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哈?Dev C++ 支持代码智能补全啦?

时间:2024-09-15 09:53:56浏览次数:3  
标签:Completion code Improved 补全 C++ Dev suggestion

印象最深的,还是Dev C++。
而直到有一次,我原先安装的Dev C++被我搞坏了,于是在本地存的一个安装包中随便找了一个安装了下来。


Red Panda Dev C++ (小熊猫Dev-C++,old name Dev-C++ 2000) is a improved fork of Orwell Dev-C++.

Orwell Dev-C++ has stopped updating since 2015, So I forked it. 

It's intended to be used for eductional purposes.

Website: https://royqh.net/devcpp-en/

中文网站在这里 https://royqh.net/devcpp/

HighLights of Red Panda Dev C++:
 * Improved Code Intellisence:
   * Show code completion suggestions while typing
   * Lots of bug fixes of the code parser so that it can correct parse symbols defined in the libraries shiped with MinGW-w64 gcc, such as std::string
   * Optimization of the code parser. Now it runs on a background thread, and there will be no noticeble delays in the input when loading and editing big files.
   * Completion suggestion for C/C++ preprocessors
   * Completion suggestion for header names in the #include statement
   * Completion suggestion for C/C++ keywords
   * Completion suggestion for user defined code templates
   * Support STL containers
   * Support C++ 11 smart pointers
 * Improved Code Intellisence:
   * Show code completion suggestions while typing
   * Lots of bug fixes of the code parser so that it can correct parse symbols defined in the libraries shiped with MinGW-w64 gcc, such as std::string
   * Optimization of the code parser. Now it runs on a background thread, and there will be no noticeble delays in the input when loading and editing big files.
   * Completion suggestion for C/C++ preprocessors
   * Completion suggestion for header names in the #include statement
   * Completion suggestion for C/C++ keywords
   * Completion suggestion for user defined code templates
   * Support STL containers
   * Support C++ 11 smart pointers
 * Improved Syntax Check:
   * Auto check syntax errors when saving or return inputed.
   * Use wave lines to mark errors and warnings.
 * Improved Code Editor:
   * UTF-8 Encoding Support
   * Auto overwrite symbols like '}',')',']' which has left matches
   * Better support for dark color themes(including the toolbar and side panels)
   * Syntax highlighter can differentiate local vars/global vars/functions/classes by color
   * Syntax highlighter can use different colors for embeding parenthese
   * Highlight all the occurrences of the seleted word
 * Improved Search and UI:
   * Support for regular expressions
   * Display search history using tree structure in the search panel
 * Improved Debugger:
   * Add the debug toolbar
   * Correctly update watch infos
   * the gdb console is redesigned and like the real gdb command line
   * Show/hide the commands send to the gdb process.
   * Add the local panel
   * Add the call stack panel
   * Add the breakpoints panel, and can set the breakpoint conditions
 * Refactor functions:
   * Rename Symbol
   * Extract Macro
 * Improved Class Browser
   * Sort by type or sort alphabetically
   * Show/hide inherited members
   * The load speed is greatly optimized for files having symbols > 1000.  (The loading time for GL/glew.h reduced from > 20sec to < 0.5sec)
 * Auto link function: When compiling, devcpp can auto add link parameters to gcc based on the included header files in the source code.
 * redirect STDIN to a data file while running or debuging ( to easy debug / need a patched gdb )
 * Mingw-w64 GCC 10.2(And Mingw.org GCC 9.2 is also provided , for windows XP compatibility.)
 * Windows XP/Window 7/Windows 10 Compatible
 * Support Windows 7/Windows 10 High DPI (needs configuration)
 * And lots of bug fixes changes, see News.txt  

Red Panda Dev C++ (小熊猫Dev-C++,old name Dev-C++ 2000) is a improved fork of Orwell Dev-C++.

Orwell Dev-C++ has stopped updating since 2015, So I forked it.

It’s intended to be used for eductional purposes.

Website: https://royqh.net/devcpp-en/

中文网站在这里 https://royqh.net/devcpp/

HighLights of Red Panda Dev C++:

  • Improved Code Intellisence:
    • Show code completion suggestions while typing
    • Lots of bug fixes of the code parser so that it can correct parse symbols defined in the libraries shiped with MinGW-w64 gcc, such as std::string
    • Optimization of the code parser. Now it runs on a background thread, and there will be no noticeble delays in the input when loading and editing big files.
    • Completion suggestion for C/C++ preprocessors
    • Completion suggestion for header names in the #include statement
    • Completion suggestion for C/C++ keywords
    • Completion suggestion for user defined code templates
    • Support STL containers
    • Support C++ 11 smart pointers
  • Improved Code Intellisence:
    • Show code completion suggestions while typing
    • Lots of bug fixes of the code parser so that it can correct parse symbols defined in the libraries shiped with MinGW-w64 gcc, such as std::string
    • Optimization of the code parser. Now it runs on a background thread, and there will be no noticeble delays in the input when loading and editing big files.
    • Completion suggestion for C/C++ preprocessors
    • Completion suggestion for header names in the #include statement
    • Completion suggestion for C/C++ keywords
    • Completion suggestion for user defined code templates
    • Support STL containers
    • Support C++ 11 smart pointers
  • Improved Syntax Check:
    • Auto check syntax errors when saving or return inputed.
    • Use wave lines to mark errors and warnings.
  • Improved Code Editor:
    • UTF-8 Encoding Support
    • Auto overwrite symbols like ‘}’,‘)’,‘]’ which has left matches
    • Better support for dark color themes(including the toolbar and side panels)
    • Syntax highlighter can differentiate local vars/global vars/functions/classes by color
    • Syntax highlighter can use different colors for embeding parenthese
    • Highlight all the occurrences of the seleted word
  • Improved Search and UI:
    • Support for regular expressions
    • Display search history using tree structure in the search panel
  • Improved Debugger:
    • Add the debug toolbar
    • Correctly update watch infos
    • the gdb console is redesigned and like the real gdb command line
    • Show/hide the commands send to the gdb process.
    • Add the local panel
    • Add the call stack panel
    • Add the breakpoints panel, and can set the breakpoint conditions
  • Refactor functions:
    • Rename Symbol
    • Extract Macro
  • Improved Class Browser
    • Sort by type or sort alphabetically
    • Show/hide inherited members
    • The load speed is greatly optimized for files having symbols > 1000. (The loading time for GL/glew.h reduced from > 20sec to < 0.5sec)
  • Auto link function: When compiling, devcpp can auto add link parameters to gcc based on the included header files in the source code.
  • redirect STDIN to a data file while running or debuging ( to easy debug / need a patched gdb )
  • Mingw-w64 GCC 10.2(And Mingw.org GCC 9.2 is also provided , for windows XP compatibility.)
  • Windows XP/Window 7/Windows 10 Compatible
  • Support Windows 7/Windows 10 High DPI (needs configuration)
  • And lots of bug fixes changes, see News.txt

From: https://blog.csdn.net/2301_81185531/article/details/142187014


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