2024-2025 AVDC UAS Modelling and Simulation Assignment Dr Dmitry IgnatyevCentre for Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems, SATM
This is an individual assignment comprising a report and accompanying computer (software)codes on dynamics and control, design and performance analysis of UAS. Thisassignmenthandout consists of 11 pages. Submission is on Canvas, and for the deadline refer to the
module's Canvas site as normal.The things you will (hopefully) gain are as follows:
- Evaluate and implement an example UAV model in terms of their aerodynamic, control,mass and inertia characteristics. Appraise and critically compare the resultant motion.
- Distinguish the requirements for model testing, verification and validation, anddemonstrate their application to an UAV model.
- Communicate and present results of individual work.
In this assignment you are asked to develop and analyse a high-fidelity nonlinear model of aflying wing UAV; example of the UAV is given in Fig. 1 for the illustrationpurposes. Thesmall fixed-wing UAV has two control surfaces, elevons, and they operate both asailerons andelevators, and it has a brushless pushing DC electric motor to produce thrust.The simulation model should contain the equations of motions, the aerodynamics model,thepropulsion model, the actuator model, environment model and control. All parameters requiredbuild this model are provided in the Appendix.Fig. 1. Example of flying wingUAV11ttps://flightory.com/2022/12/03/stingray-new-fpv-flyingwing-design/2The assignment comprises three sections, namely, modelling, trimming/linearization/stabilityanalysis and control. Details for the assignment are given in the following paragraphs.The work must be presented as follows:
A pdf document (assignment report), which provides the answers with supportingplots/figures to each of the questions of the following paragraphs.A folder containing all MATLAB/Simulink codes used to answer the questions.The evaluation criteria for the final assignment are the followingQuality of the results (25%)
- Quantity of the results (25%)
- MATLAB/Simulink code quality and clarity (25%)
- Assignment report quality (25%)Part 1 - Modelling (40%)
he first task of the assignment is to build the simulation model of the UAV system usingMATLAB/Simulink. The system considered in this assignment will include:
- The equations of motion (6-DOF equation, navigation equation, kinematic equation).
- The model of aerodynamic loads.
- The propulsion model, incl. motor model.
- The environment model (wind model and atmosphere model).
- The actuator models.
Question 1: Model Conceptualization (2%) Develop a schematic diagram of the system (conceptual model) and explain the interactionsbetween the sub-systems.
- 1) No MATLAB/ Simulink code needed.
- 2) The schematic diagram means a high-level block diagram representing relationship betweenthe substantial subsystems described above.
Question 2: Flight Dynamics (3%)
Most aerospace systems use the same equations代写AVDC UAS Modelling and Simulation of motions including 6-DOF equation, thekinematic equation, and the navigation equation. It means that you can utilize the same modelstructure discussed during the module. Before development the simulation model, please,xplain the equation of motion in details.
Hint: No MATLAB code needed.
Question 3: Modelling (10%)
Mathematical models of sub-systems, such as the aerodynamics model, the actuator model, thepropulsion model and control for the UAV are provided in the Appendix. Using the equationsof motion and provided mathematical models, please, develop the simulation model of theUAV using MATLAB/Simulink and explain it.
- 1) You may include all parameters needed to build this model in a separated MATLAB filenamed “UAV_data.m” similar to the MBD Exercises.
- 2) While building the model, you can utilize “Aerospace Blockset” from the Simulink Library.
- 3) When you compute arctangent function, please use the function named “atan2” instead of
Question 4: Model Verification (25%)
After building the model, please verify the simulation model using the model verificationtechniques, which were introduced within the module.
Hint: Verification techniques are the following: tracing, comparing outputs of simulation modelsand outputs of mathematical models, checking the simulation model using prior knowledge.In particular, a simulation model using prior knowledge should be checked asfollows:Check whether control inputs produce the desired motionCheck the longitudinal and lateral modes.5
Part 2 - Trimming/Linearization/Stability Analysis (50%) The second task of the assignment is to find trim solutions at given operating conditions andthen get linearized models at the trim conditions found. Additionally, it is required to assessthe stability of the system.
Question 1: Process of Trimming and Linearization (5%) Explain the process of trimming and linearization, incl. trimming constraints; discuss why weneed these additional constraints:
- What is linearization from the mathematical point of view?
- Why do we need Trimming and Linearization?
- What is the trim point from the point of view of the governing equation?
- Why do we need to apply constraints?
No MATLAB/Simulink code needed.
Question 2: Finding Trim Solutions and Trim Analysis (20%) Build the simulation model for trimming and the simulation model for checking the obtainetrim solutions.
a) Find a trim solution at the operating condition airspeed
标签:control,trim,UAS,Modelling,UAV,motion,AVDC,model,simulation From: https://www.cnblogs.com/CSE2425/p/18598928