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时间:2022-08-24 22:41:25浏览次数:89  
标签:集成 frac Tree rho Var zhihu hat 决策树

Decision Tree


Greedy, Top-down, Recurrent

Classification Tree

misclassification loss is not suitable for decision tree loss, because

\[L(R_p) - (\lambda L(R_1)+(1-\lambda) L(R_2)) \]

can not always be guaranteed > 0.

we usually use Cross-Entropy Loss.

\[L_{misclass}(R)=1-\max(\hat{p},1-\hat{p}) \\ L_{cross}(R)=L_{cross}(\hat{p})=-\hat{p}\log \hat{p} - (1-\hat{p})\log (1-\hat {p}) \]

the \(L_{misclass}\) is not strictly concave uniformly.

( from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/146964344 )

\[p_{parent}=\frac {R_1 \hat{p_1}+R_2 \hat{p_2}}{R_1+R_2} \]

Regression Tree

Output the average value of region R.

We use Square Loss

\[L = \frac{\sum(y_i-\hat{y})}{|R|} \]


  • 「最小化叶子规模」:当区域的基数低于某个阈值时,停止分割该区域
  • 「最小化深度」:如果某个区域进行的分割次数超过了某个阈值,则停止分割
  • 「最小化节点数量」:当一个树拥有了超过某个阈值的叶子节点,则停止生长

Prune after building the tree.

( from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/146964344 )

Pros and cons

cons: High variance, not support additive model very well

Assemble Method

\[Var(\bar{X})=\rho \sigma^2+\frac{1-\rho}{n}\sigma^2 \]

so if we want to reduce the Var, we can increase the number of models or cut down \(\rho\)


bagging is Bootstrap Aggregation. Decrease Var

  • bootstrap

    P is total population, S is the training set

    suppose that S=P, sample Z from S to guide a sub model.

    bootstrap samples \(Z_1,Z_2,...,Z_M\) train \(G_m\) on \(Z_m\)

    reduce \(\frac{1-\rho}{M}\) bias is larger

  • aggregation

    \[G(x)=\frac{\sum_{m=1}^M G_m(x)}{M} \]

  • Random Forest

    at each split, consider only a fraction of your total features

    decrease the correlation(\(\rho\)) between models


Decrease Bias

the assemble is additive(not average).

the misclassified cased will be weighted more in the next tree's training process.


\[G(x)=\sum_{m} \alpha_m G_m \]

\(\alpha_m\) for \(G_m\) is \(\log (\frac{1-err_m}{err_m})\)


( from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/146964344 )

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/BUAA-Stargazer/p/16622482.html
