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ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer SystemsP

时间:2024-12-11 19:10:39浏览次数:3  
标签:code SystemsP will game Computer Microprocessors board your

ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer SystemsProject2024-2025 Term 1ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer Systems – Mini Project

  1. ObjectivesIn this mini project, we will spend the 3-week session on the following: To design and build up a 2-player bouncing ball game based on the knowledge learned throughECE3810 Lab 1-5. To propose and improve the game based on your design.Basics

n this lab, you are required to include all you have learned through Lab 1-5, including GPIO USART LCD External interrupt TimerWe have provided _Sample.hex,Font.H (including 12×6, 16×8 and 24×12 sized fonts), and part ofEIE3810_TFTLCD.c (includingfunctions to drawa circle, and to display 24×12 sized fonts). You

can download _Sample.hex into the project board. This is a bouncing ball game for two players.

Here below is the simple manual to play it.1ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer Systems – Mini Project2.1 Connect the project board (USART1) to the computer through a USB cable. We also recommend

powering the board with an external power supply. Connect JOYPAD to the board through COM3 of

the project board. After that, power on the project board. Download the “_Sample.hex” provided in

Blackboard into the board. Then power off the board, and power it on again by pressing the blue button

at the right upper corner of the board. This will allow for a more stable system startup, compared withpressing the red RESET button.Power supplyPower On/OffUSART1Fig.2 Hardware settings2.2 There will be a brief introduction text shown on the LCD (Fig. 3 and then changed to Fig. 4). PlayerA press Key_Up and Key1 to select the difficulty levels (i.e., easy or hard), then press Key0 to confirm.ayer B can also press UP and DOWN button in the JOYPAD to select the difficulty levels, then pressSELECT to confirm. In the LCD, there will be one line of text, indicating to receive a random directionrom USART (Fig. 4).Fig. 3 First page2ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer Systems – Mini ProjectFig. 4 Second pageFig. 5 Third page2.3 Run Python code ECE3080_PC.exe (provided in Blackboard). In the GUI (Fig. 6), i (fortesting _Sample.hex only), choose the correct COM port based on yourcomputer setting, and click “Connect”.Fig. 6 Input student ID and press “Connect”Then, the COM port will be connected to the board (Fig. 7). Press “Random Seedto generate arandom number from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} by Python, and then transmit it through USART tothe microprocessor. You can use this random number to specify 8random directions when starting theball. The sample code “_Sample.hex” provides some references. You can always specify the randomdirections by yourself.3ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer Systems – Mini Project4Fig. 7 The GUI connected to the boardEach frame of USART communication has 8 data bits (for the digits from 0 to 7) and 1 stop bit, withno parity bit. However, the baud rate is chosen according to the student D input to the GUI based onome computation. You are required to use your own student ID for your own code. We do not giveyou the mapping of the baud rate to your student ID directly and would like you to get the baud rate yourself. (Hint: use the oscilloscope to observe, and then set that to the baud rate in your coding.)

When the random number is received, it will be shown on LCD.2.4 A 3-second countdown will then appear on the LCD, and Player A will automatically kick off theball in thespecified random direction.2.5 Player A will use Key2 and Key0 to change the position of the pad to bounce back the ball, whilePlayer B will use LEFT and RIGHT in the JOYPAD. When there is a bounce, i.e., the ball collidesonto the two vertical boundaries or one of the two player’s pads, it will change directions based onsome rules, and the buzzer will make a sound. A simple rule is代写ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer SystemsP  a reflection like a light.2.6 The elapsed time and the number of bounces will be shown on the LCD.2.7 Ifeither Player A or B fails to bounce back the ball, he/she loses. Some text will be shown on LCD.After several seconds, it will go back to Step Player A can press Key1 to pause the game, a second press will continue the game. For Player Bto pause/continue thegame, press START.

  1. Experiment3.1 Experiment 1: Realize the bouncing ball game

Write your own code to realize the game in 2.2-2.8. (Remember to use your own student ID aEIE3080_ PC.exe)

[Demonstration] When you have completed each step (2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8), demonstrate tohe instructor or TA that your program works.

In Report] Use an evidential way to show in your report that you have completed this experiment.[Source code] Provide the source code with adequate comments.ECE3080 Microprocessors and Computer Systems – Mini Project

3.2 Experiment 2: Improve the bouncing ball game

Use your creativity to make the game more challenging. Try your best to complete Experiment 2 witha 1-minute video explaining (verbally) and demonstrating yourimprovement. The video should beuploaded to Blackboard before the end of the last lab session.

[Presentation] We will not have questions in this lab report. The 20 points in question (of the report)will be substituted by Experiment 2 based on the criteria below.- 5 points will be obtained for those who have improved the game and uploaded the video before theend of the lab session.- An extra 5-15 points are given to the selected students whose improvement and video presentationare outstanding.

[In Report] Elaborate your proposed improvement, how you realize it, and then present the result thatyou have achieved.

[Source code] Provide the source code with adequate comments.

  1. Lab Report and Source CodeSubmit the report softcopy and your code (complete project folder of each experiment) in zip formatto Blackboard by the deadline below:

 L01: 15:00, Monday, December 16, 2024

 L02: 15:30, Wednesday, December 18, 2024Each day of late submission will result in 10% deduction in the report and source code raw marks.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/CSE2425/p/18598946


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