作业 P171: 1 ,3,6,7,8,15,16
数值实验 P175: 1
代码+手写计算:插值算法 - Lagrange插值、Newton插值、Hermite插值、分段插值
代码仓库:https://github.com/sylvanding/bit-numerical-analysis-hw 点个star⭐️吧~
P175. Q1
试编写MATLAB函数实现Newton插值,要求能输出插值多项式。对函数 f ( x ) = 1 1 + 4 x 2 f(x)=\frac{1}{1+4x^2} f(x)=1+4x21在区间 [ − 5 , 5 ] [-5,5] [−5,5]上实现10次多项式插值。
- 输出插值多项式;
- 在区间 [ − 5 , 5 ] [-5,5] [−5,5]内均匀插入99个结点,计算这些节点上函数 f ( x ) f(x) f(x)的近似值,并在同一张图中画出原函数和插值多项式的图形;
- 观察龙格现象,计算插值函数在各节点上的误差,并画出误差图。
function dd_table = divided_difference(x, y)
assert(numel(x) == numel(y), 'x and y must have the same number of elements');
% Number of data points
n = length(x);
% Initialize the divided difference table
dd_table = zeros(n, n);
% First column is y values
dd_table(:, 1) = y(:);
% Compute the divided differences
for j = 2:n
for i = 1:(n - j + 1)
dd_table(i, j) = (dd_table(i + 1, j - 1) - dd_table(i, j - 1)) / (x(i + j - 1) - x(i));
function P = newtonInterp(x, y, dd)
% newtonInterp - Computes the Newton interpolating polynomial
% Inputs:
% x - vector of x data points
% y - vector of y data points
% dd - divided difference table
% Output:
% P - symbolic expression of the Newton interpolating polynomial
n = length(x);
if length(y) ~= n
error('x and y must be the same length');
% Construct the Newton interpolating polynomial
syms t;
P = dd(1, 1);
term = 1;
for k = 1:n - 1
term = term * (t - x(k));
P = P + dd(1, k + 1) * term;
% P = simplify(P);
% Define the original function
f = @(x) 1 ./ (1 + 4 * x .^ 2);
disp(['Original function f: ', func2str(f)]);
% Define the interpolation points
x = linspace(-5, 5, 11);
y = f(x);
disp(['Interpolation points x: ', num2str(x)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): ', num2str(y)]);
% Compute the divided difference table
dd = divided_difference(x, y);
% Compute the Newton interpolation polynomial
P = newtonInterp(x, y, dd);
disp(['Newton interpolation polynomial P_n: ', char(vpa(P, 4))]);
x_range = linspace(-5, 5, 99 + 2);
y_range = f(x_range);
y_interp = double(subs(P, x_range));
% Plot the original function and the Newton interpolation polynomial
subplot(1, 2, 1);
plot(x_range, y_range, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
% Plot the Newton interpolation polynomial
plot(x_range, y_interp, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Plot the interpolation points
plot(x, y, 'ko', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k');
% Add labels and legend
title('Original Function and Newton Interpolation Polynomial');
legend('Original Function', 'Newton Interpolation Polynomial', 'Interpolation Points');
grid on;
hold off;
% draw the error plot
subplot(1, 2, 2);
y_error = y_interp - y_range;
plot(x_range, y_error, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Add labels and legend
title('Error Plot');
grid on;
>> P175_Q1
Original function f: @(x)1./(1+4*x.^2)
Interpolation points x: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 0.009901 0.015385 0.027027 0.058824 0.2 1 0.2 0.058824 0.027027 0.015385 0.009901
Newton interpolation polynomial P_n: 0.005484*t + 0.003079*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0) + 0.002333*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t + 3.0) + 0.003135*(t + 2.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t + 3.0) + 0.003208*(t + 1.0)*(t + 2.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t + 3.0) - 0.005074*t*(t + 1.0)*(t + 2.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t + 3.0) + 0.002827*t*(t - 1.0)*(t + 1.0)*(t + 2.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t + 3.0) - 0.0009795*t*(t - 1.0)*(t + 1.0)*(t - 2.0)*(t + 2.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t + 3.0) + 0.000248*t*(t - 1.0)*(t + 1.0)*(t - 2.0)*(t + 2.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t - 3.0)*(t + 3.0) - 4.96e-5*t*(t - 1.0)*(t + 1.0)*(t - 2.0)*(t + 2.0)*(t - 4.0)*(t + 4.0)*(t + 5.0)*(t - 3.0)*(t + 3.0) + 0.03732
- 中心区域拟合较好:在x=0附近,插值多项式与原函数拟合得相对较好。
- 边缘剧烈振荡:在区间两端(特别是接近±5处),插值多项式出现了剧烈的振荡,与原函数的实际值相差很大。
function L = lagrangeInterp_disp(x, y)
% LAGRANGEINTERP - Computes the Lagrange interpolation polynomial
% L = lagrangeInterp(x, y) returns a symbolic expression L that represents
% the Lagrange interpolation polynomial.
% Inputs:
% x - vector of x-coordinates of the data points
% y - vector of y-coordinates of the data points
% Output:
% L - symbolic expression for the Lagrange interpolation polynomial
assert(numel(x) == numel(y), 'x and y must have the same number of elements');
n = length(x);
syms z; % Define the symbolic variable
L = 0; % Initialize the Lagrange polynomial
for i = 1:n
% Compute the i-th Lagrange basis polynomial
Li = 1;
for j = 1:n
if i ~= j
Li = Li * (z - x(j)) / (x(i) - x(j));
L = L + Li * y(i);
% L = simplify(L); % Simplify the resulting polynomial
function P = hermiteInterp(x, y, yp)
% hermiteInterp - Computes the Hermite interpolating polynomial
% only for the case where the first derivative is given
% Inputs:
% x - vector of x data points
% y - vector of y data points
% yp - vector of y' (derivative) data points
% Output:
% P - symbolic expression of the Hermite interpolating polynomial
n = length(x);
if length(y) ~= n || length(yp) ~= n
error('x, y, and yp must be the same length');
% Construct the Hermite divided difference table
z = zeros(2 * n, 1);
Q = zeros(2 * n, 2 * n);
for i = 1:n
z(2 * i - 1) = x(i);
z(2 * i) = x(i);
Q(2 * i - 1, 1) = y(i);
Q(2 * i, 1) = y(i);
Q(2 * i, 2) = yp(i);
if i ~= 1
Q(2 * i - 1, 2) = (Q(2 * i - 1, 1) - Q(2 * i - 2, 1)) / (z(2 * i - 1) - z(2 * i - 2));
for i = 3:2 * n
for j = 3:i
Q(i, j) = (Q(i, j - 1) - Q(i - 1, j - 1)) / (z(i) - z(i - j + 1));
% Construct the Hermite interpolating polynomial
syms t;
P = Q(1, 1);
term = 1;
for k = 1:2 * n - 1
term = term * (t - z(k));
P = P + Q(k + 1, k + 1) * term;
% P = simplify(P);
% Define the original function
f = @(x) 2 .^ x;
disp(['Original function f: ', func2str(f)]);
% Define the interpolation points
x = [0, 1];
% x = [-1, 0, 1];
y = f(x);
disp(['Interpolation points x: ', num2str(x)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): ', num2str(y)]);
disp('--- Lagrange interpolation ---');
% Compute the Lagrange interpolation polynomial
L = lagrangeInterp_disp(x, y);
disp(['Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: ', char(L)]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 0.3
x_interp = 0.3;
y_interp = double(subs(L, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
% Compute the (n+1)-th derivative of the original function
syms xs;
n = length(x) - 1;
f_sym = 2 ^ xs;
f_derivative = diff(f_sym, n + 1);
disp(['n: ', num2str(n)]);
disp(['(n+1)-th derivative of the original function: ', char(f_derivative)]);
% Compute abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp
product_term = prod(abs(x_interp - x));
factorial_term = factorial(n + 1);
result = product_term / factorial_term;
disp(['abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp: ', num2str(result)]);
% Evaluate the error
zeta = (x(end) + x(1)) / 2;
error_bound = double(subs(f_derivative, zeta)) * result;
disp(['zeta: ', num2str(zeta)]);
disp(['Error bound: ', num2str(error_bound)]);
>> P171_Q1
Original function f: @(x)2.^x
Interpolation points x: 0 1
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 1 2
--- Lagrange interpolation ---
Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: z + 1
x_interp: 0.3
Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: 1.3
n: 1
(n+1)-th derivative of the original function: 2^xs*log(2)^2
abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp: 0.105
zeta: 0.5
Error bound: 0.071344
>> P171_Q1
Original function f: @(x)2.^x
Interpolation points x: -1 0 1
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 0.5 1 2
--- Lagrange interpolation ---
Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: 2*z*(z/2 + 1/2) - (z - 1)*(z + 1) + (z*(z - 1))/4
x_interp: 0.3
Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: 1.2475
n: 2
(n+1)-th derivative of the original function: 2^xs*log(2)^3
abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp: 0.0455
zeta: 0
Error bound: 0.015153
% Define the interpolation points
x = [1, 3, 4, 6];
y = [-7, 5, 8, 14];
disp(['Interpolation points x: ', num2str(x)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points f(x): ', num2str(y)]);
disp('--- Lagrange interpolation ---');
% Compute the Lagrange interpolation polynomial
L = lagrangeInterp_disp(x, y);
disp(['Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: ', char(L)]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 0.3
x_interp = 2;
y_interp = double(subs(L, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
>> P171_Q3
Interpolation points x: 1 3 4 6
Function values at interpolation points f(x): -7 5 8 14
--- Lagrange interpolation ---
Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: (5*(z/2 - 1/2)*(z - 4)*(z - 6))/3 - 4*(z/3 - 1/3)*(z - 3)*(z - 6) + (7*(z/2 - 3/2)*(z - 4)*(z - 6))/15 + (7*(z/5 - 1/5)*(z - 3)*(z - 4))/3
x_interp: 2
Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: 0.4
% Define the original function
f = @(x) exp(x .^ 2 - 1);
disp(['Original function f: ', func2str(f)]);
% Define the interpolation points
x = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4];
y = f(x);
disp(['Interpolation points x: ', num2str(x)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): ', num2str(y)]);
disp('--- Lagrange interpolation ---');
% Compute the Lagrange interpolation polynomial
L = lagrangeInterp_disp(x, y);
disp(['Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: ', char(L)]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 1.25
x_interp = 1.25;
y_interp = double(subs(L, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
% Compute the (n+1)-th derivative of the original function
syms xs;
n = length(x) - 1;
f_sym = exp(xs .^ 2 - 1);
f_derivative = diff(f_sym, n + 1);
disp(['n: ', num2str(n)]);
disp(['(n+1)-th derivative of the original function: ', char(f_derivative)]);
% Compute abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp
product_term = prod(abs(x_interp - x));
factorial_term = factorial(n + 1);
result = product_term / factorial_term;
disp(['abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp: ', num2str(result)]);
% Evaluate the error
zeta = (x(end) + x(1)) / 2;
error_bound = double(subs(f_derivative, zeta)) * result;
disp(['zeta: ', num2str(zeta)]);
disp(['Error bound: ', num2str(error_bound)]);
disp('--- Lagrange interpolation END ---');
disp('--- Newton interpolation ---');
% Compute the divided difference table
dd = divided_difference(x, y);
disp('Divided difference table: ');
% Compute the Newton interpolation polynomial
P = newtonInterp(x, y, dd);
disp(['Newton interpolation polynomial P_n: ', char(vpa(P, 4))]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 1.25
x_interp = 1.25;
y_interp = double(subs(P, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Newton interpolation at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
disp('--- Newton interpolation END ---');
disp('--- Newton interpolation of degree 5 ---');
% Compute the Newton interpolation polynomial of degree 5
x_5 = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5];
y_5 = f(x_5);
disp(['Interpolation points for degree 5 x: ', num2str(x_5)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): ', num2str(y_5)]);
% Compute the divided difference table for degree 5
dd_5 = divided_difference(x_5, y_5);
disp('Divided difference table for degree 5: ');
% Compute the Newton interpolation polynomial of degree 5
P_5 = newtonInterp(x_5, y_5, dd_5);
disp(['Newton interpolation polynomial of degree 5 P_n: ', char(vpa(P_5, 4))]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 1.25
x_interp = 1.25;
y_interp = double(subs(P_5, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Newton interpolation of degree 5 at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
disp('--- Newton interpolation of degree 5 END ---');
>> P171_Q6
Original function f: @(x)exp(x.^2-1)
Interpolation points x: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 1 1.2337 1.5527 1.9937 2.6117
--- Lagrange interpolation ---
Lagrange interpolation polynomial L_n: 435.3*(z - 1.1)*(z - 1.2)*(z - 1.3)*(2.5*z - 2.5) + 776.4*(z - 1.1)*(z - 1.3)*(z - 1.4)*(5.0*z - 5.0) - 205.6*(z - 1.2)*(z - 1.3)*(z - 1.4)*(10.0*z - 10.0) + 41.67*(z - 1.2)*(z - 1.3)*(z - 1.4)*(10.0*z - 11.0) - 996.9*(3.333*z - 3.333)*(z - 1.1)*(z - 1.2)*(z - 1.4)
x_interp: 1.25
Lagrange interpolation at x_interp: 1.755
n: 4
(n+1)-th derivative of the original function: 120*xs*exp(xs^2 - 1) + 160*xs^3*exp(xs^2 - 1) + 32*xs^5*exp(xs^2 - 1)
abs(omega_n+1)/(n+1)! at x_interp: 1.1719e-07
zeta: 1.2
Error bound: 9.0998e-05
--- Lagrange interpolation END ---
--- Newton interpolation ---
Divided difference table:
1.0000 2.3368 4.2676 6.1047 7.6523
1.2337 3.1903 6.0990 9.1656 0
1.5527 4.4101 8.8486 0 0
1.9937 6.1798 0 0 0
2.6117 0 0 0 0
Newton interpolation polynomial P_n: 2.337*t + 4.268*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1) + 6.105*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1)*(t - 1.2) + 7.652*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1)*(t - 1.2)*(t - 1.3) - 1.337
x_interp: 1.25
Newton interpolation at x_interp: 1.755
--- Newton interpolation END ---
--- Newton interpolation of degree 5 ---
Interpolation points for degree 5 x: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 1 1.2337 1.5527 1.9937 2.6117 3.4903
Divided difference table for degree 5:
1.0000 2.3368 4.2676 6.1047 7.6523 8.6117
1.2337 3.1903 6.0990 9.1656 11.9581 0
1.5527 4.4101 8.8486 13.9488 0 0
1.9937 6.1798 13.0333 0 0 0
2.6117 8.7865 0 0 0 0
3.4903 0 0 0 0 0
Newton interpolation polynomial of degree 5 P_n: 2.337*t + 4.268*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1) + 6.105*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1)*(t - 1.2) + 7.652*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1)*(t - 1.2)*(t - 1.3) + 8.612*(t - 1.0)*(t - 1.1)*(t - 1.2)*(t - 1.3)*(t - 1.4) - 1.337
x_interp: 1.25
Newton interpolation of degree 5 at x_interp: 1.7551
--- Newton interpolation of degree 5 END ---
% Define the interpolation points
x = [1.615, 1.634, 1.702, 1.828];
y = [2.41450, 2.46259, 2.65271, 3.03035];
disp(['Interpolation points x: ', num2str(x)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): ', num2str(y)]);
disp('--- Newton interpolation ---');
% Compute the divided difference table
dd = divided_difference(x, y);
disp('Divided difference table: ');
% Compute the Newton interpolation polynomial
P = newtonInterp(x, y, dd);
disp(['Newton interpolation polynomial P_n: ', char(vpa(P, 4))]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 1.682
x_interp = 1.682;
y_interp = double(subs(P, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Newton interpolation at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
>> P171_Q8
Interpolation points x: 1.615 1.634 1.702 1.828
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 2.4145 2.4626 2.6527 3.0303
--- Newton interpolation ---
Divided difference table:
2.4145 2.5311 3.0440 -9.4206
2.4626 2.7959 1.0374 0
2.6527 2.9971 0 0
3.0303 0 0 0
Newton interpolation polynomial P_n: 2.531*t + 3.044*(t - 1.615)*(t - 1.634) - 9.421*(t - 1.615)*(t - 1.634)*(t - 1.702) - 1.673
x_interp: 1.682
Newton interpolation at x_interp: 2.5945
% Define the original function
syms xs
f_sym = 3 * xs * exp(xs) - exp(2 * xs);
disp(['Original function f: ', char(f_sym)]);
% Define the interpolation points
x = [1.0, 1.05];
y = double(subs(f_sym, x));
disp(['Interpolation points x: ', num2str(x)]);
disp(['Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): ', num2str(y)]);
disp('--- Hermite interpolation ---');
% Compute the derivative values at the interpolation points
f_sym_diff = diff(f_sym);
yp = double(subs(f_sym_diff, x));
disp(['f_sym_diff: ', char(f_sym_diff)]);
disp(['Derivative values at interpolation points yp = f(x): ', num2str(yp)]);
% Compute the Hermite interpolation polynomial
H = hermiteInterp(x, y, yp);
disp(['Hermite interpolation polynomial H_m: ', char(vpa(H, 4))]);
% Evaluate the interpolation polynomial at x = 1.03
x_interp = 1.03;
y_interp = double(subs(H, x_interp));
disp(['x_interp: ', num2str(x_interp)]);
disp(['Hermite interpolation at x_interp: ', num2str(y_interp)]);
% Compute the (m+1)-th derivative of the original function
m1 = length(x);
m2 = length(y);
m = m1 + m2 - 1;
f_derivative = diff(f_sym, m + 1);
disp(['m: ', num2str(m)]);
disp(['(m+1)-th derivative of the original function: ', char(f_derivative)]);
% Compute prob((x-x_i)^2)/(m+1)! at x_interp
product_term = prod((x_interp - x) .^ 2);
factorial_term = factorial(m + 1);
result = product_term / factorial_term;
disp(['prob((x-x_i)^2)/(m+1)! at x_interp: ', num2str(result)]);
% Evaluate the error
zeta = (x(end) + x(1)) / 2;
error_bound = double(subs(f_derivative, zeta)) * result;
disp(['zeta: ', num2str(zeta)]);
disp(['Error bound: ', num2str(error_bound)]);
>> P171_Q15
Original function f: 3*xs*exp(xs) - exp(2*xs)
Interpolation points x: 1 1.05
Function values at interpolation points y = f(x): 0.76579 0.83543
--- Hermite interpolation ---
f_sym_diff: 3*exp(xs) - 2*exp(2*xs) + 3*xs*exp(xs)
Derivative values at interpolation points yp = f(x): 1.5316 1.2422
Hermite interpolation polynomial H_m: 1.532*t - 2.775*(t - 1.0)^2 - 4.75*(t - 1.0)^2*(t - 1.05) - 0.7658
x_interp: 1.03
Hermite interpolation at x_interp: 0.80932
m: 3
(m+1)-th derivative of the original function: 12*exp(xs) - 16*exp(2*xs) + 3*xs*exp(xs)
prob((x-x_i)^2)/(m+1)! at x_interp: 1.5e-08
zeta: 1.025
Error bound: 1.2341e-06