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GL-Renovating your house 2022-11-21

时间:2022-11-21 00:45:49浏览次数:60  
标签:11 do 21 house your things Renovating my think


Renovating your house

who does the chores in your house?

My mother usually does housework, and sometimes my father will help my mother do some housework when he is free.
but sometimes my mother is not satisfied with my father's housework.

What types of things do you hire others to do for you?how often do you have them done?

my parent usually hire some professional workers to Repair the air conditioner or Water heater in the home.

Do you think it's somtimes cheaper to get an expert to do things for you?Why?

I think it up people wether have enough time or skills to do these things,

Use this structure to talk about things you have people do.

I have the house painted every year ==> painter,
He gets the grass cut once a month ==> gardener

we had the flat decorated before we moved in ==> decorator interior designer

She got the windows washed yesterday.==> windows washer

Look at the list of activities.Which would you do?Which would you get someone else to do?


You and your partner have just bought a new house,but it needs a little renovation.What will ou have done?

What will you do yourself?

Student A:Tell Student B what you think you should have done.

Student B:Tell Student A what you think you should do yourselves.

A:I think we should have the exterior painted.

That's a good idea.But we can probably paint the interior ourselves.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16910144.html


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