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RNA seq 流程

时间:2022-11-05 09:23:24浏览次数:73  
标签:mm9 seq -- RNA 测序 CRR355849 rnaSeqExercise 流程


Wu et al. 2022

DEGs While Inhibiting m6A


  • Fig. 5f: Volcano Plot A large number of genes were differentially expressed, between the DMSO and STM2457 treatment groups at the 4C and morula stages, but the gene expression of 2C embryos was almost unaffected
  • Extended Data Fig. 8g: Principal component analysis (PCA) for embryos with DMSO and STM2457 treatment
  • Supplementary Table 6

1 下载原始测序数据

1.1 下载数据

wget -r -c ftp://download.big.ac.cn/gsa/CRA003985/CRR355849/

1.2 检查数据的完整性

2 质量控制

2.1 质量控制

multiqc fastQC/ --outdir multiqc

2.2 接头修剪

trim_galore --cores 8 --output_dir ~/rnaSeqExercise/trimmed --basename basename --paired fq1 fq2
  • --paired 参数代表双端测序
  • --output 参数指明输出目录
  • --cores 参数指明使用服务器内核数
  • --basename 参数重命名输出文件
# 测试输入
trim_galore --cores 8 --output_dir ~/rnaSeqExercise/trimmed \
--paired rawData/CRR355849/CRR355849_f1.fastq.gz rawData/CRR355849/CRR355849_r2.fastq.gz

2.3 接头修剪后的质量控制

fastqc ~/rnaSeqExercise/trimmed/*.fq.gz -t 8 -o ~/rnaSeqExercise/trimmedFastQC
multiqc ~/rnaSeqExercise/trimmedFastQC --outdir ~/rnaSeqExercise/trimmedMultiqc/

在 multiQC 结果的 Adapter Content 一项中,trim 后显示:

前后两次 fastQC 最显著的差异就在 Adapter Content 这一项中(左为前,右为后)

3 比对到参考基因组

3.1 参考基因组建立索引

UCSC Genome Browser Downloads

MGSCv37 - mm9 - Genome - Assembly - NCBI (nih.gov)

Index of /goldenPath/mm9/bigZips (ucsc.edu)

hisat2-build -p 6 -f mm9.fa mm9

3.2 比对

hisat2 -p 15 --dta-cufflinks --no-mixed --no-discordant -x <mm9> -1 <fastq_file1> -2 <fastq_file2> | samtools view -@15 -Sb > <bam alignment file>

Hisat2的使用说明 - 简书 (jianshu.com)

3.3 对 Bam 文件进行质量控制

bamCoverage — deepTools 3.5.0 documentation

3.4 Bam 文件排序

samtools sort -@16 -o $bamSortedFile $bamFile
samtools flagstat <bamfilepath> > <flagstatfilepath>

3.5 计数

out <- featureCounts(files=idfpath, annot.ext = annopath, 
                isPairedEnd = TRUE, useMetaFeatures = TRUE,
                isGTF = TRUE, GTF.featureType = "exon", 
                GTF.attrType = "gene_id", 
                GTF.attrType.extra = c("gene_name","gene_type"), 
                allowMultiOverlap = TRUE, fracOverlap = 0.5, 
                nthreads = 15)

4 主成分分析

5 差异基因分析

5.1 火山图

5.2 热图

5.3 基因本体富集

6 双端测序和单端测序

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zihanlinsam/p/16859655.html
