1. A - Long Loong
Problem Statement
For a positive integer
X, the Dragon String of level
X is a string of length
(X+3) formed by one L,
X occurrences of o, one n, and one g arranged in this order.
You are given a positive integer
N. Print the Dragon String of level
Note that uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished.
2. YES or YES?
There is a string s of length 3, consisting of uppercase and lowercase English letters. Check if it is equal to "YES" (without quotes), where each letter can be in any case. For example, "yES", "Yes", "yes" are all allowable.
The first line of the input contains an integer t
(1≤t≤103) — the number of testcases.
The description of each test consists of one line containing one string s
consisting of three characters. Each character of s
is either an uppercase or lowercase English letter.
For each test case, output "YES" (without quotes) if s
satisfies the condition, and "NO" (without quotes) otherwise.
You can output "YES" and "NO" in any case (for example, strings "yES", "yes" and "Yes" will be recognized as a positive response).
3. Even? Odd? G
Bessie那惨无人道的二年级老师搞了一个有 N 个正整数 I 的表叫Bessie去判断“奇偶性”(这个词语意思向二年级的学生解释,就是“这个数是单数,还是双数啊?”)。Bessie被那个表的长度深深地震惊到了,竟然跟栋栋的泛做表格一样多道题!!!毕竟她才刚刚学会数数啊。
数据范围:每个正整数不超过 1e60
4. Problem Generator
Vlad is planning to hold m rounds next month. Each round should contain one problem of difficulty levels 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', and 'G'.
Vlad already has a bank of n problems, where the i-th problem has a difficulty level of ai. There may not be enough of these problems, so he may have to come up with a few more problems.
Vlad wants to come up with as few problems as possible, so he asks you to find the minimum number of problems he needs to come up with in order to hold m rounds.
For example, if m=1, n=10, a='BGECDCBDED', then he needs to come up with two problems: one of difficulty level 'A' and one of difficulty level 'F'.
5. rules
从前有个荣光的王国,小 A 是其中的国王,他认为一个国家除了法律外还要有一些约定俗成的规则,所以今天他要赐以其规则。
小 A 制定了一些规则,每条规则有一个代号,代号为不超过 $10^9$ 的非负整数。
小 A 的国家有 $n$ 位居民,每位居民每天会且仅会遵守 $1$ 条规则。小 A 记录了 $m$ 天里每天每位居民遵守的规则代号。
现在小 A 想要考察代号为 $k$ 的规则是否符合民意,具体考察方法如下:
- 如果在某一天里,有大于等于一半的人遵守了规则 $k$,那么小 A 认为在这一天规则 $k$ 是符合民意的。
- 如果在大于等于一半的天数里,规则 $k$ 符合民意,那么他会认为规则 $k$ 是正确的。否则,他会认为规则 $k$ 是错误的。
如果小 A 的规则 $k$ 是正确的,请你输出 YES
,否则请你输出 NO
第一行三个整数 $n,m,k$,分别表示居民总数、记录的天数和小 A 想要考察的规则的代号。
接下来 $m$ 行,每行 $n$ 个整数分别表示每个人分别遵守的规则代号。
一行一个字符串 YES
或 NO
表示小 A 的规则 $k$ 是否是被视作正确的。
6. Many Replacement
You are given a string $S$ of length $N$ consisting of lowercase English letters.
You will perform an operation $Q$ times on the string $S$. The $i$-th operation $(1\leq i\leq Q)$ is represented by a pair of characters $(c _ i,d _ i)$, which corresponds to the following operation:
- Replace all occurrences of the character $c _ i$ in $S$ with the character $d _ i$.
Print the string $S$ after all operations are completed.
7. [语言月赛 202405] 更好的交换
小 S 有一个奇怪的机关拼图。这个拼图可以看作一个 $n$ 行 $n$ 列的方阵 $A$,第 $i$ 行第 $j$ 列的位置上有一个正整数 $A_{i, j}$。
- 选择拼图上的第 $x$ 行和第 $y$ 行,交换这两行;
- 选择拼图上的第 $x$ 列和第 $y$ 列,交换这两列。
为了复原这个拼图,小 S 将会操作共 $m$ 次,每次操作格式如下:
1 x y
,表示交换第 $x$ 行和第 $y$ 行;0 x y
,表示交换第 $x$ 列和第 $y$ 列;
第一行,两个正整数 $n$ 和 $m$,分别表示拼图的行数、列数和总操作次数。
接下来 $n$ 行,每行 $n$ 个正整数 $A_{i, j}$,表示拼图上第 $i$ 行,第 $j$ 列上的数字。
接下来 $m$ 行,每行三个正整数 $op, x, y$,其中 $op$ 表示操作类型,$x, y$ 代表被操作的行号或列号。
输出共 $n$ 行,每行 $n$ 个正整数,表示复原后的拼图。
标签:正整数,string,拼图,problems,ACM,寒假,C++,规则,YES From: https://www.cnblogs.com/vez-nan/p/18688475