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时间:2022-11-14 08:11:07浏览次数:47  
标签:特殊 句型 when There had only they was




I want to go to Singapore this summer.

It is Singapore that I want to go to this summer.(强调句)



It is (not)... that...(句型)

it was(not)... that...


It is Lisa that likes cooking at home.

It is Lisa who likes cooking at home.


It was in the cofe that we used to have meetings.


It is on Nov. 11th that they celebrated the holiday.


It is too much homework that students don't like.


It was a book that I didn't like.


It was when I left your office that I left you a message.


It is only by controlling environmental pollution that men can solve the problems of natural disasters.






It was strange that they didn't know each other. (主语从句)

It is on the fifth avenue that the accident often happens.(强调句)

It is believed that not all the girls like flowers.(主语从句)













Here comes the bus. 强调Here

正常顺序:The bus comes here.


On the north bank of the River sits a temple.

Also unclear is why they have done it.


There be + n 句型

there is a girl.

There is a book on the table.


There be + n + 介词短语

There is no gap between mind and matter.

There will be a seven-day preparation for the meeting.

There have been controversial views about the issue.

There may be more matches in the databases.





Only on one occasion have I felt frightened.

正常顺序:I have felt frightened only on one occasion.






1. 否定副词或词组谓语句首

They not only developed such a device but they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system.

Not only did they develop such a device but they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system.


2. only位于句首

Linguists began the serious study of languages only recently.

Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages.


3. 虚拟条件句省略if

If Entergy had kept its word, that debate would be pointless.

Had Entergy kept its word, that debate would be pointless.



I had no sooner got the invitation than I refused.

No sooner had I got the invitation than I refused.


He had hardly had time to settle down when he left the country.

Hardly had he had time to settle down when he left the country.


We can learn English well only in this way.

Only in this way can we learn English well.


He achieved his goal only by working hard.

Only by working hard did he achieve his goal.


If I were you, I would do it myself.

Were I you, I would do it myself.


If they had succeeded, they would have held a party.

Had they succeeded, they would have held a party.




1. 有前后两个意思相同的,可以省略。

2. 省略的成分并没有什么意思, e.g be动词



I am a teacher and I like English.

I am a teacher and like English.


I am lying in the bed and I am reading a book.

I am lying in the bed and reading a book.


I want to leave and I want to go abroad.

I want to leave and to go abroad.



The old lady was looking well although she was living alone.

The old lady was looking well although living alone.


If it is carefully done, the experiment will be successful.

If carefully done, the experiment will be successful.


A zero can have its meaning only when it is used with real number, thoughts can give off brilliant light only when they are put into actions.

A zero can have its meaning only when used with real number, thoughts can give off brilliant light only when put into actions.




The list included all the things which were forbidden.

The list included all the things forbidden.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hongten/p/16887907.html


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