with an
 |              infinitely repeating dataset.  This argument is not supported
 |              with array inputs.
 |              When using `tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy`:
 |                * `steps_per_epoch=None` is not supported.
 |          validation_steps: Only relevant if `validation_data` is provided and
 |              is a `tf.data` dataset. Total number of steps (batches of
 |              samples) to draw before stopping when performing validation
 |              at the end of every epoch. If 'validation_steps' is None,
 |              validation will run until the `validation_data` dataset is
 |              exhausted. In the case of an infinitely repeated dataset, it
 |              will run into an infinite loop. If 'validation_steps' is
 |              specified and only part of the dataset will be consumed, the
 |              evaluation will start from the beginning of the dataset at each
 |              epoch. This ensures that the same validation samples are used
 |              every time.
 |          validation_batch_size: Integer or `None`.
 |              Number of samples per validation batch.
 |              If unspecified, will default to `batch_size`.
 |              Do not specify the `validation_batch_size` if your data is in
 |              the form of datasets, generators, or `keras.utils.Sequence`
 |              instances (since they generate batches).
 |          validation_freq: Only relevant if validation data is provided.
 |            Integer or `collections.abc.Container` instance (e.g. list, tuple,
 |            etc.).  If an integer, specifies how many training epochs to run
 |            before a new validation run is performed, e.g. `validation_freq=2`
 |            runs validation every 2 epochs. If a Container, specifies the
 |            epochs on which to run validation, e.g.
 |            `validation_freq=[1, 2, 10]` runs validation at the end of the
 |            1st, 2nd, and 10th epochs.
 |          max_queue_size: Integer. Used for generator or
 |            `keras.utils.Sequence` input only. Maximum size for the generator
 |            queue.  If unspecified, `max_queue_size` will default to 10.
 |          workers: Integer. Used for generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` input
 |              only. Maximum number of processes to spin up
 |              when using process-based threading. If unspecified, `workers`
 |              will default to 1.
 |          use_multiprocessing: Boolean. Used for generator or
 |              `keras.utils.Sequence` input only. If `True`, use process-based
 |              threading. If unspecified, `use_multiprocessing` will default to
 |              `False`. Note that because this implementation relies on
 |              multiprocessing, you should not pass non-picklable arguments to
 |              the generator as they can't be passed easily to children
 |              processes.
 |      Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs:
 |          A common pattern is to pass a tf.data.Dataset, generator, or
 |        tf.keras.utils.Sequence to the `x` argument of fit, which will in fact
 |        yield not only features (x) but optionally targets (y) and sample
 |        weights.  Keras requires that the output of such iterator-likes be
 |        unambiguous. The iterator should return a tuple of length 1, 2, or 3,
 |        where the optional second and third elements will be used for y and
 |        sample_weight respectively. Any other type provided will be wrapped in
 |        a length one tuple, effectively treating everything as 'x'. When
 |        yielding dicts, they should still adhere to the top-level tuple
 |        structure.
 |        e.g. `({"x0": x0, "x1": x1}, y)`. Keras will not attempt to separate
 |        features, targets, and weights from the keys of a single dict.
 |          A notable unsupported data type is the namedtuple. The reason is
 |        that it behaves like both an ordered datatype (tuple) and a mapping
 |        datatype (dict). So given a namedtuple of the form:
 |            `namedtuple("example_tuple", ["y", "x"])`
 |        it is ambiguous whether to reverse the order of the elements when
 |        interpreting the value. Even worse is a tuple of the form:
 |            `namedtuple("other_tuple", ["x", "y", "z"])`
 |        where it is unclear if the tuple was intended to be unpacked into x,
 |        y, and sample_weight or passed through as a single element to `x`. As
 |        a result the data processing code will simply raise a ValueError if it
 |        encounters a namedtuple. (Along with instructions to remedy the
 |        issue.)
 |      Returns:
 |          A `History` object. Its `History.history` attribute is
 |          a record of training loss values and metrics values
 |          at successive epochs, as well as validation loss values
 |          and validation metrics values (if applicable).
 |      Raises:
 |          RuntimeError: 1. If the model was never compiled or,
 |          2. If `model.fit` is  wrapped in `tf.function`.
 |          ValueError: In case of mismatch between the provided input data
 |              and what the model expects or when the input data is empty.
 |  fit_generator(self, generator, steps_per_epoch=None, epochs=1, verbose=1, callbacks=None, validation_data=None, validation_steps=None, validation_freq=1, class_weight=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, shuffle=True, initial_epoch=0)
 |      Fits the model on data yielded batch-by-batch by a Python generator.
 |        `Model.fit` now supports generators, so there is no longer any need to
 |        use this endpoint.
 |  get_layer(self, name=None, index=None)
 |      Retrieves a layer based on either its name (unique) or index.
 |      If `name` and `index` are both provided, `index` will take precedence.
 |      Indices are based on order of horizontal graph traversal (bottom-up).
 |      Args:
 |          name: String, name of layer.
 |          index: Integer, index of layer.
 |      Returns:
 |          A layer instance.
 |  get_weights(self)
 |      Retrieves the weights of the model.
 |      Returns:
 |          A flat list of Numpy arrays.
 |  load_weights(self, filepath, by_name=False, skip_mismatch=False, options=None)
 |      Loads all layer weights, either from a TensorFlow or an HDF5 weight file.
 |      If `by_name` is False weights are loaded based on the network's
 |      topology. This means the architecture should be the same as when the
 |      weights were saved.  Note that layers that don't have weights are not
 |      taken into account in the topological ordering, so adding or removing
 |      layers is fine as long as they don't have weights.
 |      If `by_name` is True, weights are loaded into layers only if they share
 |      the same name. This is useful for fine-tuning or transfer-learning
 |      models where some of the layers have changed.
 |      Only topological loading (`by_name=False`) is supported when loading
 |      weights from the TensorFlow format. Note that topological loading
 |      differs slightly between TensorFlow and HDF5 formats for user-defined
 |      classes inheriting from `tf.keras.Model`: HDF5 loads based on a
 |      flattened list of weights, while the TensorFlow format loads based on
 |      the object-local names of attributes to which layers are assigned in the
 |      `Model`'s constructor.
 |      Args:
 |          filepath: String, path to the weights file to load. For weight files
 |              in TensorFlow format, this is the file prefix (the same as was
 |              passed to `save_weights`). This can also be a path to a
 |              SavedModel saved from `model.save`.
 |          by_name: Boolean, whether to load weights by name or by topological
 |              order. Only topological loading is supported for weight files in
 |              TensorFlow format.
 |          skip_mismatch: Boolean, whether to skip loading of layers where
 |              there is a mismatch in the number of weights, or a mismatch in
 |              the shape of the weight (only valid when `by_name=True`).
 |          options: Optional `tf.train.CheckpointOptions` object that specifies
 |              options for loading weights.
 |      Returns:
 |          When loading a weight file in TensorFlow format, returns the same
 |          status object as `tf.train.Checkpoint.restore`. When graph building,
 |          restore ops are run automatically as soon as the network is built
 |          (on first call for user-defined classes inheriting from `Model`,
 |          immediately if it is already built).
 |          When loading weights in HDF5 format, returns `None`.
 |      Raises:
 |          ImportError: If `h5py` is not available and the weight file is in
 |            HDF5 format.
 |          ValueError: If `skip_mismatch` is set to `True` when `by_name` is
 |            `False`.
 |  make_predict_function(self, force=False)
 |      Creates a function that executes one step of inference.
 |      This method can be overridden to support custom inference logic.
 |      This method is called by `Model.predict` and `Model.predict_on_batch`.
 |      Typically, this method directly controls `tf.function` and
 |      `tf.distribute.Strategy` settings, and delegates the actual evaluation
 |      logic to `Model.predict_step`.
 |      This function is cached the first time `Model.predict` or
 |      `Model.predict_on_batch` is called. The cache is cleared whenever
 |      `Model.compile` is called. You can skip the cache and generate again the
 |      function with `force=True`.
 |      Args:
 |        force: Whether to regenerate the predict function and skip the cached
 |          function if available.
 |      Returns:
 |        Function. The function created by this method should accept a
 |        `tf.data.Iterator`, and return the outputs of the `Model`.
 |  make_test_function(self, force=False)
 |      Creates a function that executes one step of evaluation.
 |      This method can be overridden to support custom evaluation logic.
 |      This method is called by `Model.evaluate` and `Model.test_on_batch`.
 |      Typically, this method directly controls `tf.function` and
 |      `tf.distribute.Strategy` settings, and delegates the actual evaluation
 |      logic to `Model.test_step`.
 |      This function is cached the first time `Model.evaluate` or
 |      `Model.test_on_batch` is called. The cache is cleared whenever
 |      `Model.compile` is called. You can skip the cache and generate again the
 |      function with `force=True`.
 |      Args:
 |        force: Whether to regenerate the test function and skip the cached
 |          function if available.
 |      Returns:
 |        Function. The function created by this method should accept a
 |        `tf.data.Iterator`, and return a `dict` containing values that will
 |        be passed to `tf.keras.Callbacks.on_test_batch_end`.
 |  make_train_function(self, force=False)
 |      Creates a function that executes one step of training.
 |      This method can be overridden to support custom training logic.
 |      This method is called by `Model.fit` and `Model.train_on_batch`.
 |      Typically, this method directly controls `tf.function` and
 |      `tf.distribute.Strategy` settings, and delegates the actual training
 |      logic to `Model.train_step`.
 |      This function is cached the first time `Model.fit` or
 |      `Model.train_on_batch` is called. The cache is cleared whenever
 |      `Model.compile` is called. You can skip the cache and generate again the
 |      function with `force=True`.
 |      Args:
 |        force: Whether to regenerate the train function and skip the cached
 |          function if available.
 |      Returns:
 |        Function. The function created by this method should accept a
 |        `tf.data.Iterator`, and return a `dict` containing values that will
 |        be passed to `tf.keras.Callbacks.on_train_batch_end`, such as
 |        `{'loss': 0.2, 'accuracy': 0.7}`.
 |  predict(self, x, batch_size=None, verbose='auto', steps=None, callbacks=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False)
 |      Generates output predictions for the input samples.
 |      Computation is done in batches. This method is designed for batch
 |      processing of large numbers of inputs. It is not intended for use inside
 |      of loops that iterate over your data and process small numbers of inputs
 |      at a time.
 |      For small numbers of inputs that fit in one batch,
 |      directly use `__call__()` for faster execution, e.g.,
 |      `model(x)`, or `model(x, training=False)` if you have layers such as
 |      `tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization` that behave differently during
 |      inference. You may pair the individual model call with a `tf.function`
 |      for additional performance inside your inner loop.
 |      If you need access to numpy array values instead of tensors after your
 |      model call, you can use `tensor.numpy()` to get the numpy array value of
 |      an eager tensor.
 |      Also, note the fact that test loss is not affected by
 |      regularization layers like noise and dropout.
 |      Note: See [this FAQ entry](
 |      https://keras.io/getting_started/faq/#whats-the-difference-between-model-methods-predict-and-call)
 |      for more details about the difference between `Model` methods
 |      `predict()` and `__call__()`.
 |      Args:
 |          x: Input samples. It could be:
 |            - A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays
 |              (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors
 |              (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A `tf.data` dataset.
 |            - A generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` instance.
 |            A more detailed description of unpacking behavior for iterator
 |            types (Dataset, generator, Sequence) is given in the `Unpacking
 |            behavior for iterator-like inputs` section of `Model.fit`.
 |          batch_size: Integer or `None`.
 |              Number of samples per batch.
 |              If unspecified, `batch_size` will default to 32.
 |              Do not specify the `batch_size` if your data is in the
 |              form of dataset, generators, or `keras.utils.Sequence` instances
 |              (since they generate batches).
 |          verbose: `"auto"`, 0, 1, or 2. Verbosity mode.
 |              0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = single line.
 |              `"auto"` defaults to 1 for most cases, and to 2 when used with
 |              `ParameterServerStrategy`. Note that the progress bar is not
 |              particularly useful when logged to a file, so `verbose=2` is
 |              recommended when not running interactively (e.g. in a production
 |              environment).
 |          steps: Total number of steps (batches of samples)
 |              before declaring the prediction round finished.
 |              Ignored with the default value of `None`. If x is a `tf.data`
 |              dataset and `steps` is None, `predict()` will
 |              run until the input dataset is exhausted.
 |          callbacks: List of `keras.callbacks.Callback` instances.
 |              List of callbacks to apply during prediction.
 |              See [callbacks](/api_docs/python/tf/keras/callbacks).
 |          max_queue_size: Integer. Used for generator or
 |              `keras.utils.Sequence` input only. Maximum size for the
 |              generator queue. If unspecified, `max_queue_size` will default
 |              to 10.
 |          workers: Integer. Used for generator or `keras.utils.Sequence` input
 |              only. Maximum number of processes to spin up when using
 |              process-based threading. If unspecified, `workers` will default
 |              to 1.
 |          use_multiprocessing: Boolean. Used for generator or
 |              `keras.utils.Sequence` input only. If `True`, use process-based
 |              threading. If unspecified, `use_multiprocessing` will default to
 |              `False`. Note that because this implementation relies on
 |              multiprocessing, you should not pass non-picklable arguments to
 |              the generator as they can't be passed easily to children
 |              processes.
 |      See the discussion of `Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs` for
 |      `Model.fit`. Note that Model.predict uses the same interpretation rules
 |      as `Model.fit` and `Model.evaluate`, so inputs must be unambiguous for
 |      all three methods.
 |      Returns:
 |          Numpy array(s) of predictions.
 |      Raises:
 |          RuntimeError: If `model.predict` is wrapped in a `tf.function`.
 |          ValueError: In case of mismatch between the provided
 |              input data and the model's expectations,
 |              or in case a stateful model receives a number of samples
 |              that is not a multiple of the batch size.
 |  predict_generator(self, generator, steps=None, callbacks=None, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, verbose=0)
 |      Generates predictions for the input samples from a data generator.
 |        `Model.predict` now supports generators, so there is no longer any
 |        need to use this endpoint.
 |  predict_on_batch(self, x)
 |      Returns predictions for a single batch of samples.
 |      Args:
 |          x: Input data. It could be:
 |            - A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the
 |                model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has
 |                multiple inputs).
 |      Returns:
 |          Numpy array(s) of predictions.
 |      Raises:
 |          RuntimeError: If `model.predict_on_batch` is wrapped in a
 |            `tf.function`.
 |  predict_step(self, data)
 |      The logic for one inference step.
 |      This method can be overridden to support custom inference logic.
 |      This method is called by `Model.make_predict_function`.
 |      This method should contain the mathematical logic for one step of
 |      inference.  This typically includes the forward pass.
 |      Configuration details for *how* this logic is run (e.g. `tf.function`
 |      and `tf.distribute.Strategy` settings), should be left to
 |      `Model.make_predict_function`, which can also be overridden.
 |      Args:
 |        data: A nested structure of `Tensor`s.
 |      Returns:
 |        The result of one inference step, typically the output of calling the
 |        `Model` on data.
 |  reset_metrics(self)
 |      Resets the state of all the metrics in the model.
 |      Examples:
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,))
 |      >>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)(inputs)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
 |      >>> model.compile(optimizer="Adam", loss="mse", metrics=["mae"])
 |      >>> x = np.random.random((2, 3))
 |      >>> y = np.random.randint(0, 2, (2, 2))
 |      >>> _ = model.fit(x, y, verbose=0)
 |      >>> assert all(float(m.result()) for m in model.metrics)
 |      >>> model.reset_metrics()
 |      >>> assert all(float(m.result()) == 0 for m in model.metrics)
 |  reset_states(self)
 |  save(self, filepath, overwrite=True, include_optimizer=True, save_format=None, signatures=None, options=None, save_traces=True)
 |      Saves the model to Tensorflow SavedModel or a single HDF5 file.
 |      Please see `tf.keras.models.save_model` or the
 |      [Serialization and Saving guide](
 |      https://keras.io/guides/serialization_and_saving/)
 |      for details.
 |      Args:
 |          filepath: String, PathLike, path to SavedModel or H5 file to save
 |              the model.
 |          overwrite: Whether to silently overwrite any existing file at the
 |              target location, or provide the user with a manual prompt.
 |          include_optimizer: If True, save optimizer's state together.
 |          save_format: Either `'tf'` or `'h5'`, indicating whether to save the
 |              model to Tensorflow SavedModel or HDF5. Defaults to 'tf' in TF
 |              2.X, and 'h5' in TF 1.X.
 |          signatures: Signatures to save with the SavedModel. Applicable to
 |              the 'tf' format only. Please see the `signatures` argument in
 |              `tf.saved_model.save` for details.
 |          options: (only applies to SavedModel format)
 |              `tf.saved_model.SaveOptions` object that specifies options for
 |              saving to SavedModel.
 |          save_traces: (only applies to SavedModel format) When enabled, the
 |              SavedModel will store the function traces for each layer. This
 |              can be disabled, so that only the configs of each layer are
 |              stored.  Defaults to `True`. Disabling this will decrease
 |              serialization time and reduce file size, but it requires that
 |              all custom layers/models implement a `get_config()` method.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      from keras.models import load_model
 |      model.save('my_model.h5')  # creates a HDF5 file 'my_model.h5'
 |      del model  # deletes the existing model
 |      # returns a compiled model
 |      # identical to the previous one
 |      model = load_model('my_model.h5')
 |      ```
 |  save_spec(self, dynamic_batch=True)
 |      Returns the `tf.TensorSpec` of call inputs as a tuple `(args, kwargs)`.
 |      This value is automatically defined after calling the model for the
 |      first time. Afterwards, you can use it when exporting the model for
 |      serving:
 |      ```python
 |      model = tf.keras.Model(...)
 |      @tf.function
 |      def serve(*args, **kwargs):
 |        outputs = model(*args, **kwargs)
 |        # Apply postprocessing steps, or add additional outputs.
 |        ...
 |        return outputs
 |      # arg_specs is `[tf.TensorSpec(...), ...]`. kwarg_specs, in this
 |      # example, is an empty dict since functional models do not use keyword
 |      # arguments.
 |      arg_specs, kwarg_specs = model.save_spec()
 |      model.save(path, signatures={
 |        'serving_default': serve.get_concrete_function(*arg_specs,
 |                                                       **kwarg_specs)
 |      })
 |      ```
 |      Args:
 |        dynamic_batch: Whether to set the batch sizes of all the returned
 |          `tf.TensorSpec` to `None`. (Note that when defining functional or
 |          Sequential models with `tf.keras.Input([...], batch_size=X)`, the
 |          batch size will always be preserved). Defaults to `True`.
 |      Returns:
 |        If the model inputs are defined, returns a tuple `(args, kwargs)`. All
 |        elements in `args` and `kwargs` are `tf.TensorSpec`.
 |        If the model inputs are not defined, returns `None`.
 |        The model inputs are automatically set when calling the model,
 |        `model.fit`, `model.evaluate` or `model.predict`.
 |  save_weights(self, filepath, overwrite=True, save_format=None, options=None)
 |      Saves all layer weights.
 |      Either saves in HDF5 or in TensorFlow format based on the `save_format`
 |      argument.
 |      When saving in HDF5 format, the weight file has:
 |        - `layer_names` (attribute), a list of strings
 |            (ordered names of model layers).
 |        - For every layer, a `group` named `layer.name`
 |            - For every such layer group, a group attribute `weight_names`,
 |                a list of strings
 |                (ordered names of weights tensor of the layer).
 |            - For every weight in the layer, a dataset
 |                storing the weight value, named after the weight tensor.
 |      When saving in TensorFlow format, all objects referenced by the network
 |      are saved in the same format as `tf.train.Checkpoint`, including any
 |      `Layer` instances or `Optimizer` instances assigned to object
 |      attributes. For networks constructed from inputs and outputs using
 |      `tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)`, `Layer` instances used by the network
 |      are tracked/saved automatically. For user-defined classes which inherit
 |      from `tf.keras.Model`, `Layer` instances must be assigned to object
 |      attributes, typically in the constructor. See the documentation of
 |      `tf.train.Checkpoint` and `tf.keras.Model` for details.
 |      While the formats are the same, do not mix `save_weights` and
 |      `tf.train.Checkpoint`. Checkpoints saved by `Model.save_weights` should
 |      be loaded using `Model.load_weights`. Checkpoints saved using
 |      `tf.train.Checkpoint.save` should be restored using the corresponding
 |      `tf.train.Checkpoint.restore`. Prefer `tf.train.Checkpoint` over
 |      `save_weights` for training checkpoints.
 |      The TensorFlow format matches objects and variables by starting at a
 |      root object, `self` for `save_weights`, and greedily matching attribute
 |      names. For `Model.save` this is the `Model`, and for `Checkpoint.save`
 |      this is the `Checkpoint` even if the `Checkpoint` has a model attached.
 |      This means saving a `tf.keras.Model` using `save_weights` and loading
 |      into a `tf.train.Checkpoint` with a `Model` attached (or vice versa)
 |      will not match the `Model`'s variables. See the
 |      [guide to training checkpoints](
 |      https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/checkpoint) for details on
 |      the TensorFlow format.
 |      Args:
 |          filepath: String or PathLike, path to the file to save the weights
 |              to. When saving in TensorFlow format, this is the prefix used
 |              for checkpoint files (multiple files are generated). Note that
 |              the '.h5' suffix causes weights to be saved in HDF5 format.
 |          overwrite: Whether to silently overwrite any existing file at the
 |              target location, or provide the user with a manual prompt.
 |          save_format: Either 'tf' or 'h5'. A `filepath` ending in '.h5' or
 |              '.keras' will default to HDF5 if `save_format` is `None`.
 |              Otherwise `None` defaults to 'tf'.
 |          options: Optional `tf.train.CheckpointOptions` object that specifies
 |              options for saving weights.
 |      Raises:
 |          ImportError: If `h5py` is not available when attempting to save in
 |              HDF5 format.
 |  summary(self, line_length=None, positions=None, print_fn=None, expand_nested=False, show_trainable=False, layer_range=None)
 |      Prints a string summary of the network.
 |      Args:
 |          line_length: Total length of printed lines
 |              (e.g. set this to adapt the display to different
 |              terminal window sizes).
 |          positions: Relative or absolute positions of log elements
 |              in each line. If not provided,
 |              defaults to `[.33, .55, .67, 1.]`.
 |          print_fn: Print function to use. Defaults to `print`.
 |              It will be called on each line of the summary.
 |              You can set it to a custom function
 |              in order to capture the string summary.
 |          expand_nested: Whether to expand the nested models.
 |              If not provided, defaults to `False`.
 |          show_trainable: Whether to show if a layer is trainable.
 |              If not provided, defaults to `False`.
 |          layer_range: a list or tuple of 2 strings,
 |              which is the starting layer name and ending layer name
 |              (both inclusive) indicating the range of layers to be printed
 |              in summary. It also accepts regex patterns instead of exact
 |              name. In such case, start predicate will be the first element
 |              it matches to `layer_range[0]` and the end predicate will be
 |              the last element it matches to `layer_range[1]`.
 |              By default `None` which considers all layers of model.
 |      Raises:
 |          ValueError: if `summary()` is called before the model is built.
 |  test_on_batch(self, x, y=None, sample_weight=None, reset_metrics=True, return_dict=False)
 |      Test the model on a single batch of samples.
 |      Args:
 |          x: Input data. It could be:
 |            - A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the
 |                model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has
 |                multiple inputs).
 |            - A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors,
 |                if the model has named inputs.
 |          y: Target data. Like the input data `x`, it could be either Numpy
 |            array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s). It should be consistent with `x`
 |            (you cannot have Numpy inputs and tensor targets, or inversely).
 |          sample_weight: Optional array of the same length as x, containing
 |            weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case
 |            of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples,
 |            sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of
 |            every sample.
 |          reset_metrics: If `True`, the metrics returned will be only for this
 |            batch. If `False`, the metrics will be statefully accumulated
 |            across batches.
 |          return_dict: If `True`, loss and metric results are returned as a
 |            dict, with each key being the name of the metric. If `False`, they
 |            are returned as a list.
 |      Returns:
 |          Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics)
 |          or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
 |          and/or metrics). The attribute `model.metrics_names` will give you
 |          the display labels for the scalar outputs.
 |      Raises:
 |          RuntimeError: If `model.test_on_batch` is wrapped in a
 |            `tf.function`.
 |  test_step(self, data)
 |      The logic for one evaluation step.
 |      This method can be overridden to support custom evaluation logic.
 |      This method is called by `Model.make_test_function`.
 |      This function should contain the mathematical logic for one step of
 |      evaluation.
 |      This typically includes the forward pass, loss calculation, and metrics
 |      updates.
 |      Configuration details for *how* this logic is run (e.g. `tf.function`
 |      and `tf.distribute.Strategy` settings), should be left to
 |      `Model.make_test_function`, which can also be overridden.
 |      Args:
 |        data: A nested structure of `Tensor`s.
 |      Returns:
 |        A `dict` containing values that will be passed to
 |        `tf.keras.callbacks.CallbackList.on_train_batch_end`. Typically, the
 |        values of the `Model`'s metrics are returned.
 |  to_json(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a JSON string containing the network configuration.
 |      To load a network from a JSON save file, use
 |      `keras.models.model_from_json(json_string, custom_objects={})`.
 |      Args:
 |          **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to
 |              *`json.dumps()`.
 |      Returns:
 |          A JSON string.
 |  to_yaml(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a yaml string containing the network configuration.
 |      Note: Since TF 2.6, this method is no longer supported and will raise a
 |      RuntimeError.
 |      To load a network from a yaml save file, use
 |      `keras.models.model_from_yaml(yaml_string, custom_objects={})`.
 |      `custom_objects` should be a dictionary mapping
 |      the names of custom losses / layers / etc to the corresponding
 |      functions / classes.
 |      Args:
 |          **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments
 |              to be passed to `yaml.dump()`.
 |      Returns:
 |          A YAML string.
 |      Raises:
 |          RuntimeError: announces that the method poses a security risk
 |  train_on_batch(self, x, y=None, sample_weight=None, class_weight=None, reset_metrics=True, return_dict=False)
 |      Runs a single gradient update on a single batch of data.
 |      Args:
 |          x: Input data. It could be:
 |            - A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays
 |                (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors
 |                (in case the model has multiple inputs).
 |            - A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors,
 |                if the model has named inputs.
 |          y: Target data. Like the input data `x`, it could be either Numpy
 |            array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s).
 |          sample_weight: Optional array of the same length as x, containing
 |            weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case
 |            of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples,
 |            sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of
 |            every sample.
 |          class_weight: Optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers)
 |            to a weight (float) to apply to the model's loss for the samples
 |            from this class during training. This can be useful to tell the
 |            model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented
 |            class.
 |          reset_metrics: If `True`, the metrics returned will be only for this
 |            batch. If `False`, the metrics will be statefully accumulated
 |            across batches.
 |          return_dict: If `True`, loss and metric results are returned as a
 |            dict, with each key being the name of the metric. If `False`, they
 |            are returned as a list.
 |      Returns:
 |          Scalar training loss
 |          (if the model has a single output and no metrics)
 |          or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
 |          and/or metrics). The attribute `model.metrics_names` will give you
 |          the display labels for the scalar outputs.
 |      Raises:
 |        RuntimeError: If `model.train_on_batch` is wrapped in a `tf.function`.
 |  train_step(self, data)
 |      The logic for one training step.
 |      This method can be overridden to support custom training logic.
 |      For concrete examples of how to override this method see
 |      [Customizing what happens in fit](
 |      https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras/customizing_what_happens_in_fit).
 |      This method is called by `Model.make_train_function`.
 |      This method should contain the mathematical logic for one step of
 |      training.  This typically includes the forward pass, loss calculation,
 |      backpropagation, and metric updates.
 |      Configuration details for *how* this logic is run (e.g. `tf.function`
 |      and `tf.distribute.Strategy` settings), should be left to
 |      `Model.make_train_function`, which can also be overridden.
 |      Args:
 |        data: A nested structure of `Tensor`s.
 |      Returns:
 |        A `dict` containing values that will be passed to
 |        `tf.keras.callbacks.CallbackList.on_train_batch_end`. Typically, the
 |        values of the `Model`'s metrics are returned. Example:
 |        `{'loss': 0.2, 'accuracy': 0.7}`.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods inherited from keras.engine.training.Model:
 |  __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from keras.engine.training.Model:
 |  distribute_strategy
 |      The `tf.distribute.Strategy` this model was created under.
 |  metrics
 |      Returns the model's metrics added using `compile()`, `add_metric()` APIs.
 |      Note: Metrics passed to `compile()` are available only after a
 |      `keras.Model` has been trained/evaluated on actual data.
 |      Examples:
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,))
 |      >>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)(inputs)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
 |      >>> model.compile(optimizer="Adam", loss="mse", metrics=["mae"])
 |      >>> [m.name for m in model.metrics]
 |      []
 |      >>> x = np.random.random((2, 3))
 |      >>> y = np.random.randint(0, 2, (2, 2))
 |      >>> model.fit(x, y)
 |      >>> [m.name for m in model.metrics]
 |      ['loss', 'mae']
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,))
 |      >>> d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, name='out')
 |      >>> output_1 = d(inputs)
 |      >>> output_2 = d(inputs)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(
 |      ...    inputs=inputs, outputs=[output_1, output_2])
 |      >>> model.add_metric(
 |      ...    tf.reduce_sum(output_2), name='mean', aggregation='mean')
 |      >>> model.compile(optimizer="Adam", loss="mse", metrics=["mae", "acc"])
 |      >>> model.fit(x, (y, y))
 |      >>> [m.name for m in model.metrics]
 |      ['loss', 'out_loss', 'out_1_loss', 'out_mae', 'out_acc', 'out_1_mae',
 |      'out_1_acc', 'mean']
 |  metrics_names
 |      Returns the model's display labels for all outputs.
 |      Note: `metrics_names` are available only after a `keras.Model` has been
 |      trained/evaluated on actual data.
 |      Examples:
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,))
 |      >>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)(inputs)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
 |      >>> model.compile(optimizer="Adam", loss="mse", metrics=["mae"])
 |      >>> model.metrics_names
 |      []
 |      >>> x = np.random.random((2, 3))
 |      >>> y = np.random.randint(0, 2, (2, 2))
 |      >>> model.fit(x, y)
 |      >>> model.metrics_names
 |      ['loss', 'mae']
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,))
 |      >>> d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, name='out')
 |      >>> output_1 = d(inputs)
 |      >>> output_2 = d(inputs)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(
 |      ...    inputs=inputs, outputs=[output_1, output_2])
 |      >>> model.compile(optimizer="Adam", loss="mse", metrics=["mae", "acc"])
 |      >>> model.fit(x, (y, y))
 |      >>> model.metrics_names
 |      ['loss', 'out_loss', 'out_1_loss', 'out_mae', 'out_acc', 'out_1_mae',
 |      'out_1_acc']
 |  non_trainable_weights
 |      List of all non-trainable weights tracked by this layer.
 |      Non-trainable weights are *not* updated during training. They are
 |      expected to be updated manually in `call()`.
 |      Returns:
 |        A list of non-trainable variables.
 |  run_eagerly
 |      Settable attribute indicating whether the model should run eagerly.
 |      Running eagerly means that your model will be run step by step,
 |      like Python code. Your model might run slower, but it should become
 |      easier for you to debug it by stepping into individual layer calls.
 |      By default, we will attempt to compile your model to a static graph to
 |      deliver the best execution performance.
 |      Returns:
 |        Boolean, whether the model should run eagerly.
 |  state_updates
 |      Deprecated, do NOT use!
 |      Returns the `updates` from all layers that are stateful.
 |      This is useful for separating training updates and
 |      state updates, e.g. when we need to update a layer's internal state
 |      during prediction.
 |      Returns:
 |          A list of update ops.
 |  trainable_weights
 |      List of all trainable weights tracked by this layer.
 |      Trainable weights are updated via gradient descent during training.
 |      Returns:
 |        A list of trainable variables.
 |  weights
 |      Returns the list of all layer variables/weights.
 |      Note: This will not track the weights of nested `tf.Modules` that are
 |      not themselves Keras layers.
 |      Returns:
 |        A list of variables.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from keras.engine.base_layer.Layer:
 |  __delattr__(self, name)
 |      Implement delattr(self, name).
 |  __getstate__(self)
 |  __setstate__(self, state)
 |  add_loss(self, losses, **kwargs)
 |      Add loss tensor(s), potentially dependent on layer inputs.
 |      Some losses (for instance, activity regularization losses) may be
 |      dependent on the inputs passed when calling a layer. Hence, when reusing
 |      the same layer on different inputs `a` and `b`, some entries in
 |      `layer.losses` may be dependent on `a` and some on `b`. This method
 |      automatically keeps track of dependencies.
 |      This method can be used inside a subclassed layer or model's `call`
 |      function, in which case `losses` should be a Tensor or list of Tensors.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
 |        def call(self, inputs):
 |          self.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(inputs)))
 |          return inputs
 |      ```
 |      This method can also be called directly on a Functional Model during
 |      construction. In this case, any loss Tensors passed to this Model must
 |      be symbolic and be able to be traced back to the model's `Input`s. These
 |      losses become part of the model's topology and are tracked in
 |      `get_config`.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
 |      x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
 |      outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
 |      model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
 |      # Activity regularization.
 |      model.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(x)))
 |      ```
 |      If this is not the case for your loss (if, for example, your loss
 |      references a `Variable` of one of the model's layers), you can wrap your
 |      loss in a zero-argument lambda. These losses are not tracked as part of
 |      the model's topology since they can't be serialized.
 |      Example:
 |      ```python
 |      inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
 |      d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)
 |      x = d(inputs)
 |      outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
 |      model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
 |      # Weight regularization.
 |      model.add_loss(lambda: tf.reduce_mean(d.kernel))
 |      ```
 |      Args:
 |        losses: Loss tensor, or list/tuple of tensors. Rather than tensors,
 |          losses may also be zero-argument callables which create a loss
 |          tensor.
 |        **kwargs: Used for backwards compatibility only.
 |  add_metric(self, value, name=None, **kwargs)
 |      Adds metric tensor to the layer.
 |      This method can be used inside the `call()` method of a subclassed layer
 |      or model.
 |      ```python
 |      class MyMetricLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
 |        def __init__(self):
 |          super(MyMetricLayer, self).__init__(name='my_metric_layer')
 |          self.mean = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='metric_1')
 |        def call(self, inputs):
 |          self.add_metric(self.mean(inputs))
 |          self.add_metric(tf.reduce_sum(inputs), name='metric_2')
 |          return inputs
 |      ```
 |      This method can also be called directly on a Functional Model during
 |      construction. In this case, any tensor passed to this Model must
 |      be symbolic and be able to be traced back to the model's `Input`s. These
 |      metrics become part of the model's topology and are tracked when you
 |      save the model via `save()`.
 |      ```python
 |      inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
 |      x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
 |      outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
 |      model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
 |      model.add_metric(math_ops.reduce_sum(x), name='metric_1')
 |      ```
 |      Note: Calling `add_metric()` with the result of a metric object on a
 |      Functional Model, as shown in the example below, is not supported. This
 |      is because we cannot trace the metric result tensor back to the model's
 |      inputs.
 |      ```python
 |      inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
 |      x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
 |      outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
 |      model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
 |      model.add_metric(tf.keras.metrics.Mean()(x), name='metric_1')
 |      ```
 |      Args:
 |        value: Metric tensor.
 |        name: String metric name.
 |        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for backward compatibility.
 |          Accepted values:
 |          `aggregation` - When the `value` tensor provided is not the result
 |          of calling a `keras.Metric` instance, it will be aggregated by
 |          default using a `keras.Metric.Mean`.
 |  add_update(self, updates)
 |      Add update op(s), potentially dependent on layer inputs.
 |      Weight updates (for instance, the updates of the moving mean and
 |      variance in a BatchNormalization layer) may be dependent on the inputs
 |      passed when calling a layer. Hence, when reusing the same layer on
 |      different inputs `a` and `b`, some entries in `layer.updates` may be
 |      dependent on `a` and some on `b`. This method automatically keeps track
 |      of dependencies.
 |      This call is ignored when eager execution is enabled (in that case,
 |      variable updates are run on the fly and thus do not need to be tracked
 |      for later execution).
 |      Args:
 |        updates: Update op, or list/tuple of update ops, or zero-arg callable
 |          that returns an update op. A zero-arg callable should be passed in
 |          order to disable running the updates by setting `trainable=False`
 |          on this Layer, when executing in Eager mode.
 |  add_variable(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Deprecated, do NOT use! Alias for `add_weight`.
 |  add_weight(self, name=None, shape=None, dtype=None, initializer=None, regularizer=None, trainable=None, constraint=None, use_resource=None, synchronization=<VariableSynchronization.AUTO: 0>, aggregation=<VariableAggregationV2.NONE: 0>, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a new variable to the layer.
 |      Args:
 |        name: Variable name.
 |        shape: Variable shape. Defaults to scalar if unspecified.
 |        dtype: The type of the variable. Defaults to `self.dtype`.
 |        initializer: Initializer instance (callable).
 |        regularizer: Regularizer instance (callable).
 |        trainable: Boolean, whether the variable should be part of the layer's
 |          "trainable_variables" (e.g. variables, biases)
 |          or "non_trainable_variables" (e.g. BatchNorm mean and variance).
 |          Note that `trainable` cannot be `True` if `synchronization`
 |          is set to `ON_READ`.
 |        constraint: Constraint instance (callable).
 |        use_resource: Whether to use a `ResourceVariable` or not.
 |          See [this guide](
 |          https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/migrate/tf1_vs_tf2#resourcevariables_instead_of_referencevariables)
 |          for more information.
 |        synchronization: Indicates when a distributed a variable will be
 |          aggregated. Accepted values are constants defined in the class
 |          `tf.VariableSynchronization`. By default the synchronization is set
 |          to `AUTO` and the current `DistributionStrategy` chooses when to
 |          synchronize. If `synchronization` is set to `ON_READ`, `trainable`
 |          must not be set to `True`.
 |        aggregation: Indicates how a distributed variable will be aggregated.
 |          Accepted values are constants defined in the class
 |          `tf.VariableAggregation`.
 |        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Accepted values are `getter`,
 |          `collections`, `experimental_autocast` and `caching_device`.
 |      Returns:
 |        The variable created.
 |      Raises:
 |        ValueError: When giving unsupported dtype and no initializer or when
 |          trainable has been set to True with synchronization set as
 |          `ON_READ`.
 |  compute_output_signature(self, input_signature)
 |      Compute the output tensor signature of the layer based on the inputs.
 |      Unlike a TensorShape object, a TensorSpec object contains both shape
 |      and dtype information for a tensor. This method allows layers to provide
 |      output dtype information if it is different from the input dtype.
 |      For any layer that doesn't implement this function,
 |      the framework will fall back to use `compute_output_shape`, and will
 |      assume that the output dtype matches the input dtype.
 |      Args:
 |        input_signature: Single TensorSpec or nested structure of TensorSpec
 |          objects, describing a candidate input for the layer.
 |      Returns:
 |        Single TensorSpec or nested structure of TensorSpec objects,
 |          describing how the layer would transform the provided input.
 |      Raises:
 |        TypeError: If input_signature contains a non-TensorSpec object.
 |  count_params(self)
 |      Count the total number of scalars composing the weights.
 |      Returns:
 |          An integer count.
 |      Raises:
 |          ValueError: if the layer isn't yet built
 |            (in which case its weights aren't yet defined).
 |  finalize_state(self)
 |      Finalizes the layers state after updating layer weights.
 |      This function can be subclassed in a layer and will be called after
 |      updating a layer weights. It can be overridden to finalize any
 |      additional layer state after a weight update.
 |      This function will be called after weights of a layer have been restored
 |      from a loaded model.
 |  get_input_at(self, node_index)
 |      Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node.
 |      Args:
 |          node_index: Integer, index of the node
 |              from which to retrieve the attribute.
 |              E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the
 |              first input node of the layer.
 |      Returns:
 |          A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs).
 |      Raises:
 |        RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
 |  get_input_mask_at(self, node_index)
 |      Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node.
 |      Args:
 |          node_index: Integer, index of the node
 |              from which to retrieve the attribute.
 |              E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the
 |              first time the layer was called.
 |      Returns:
 |          A mask tensor
 |          (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs).
 |  get_input_shape_at(self, node_index)
 |      Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node.
 |      Args:
 |          node_index: Integer, index of the node
 |              from which to retrieve the attribute.
 |              E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the
 |              first time the layer was called.
 |      Returns:
 |          A shape tuple
 |          (or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs).
 |      Raises:
 |        RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
 |  get_output_at(self, node_index)
 |      Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node.
 |      Args:
 |          node_index: Integer, index of the node
 |              from which to retrieve the attribute.
 |              E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the
 |              first output node of the layer.
 |      Returns:
 |          A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs).
 |      Raises:
 |        RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
 |  get_output_mask_at(self, node_index)
 |      Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node.
 |      Args:
 |          node_index: Integer, index of the node
 |              from which to retrieve the attribute.
 |              E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the
 |              first time the layer was called.
 |      Returns:
 |          A mask tensor
 |          (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs).
 |  get_output_shape_at(self, node_index)
 |      Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node.
 |      Args:
 |          node_index: Integer, index of the node
 |              from which to retrieve the attribute.
 |              E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the
 |              first time the layer was called.
 |      Returns:
 |          A shape tuple
 |          (or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs).
 |      Raises:
 |        RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
 |  set_weights(self, weights)
 |      Sets the weights of the layer, from NumPy arrays.
 |      The weights of a layer represent the state of the layer. This function
 |      sets the weight values from numpy arrays. The weight values should be
 |      passed in the order they are created by the layer. Note that the layer's
 |      weights must be instantiated before calling this function, by calling
 |      the layer.
 |      For example, a `Dense` layer returns a list of two values: the kernel
 |      matrix and the bias vector. These can be used to set the weights of
 |      another `Dense` layer:
 |      >>> layer_a = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,
 |      ...   kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.))
 |      >>> a_out = layer_a(tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.]]))
 |      >>> layer_a.get_weights()
 |      [array([[1.],
 |             [1.],
 |             [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
 |      >>> layer_b = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,
 |      ...   kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(2.))
 |      >>> b_out = layer_b(tf.convert_to_tensor([[10., 20., 30.]]))
 |      >>> layer_b.get_weights()
 |      [array([[2.],
 |             [2.],
 |             [2.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
 |      >>> layer_b.set_weights(layer_a.get_weights())
 |      >>> layer_b.get_weights()
 |      [array([[1.],
 |             [1.],
 |             [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
 |      Args:
 |        weights: a list of NumPy arrays. The number
 |          of arrays and their shape must match
 |          number of the dimensions of the weights
 |          of the layer (i.e. it should match the
 |          output of `get_weights`).
 |      Raises:
 |        ValueError: If the provided weights list does not match the
 |          layer's specifications.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from keras.engine.base_layer.Layer:
 |  activity_regularizer
 |      Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer.
 |  compute_dtype
 |      The dtype of the layer's computations.
 |      This is equivalent to `Layer.dtype_policy.compute_dtype`. Unless
 |      mixed precision is used, this is the same as `Layer.dtype`, the dtype of
 |      the weights.
 |      Layers automatically cast their inputs to the compute dtype, which
 |      causes computations and the output to be in the compute dtype as well.
 |      This is done by the base Layer class in `Layer.__call__`, so you do not
 |      have to insert these casts if implementing your own layer.
 |      Layers often perform certain internal computations in higher precision
 |      when `compute_dtype` is float16 or bfloat16 for numeric stability. The
 |      output will still typically be float16 or bfloat16 in such cases.
 |      Returns:
 |        The layer's compute dtype.
 |  dtype
 |      The dtype of the layer weights.
 |      This is equivalent to `Layer.dtype_policy.variable_dtype`. Unless
 |      mixed precision is used, this is the same as `Layer.compute_dtype`, the
 |      dtype of the layer's computations.
 |  dtype_policy
 |      The dtype policy associated with this layer.
 |      This is an instance of a `tf.keras.mixed_precision.Policy`.
 |  dynamic
 |      Whether the layer is dynamic (eager-only); set in the constructor.
 |  inbound_nodes
 |      Return Functional API nodes upstream of this layer.
 |  input_mask
 |      Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer.
 |      Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node,
 |      i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer.
 |      Returns:
 |          Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input
 |          mask tensors.
 |      Raises:
 |          AttributeError: if the layer is connected to
 |          more than one incoming layers.
 |  losses
 |      List of losses added using the `add_loss()` API.
 |      Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is
 |      accessed, so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a
 |      `tf.GradientTape` will propagate gradients back to the corresponding
 |      variables.
 |      Examples:
 |      >>> class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
 |      ...   def call(self, inputs):
 |      ...     self.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(inputs)))
 |      ...     return inputs
 |      >>> l = MyLayer()
 |      >>> l(np.ones((10, 1)))
 |      >>> l.losses
 |      [1.0]
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
 |      >>> x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
 |      >>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
 |      >>> # Activity regularization.
 |      >>> len(model.losses)
 |      0
 |      >>> model.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(x)))
 |      >>> len(model.losses)
 |      1
 |      >>> inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
 |      >>> d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, kernel_initializer='ones')
 |      >>> x = d(inputs)
 |      >>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
 |      >>> model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
 |      >>> # Weight regularization.
 |      >>> model.add_loss(lambda: tf.reduce_mean(d.kernel))
 |      >>> model.losses
 |      [<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=1.0>]
 |      Returns:
 |        A list of tensors.
 |  name
 |      Name of the layer (string), set in the constructor.
 |  non_trainable_variables
 |      Sequence of non-trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules.
 |      Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance
 |      and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result
 |      of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change.
 |      Returns:
 |        A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute
 |        name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth
 |        first).
 |  outbound_nodes
 |      Return Functional API nodes downstream of this layer.
 |  output_mask
 |      Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer.
 |      Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node,
 |      i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer.
 |      Returns:
 |          Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output
 |          mask tensors.
 |      Raises:
 |          AttributeError: if the layer is connected to
 |          more than one incoming layers.
 |  stateful
 |  supports_masking
 |      Whether this layer supports computing a mask using `compute_mask`.
 |  trainable
 |  trainable_variables
 |      Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules.
 |      Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance
 |      and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result
 |      of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change.
 |      Returns:
 |        A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute
 |        name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth
 |        first).
 |  updates
 |  variable_dtype
 |      Alias of `Layer.dtype`, the dtype of the weights.
 |  variables
 |      Returns the list of all layer variables/weights.
 |      Alias of `self.weights`.
 |      Note: This will not track the weights of nested `tf.Modules` that are
 |      not themselves Keras layers.
 |      Returns:
 |        A list of variables.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods inherited from tensorflow.python.module.module.Module:
 |  with_name_scope(method) from builtins.type
 |      Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope.
 |      >>> class MyModule(tf.Module):
 |      ...   @tf.Module.with_name_scope
 |      ...   def __call__(self, x):
 |      ...     if not hasattr(self, 'w'):
 |      ...       self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 3]))
 |      ...     return tf.matmul(x, self.w)
 |      Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose
 |      names included the module name:
 |      >>> mod = MyModule()
 |      >>> mod(tf.ones([1, 2]))
 |      <tf.Tensor: shape=(1, 3), dtype=float32, numpy=..., dtype=float32)>
 |      >>> mod.w
 |      <tf.Variable 'my_module/Variable:0' shape=(2, 3) dtype=float32,
 |      numpy=..., dtype=float32)>
 |      Args:
 |        method: The method to wrap.
 |      Returns:
 |        The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from tensorflow.python.module.module.Module:
 |  name_scope
 |      Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class.
 |  submodules
 |      Sequence of all sub-modules.
 |      Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as
 |      properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on).
 |      >>> a = tf.Module()
 |      >>> b = tf.Module()
 |      >>> c = tf.Module()
 |      >>> a.b = b
 |      >>> b.c = c
 |      >>> list(a.submodules) == [b, c]
 |      True
 |      >>> list(b.submodules) == [c]
 |      True
 |      >>> list(c.submodules) == []
 |      True
 |      Returns:
 |        A sequence of all submodules.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sonor/p/17118393.html
