session 1: update emp_bak set ename='沙雕' where empno=7369;
session 2: update emp_bak set ename='大长腿' where empno=7369;
session 3: update emp_bak set ename='矮丑穷' where empno=7369;
- select sysdate,
- source_sid,
- source_sql_id,
- source_sql_text,
- blocking_sid,
- blocking_sql_id,
- blocking_sql_text
- from (select b.sid source_sid,
- d.sql_id source_sql_id,
- d.sql_text source_sql_text,
- a.sid blocking_sid,
- a.sql_id blocking_sql_id,
- e.sql_text blocking_sql_text,
- (select object_name
- from dba_objects
- where object_id = a.row_wait_obj#) object_name
- from v$session a,
- v$session b,
- v$transaction c,
- v$sqlarea d,
- v$sqlarea e
- where a.event = 'enq: TX - row lock contention'
- and a.blocking_session = b.sid
- and b.taddr = c.addr
- and to_date(c.start_time, 'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') =
- d.last_active_time
- and d.command_type in (2, 3, 6)
- and b.user# = d.parsing_schema_id
- and a.sql_id = e.sql_id)
- where instr(upper(source_sql_text), object_name) > 0;
- SQL> select sysdate,
- 2 source_sid,
- 3 source_sql_id,
- 4 source_sql_text,
- 5 blocking_sid,
- 6 blocking_sql_id,
- 7 blocking_sql_text
- 8 from (select b.sid source_sid,
- 9 d.sql_id source_sql_id,
- 10 d.sql_text source_sql_text,
- 11 a.sid blocking_sid,
- 12 a.sql_id blocking_sql_id,
- 13 e.sql_text blocking_sql_text,
- 14 (select object_name
- 15 from dba_objects
- 16 where object_id = a.row_wait_obj#) object_name
- 17 from v$session a,
- 18 v$session b,
- 19 v$transaction c,
- 20 v$sqlarea d,
- 21 v$sqlarea e
- 22 where a.event = 'enq: TX - row lock contention'
- 23 and a.blocking_session = b.sid
- 24 and b.taddr = c.addr
- 25 and to_date(c.start_time, 'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') =
- 26 d.last_active_time
- 27 and d.command_type in (2, 3, 6)
- 28 and b.user# = d.parsing_schema_id
- 29 and a.sql_id = e.sql_id)
- 30 where instr(upper(source_sql_text), object_name) > 0;
- ----------- ---------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------
- 2020/5/19 1 192 201c4xcdsjaj0 update emp_bak set ename='沙雕' where empno=7369 4 2hpm4yjuut7cg update emp_bak set ename='矮丑穷' where empno=7369
- 2020/5/19 1 192 201c4xcdsjaj0 update emp_bak set ename='沙雕' where empno=7369 221 36xb1pyv12k56 update emp_bak set ename='大长腿' where empno=7369
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